Te Pouhere Kōrero, Māori historians’ association, will be holding a symposium at the National Library, jointly hosted by the Alexander Turnbull Library and Manatū Taonga – Ministry for Culture and Heritage. NATIONAL LIBRARY WELLINGTON, THURSDAY 3 JULY, 8.30am – 5.30pm. This is a call for papers for He Rau Tumu Kōrero, the Māori Historians’ Symposium 2014. The focus of the symposium is to showcase the work of Māori involved in researching and writing in Māori historical studies. The theme is The Future of Māori History Participants are invited to consider what the future holds in terms of content, focus, methodologies, technology in Māori historical work, research and studies. Particular areas that might be considered are public history, war history and Treaty history. CALL FOR PAPERS * Ngā Tohunga | Papers The organisers of He Rau Tumu Kōrero 2014 now invite papers on any topics in the Māori past that address the theme the Future of Māori History. Please e-mail your proposal of no more than 300 words to Basil Keane or Paul Diamond by Monday 2 June 2014. CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS * Ngā Mahi Rangahau | Research Showcase We are also calling for ten-minute presentations that showcase historical research projects that fit the theme. Tell us about your current research and take advantage of the feedback that the symposium can provide. Please register your interest in the showcase by e-mailing Basil Keane or Paul Diamond by Monday 2 June 2014. Provide a title, your name, iwi, organisation and full contact details. We will be in touch with further details and guidance, including a presentation template. REGISTRATION is now open. Registration is $50 for salary and wage earners; $10 for students and unwaged. Please e-mail Basil Keane or Paul Diamond for details. The symposium will be followed by a business meeting of Te Pouhere Kōrero on the morning of Friday 4 July 2014. ORGANISER CONTACT DETAILS: Basil Keane e-mail: basil.keane@mch.govt.nz; Paul Diamond e-mail Paul.Diamond@dia.govt.nz