pET28a – DDX3 c-terminal HIStag # 14 Name: Bernardo Rodamiláns Date: 18.03.03 Gene/Protein DDX3 (2007bp) Comments The protein has a 6HIStag at the cterminal. The insert has been cut with BspHI and BamHI. The vector has been cut with NcoI and BamHI. BspHI and NcoI produce compatible cohesive ends generating recleavable ligation products. However, once insert and vector are ligated, both sites disappear. To check if ligation worked well, NcoI and BamHI can be used. Since there is an NcoI site in the DDX3 gene, two fragments will be generated, one with 6685bp, and the other one 595bp long. Organism Human Plasmid PET28a (KanR) Restriction sites BspHI, BamHI, NcoI Concentration 257.7 ng/uL Bacteria - Expression BL21 Bacteria - Molecular biology XL1Blue Map BamHI 7079 NcoI 6484 PET28aDDX3cterHIS 7280bp