
Treasurer/ Treasurer Elect
 Attend the Executive Council summer planning meeting
 Print the previous year’s overall budget including both income and
expenses and distribute to each officer and advisor for book
 Copy and place reimbursement forms in filing cabinet in club room
 Register club’s MSU account (Get Club Account Registration and
Signature Card from Office of Student Life – Student Services Bldg.)
 Collect dues from members (Treasurer-elect)
 Send dues and member list to National Block & Bridle (Treasurer-elect)
 Continue to collect dues if not all have been in
 Make sure Autumnfest chair has petty cash if selling merchandise (usually
 Send National Convention registration forms and fees in (at least 2 ½
months before trip)
 Collect National Convention participants money for hotel, registration,
travel, etc. (usually 1 month at least before trip)
 Collect any fundraising money from Beef Expo and put into individual
National Convention Accounts
 Help collect Little International entry fee money and deposit it (Treasurerelect)
 Pay Little International bills and reimbursements (Treasurer-elect)
 If the club decides to sell merchandise at Little International get them petty
cash. (Treasurer-elect)
 Start working with Recognition Banquet chairs with bills and RSVP’s
 Begin a system with one Beef Expo chair to coordinate how the transfer of
money between the two will occur. Stick to that system to eliminate the
number of people who handle money.
 Continue to collect money for Recognition Banquet and pay bills
 Start to collect money for Beef Expo entry forms
 Order checks for Beef Expo if needed
 Collect and deposit any Ham Sale money that has not been paid
 Pay rest of Recognition Banquet bills and deposit ticket, auction, donation,
etc. money
 Show up early for Recognition Banquet to collect money for unpaid tickets
 Clerk the auction at Recognition Banquet writing down who bought each
item and for how much
 Right after the banquet, collect money from auction (Both)
 Collect Beef Expo entries from chair and deposit them
 Send out invoices to the people who didn’t pay at Recognition Banquet
 Work Beef Expo writing checks to Champions and judges/photographer
 After Beef Expo, get together with chairs and write premium checks (Both
if possible)
 Provide petty cash to Beef Expo chairs for Saturday night check-in
 Help with Judging Contest and bills
 Will need at least 200 checks for Beef Expo for premiums
Go to MSUFCU and change over names on account
Communicate with Lamb Show chairs about financials and cash for Lamb
show premiums
 Deposit Lamb Show entry fees
 Help with the Lamb Show writing checks the day of (Treasurer and/or
Treasurer-elect has to be there!)
 Set up one-year savings bonds for Lamb show winners at MSUFCU
Every meeting
 Print and present treasurer reports for executive and general meetings
 Note recent income and expenses
 Note future income and expenses
 After each event, let club know the net profit or loss and if there is a loss
the main reasoning behind it
As needed:
 Reimburse members only if they turn in a form and receipt
 Copy checks before taking them to bank
 Enter all financial information into Quicken
 Reconcile monthly statements from MSUFCU and MSU account
DO NOT let checks sit around for more than 1 week…they will get lost
Pay bills as soon as possible, make copy of check with invoice
It is extremely important to stay on top of things or it will be easy to get
behind and/or lose information/money