The Molecular Genetic Toolbox

The Molecular Genetic Toolbox
Using the following websites and work sheets you are to compile a
resource file on the different techniques used to manipulate DNA.
You should write a summary about what the purpose of the
techniques are and the main steps involved, some will have specific
questions to guide you.
Restriction enzymes
Complete the worksheet 12.1 and then prepare a short summary report of the activity.
This means briefly outline what restriction enzymes are, how they are named, how
they work and differences between different enzymes.
Now go to this website and watch the animation. Add to your notes if needed.
What is the purpose of restriction enzymes normally in nature?
Why are they important in genetic engineering?
Gel electrophoresis
What is the purpose of the technique?
How do the properties of the gel assist in the above question?
Write a detailed account of the steps involved (particularly steps 3, 4 and 5)
Why is a buffer solution of salt water used in the gel?
Why do the strands of DNA separate?
Use the website
and complete worksheet 29.
Then watch the polymerase chain reaction animation on the DNAi DVD. Answer the
following questions to summarise your findings.
What are some of the ways PCR can be used?
What are the three main steps in each PCR cycle?
What determines which part of a DNA molecule is copied during PCR?
What is the role of Taq polymerase?
How many copies can be produced from a single starting molecule of DNA after 30
PCR cycles?
Recombinant DNA
Using this animation, draw an annotated flow diagram of the events that take place.
You can also watch the recombinant DNA section on the DNAi DVD.
DNA sequencing
Read through the handout on DNA sequencing and then watch this animation.
Write a short summary of this process.
There are also many more clips and information on the DNAi website.
DNAi clips can be seen by visiting the site