Workshop Activity 15: GEPRISP Bus Stop Activity Materials and preparation: Questions on A4 sheets (see below worksheets), glue, A4 envelopes, paper clips. Glue each sheet onto a separate A4 envelope. Paper-clip blank pages onto the outside of each envelope for recording responses and place at tables around the room. Instructions: 1. Divide teachers into seven groups (one group for each bus stop). 2. Groups will need between five and eight minutes at each stop. Groups move from one bus stop to the next (clockwise or anticlockwise) at your direction. 3. At each stop, groups respond to the question or instruction and record their responses on the sheets provided. At the end of each stop, the recording sheet is put in the envelope and the question left in preparation for the next group. 4. At the final stop, instead of responding to the question or instruction, each group is asked to summarise the responses from previous groups. Plan for groups to share these summaries with the wider group or post them on the wall for sharing. Workshop Activity 15: GEPRISP Bus Stop G Identify your role/s in the school e.g. DP, classroom teacher, etc. Choose any one role. What evidence will you gather to show that you are raising Māori student achievement? How will you gather and use this evidence to support the goal of raising Māori student achievement? E How might the educational experiences of Māori students in our school continue to inform the ongoing implementation of Te Kotahitanga at a school wide level? P How will we recognise deficit theorising when we hear it in our school? How will we respond, individually and collectively, to prevent deficit theorising continuing in our school? R Participation in Te Kotahitanga will influence the relationships and interactions we have with other teachers and with Māori students in our school. Consider one positive and one negative possible outcome of these changes. Consider and record possible responses either to your issue or to an issue already in your envelope. I Discuss what you intend to focus on first in your efforts to implement the Effective Teacher Profile in your classroom practice? What evidence are you using, or will you use, to make this decision? What will be your first steps? S If your department is going to adequately resource more discursive practice in classrooms what changes might need to take place? Why is this necessary? What steps will you take to ensure these changes take place? P List the things you, individually and collectively, need to do to implement the Effective Teaching Profile in your classroom and in any other area of responsibility (e.g. Dean, DP, HOF) in the school This week? This month? This term?