Port Royal Science Expo

Featured Teachers: Zonique Swainson writing with Takisha Smith, Shayla Morton
and Chernika Woodley - Port Royal Primary School’s History Expo
Your school size:
Port Royal Primary School has 109
students. We are a single steam
school but we do have two
Primary 4 classes this year.
What was the activity and how did you
get the idea?
The principal, Mrs Holly
Richardson, asked me in my role
as Social Studies/Science
Coordinator, to submit our school
into a history competition
oversees. Over the summer, I
researched the idea and modified it
to best fit our curriculum objectives. Monthly meetings were held with committee
members Takisha Smith, Shayla Morton and Chernika Woodley.
What subjects and objectives were integrated for the project?
 Language: written reports, poetry and songs.
 Social Studies- all entries focused on notable Bermudians within our community
past to present.
 Arts- Artwork, 3-D models and Drama.
 IT- PowerPoint presentations, DVD’s, voice recordings and slideshow pictures.
What did you have to do at the planning stage?
 Planning required ensuring parents had adequate time to plan and organize their
child’s entry. We sent home notes that outlined the different entries that each
student could hand in with the deadlines and expectations. Closer to the History
Expo opening, entry forms were sent home in “official” envelopes that the
students returned the next day and placed in my “ Social Studies Mailbox.” This
really set the tone for the Grand Opening as students started buzzing about their
projects and how excited they were about the Expo.
 The fair ran from February 28th - March 2nd. Each morning began with student
presentations that were based on entry type. All information technology and
drama entries were showcased in front of the entire school. The other entries were
presented within class. Port Royal invited notable Bermudians to attend each
morning as our guests. Our special guests list included, Dame Jennifer Smith,
Jeff Sousa, Nadine Browne-Evans, Kavin Smith, Marlene Minks and Clyde Best.
What was the most challenging aspect during the project?
The most challenging aspect of the Expo was designing the rubrics required for
grading of the projects. Two rubrics were created - one for oral presentation and
the other for entry appearance, creativity etc.
How did the students benefit?
 Students did interviews and researched heavily for the Expo. They conducted
interviews and practiced monologues and skits. Proud to be Bermudian was our
theme song and the students were heard walking through the halls singing “Hail
to Bermuda”.
How long did the project take?
 Planning began in September when we arrived after summer break and the Expo
ran from February 28th - March 2nd.
What will you remember to do differently next time?
 Next time we will require a bibliography for reports and research.
What would you recommend to teachers who want to try this project?
 Plan early, be organized, and have a strong committee that is willing to take on