1 Supporting Experimental Procedures 2 Methods S1: hiTAIL PCR to Determine Location of Transgene Insertion Site 3 High-efficiency thermal asymmetric interlaced (hiTAIL) PCR (Liu and Chen, 2007) was 4 utilized to determine the T-DNA flanking sequences for each Sbmyb60 overexpression line to 5 identify the point of insertion into the genome. DNA was extracted from one plant from each 6 transgenic line using a cetyl-trimethyl-ammonium bromide-based DNA extraction buffer 7 (Rogers and Bendich, 1985). A series of nested left (LB) and right (RB) border primers were 8 designed using Primer3 Plus (version 2.3.6) (Untergasser et al., 2012), which included RB0: 5′- 9 GGCACTGGCCGTCGTTTTACA-3′, RB1: 5′-GGAAAACCCTGGCGTTACCCAAC-3′, and 10 RB2: 5′-GCAGCCTGAATGGCGAATGC-3′ or LB0: 5′-AGTCCCTATAGATCCCCCGA-3′, 11 LB1: 5′-AAAAACGTCCGCAATGTGTTA-3, and LB2 5′AGCGTCAATTTGTTTACACCAC- 12 3′. The pre-amplification, primary TAIL, and secondary TAIL reactions and thermal cycling 13 parameters were carried out as described previously (Liu and Chen, 2007) in a Biometra thermal 14 cycler (Göttingen, Germany) using ExTaq PCR master mix (Takara, Mountain View, CA). 15 Secondary TAIL products were sequenced using the M13F and M13R primers (Operon, 16 Huntsville, AL). The consensus sequence generated from each line was aligned to the Sorghum 17 bicolor v2.1 genome using BLAT (version 35) (Kent, 2002). 18 Methods S2: Construction of SbMyb60 T-DNA 19 SbMyb60 was amplified with the gene specific primers SbMyb60F 5'- 20 GAGTAATCAGAGCCACGAAC-3' and SbMyb60R 5'- CCTAGACATACGAACTTGCC-3' 21 from genomic DNA collected from Tx623 sorghum plants. The PCR product was re-amplified 22 with the following primers: SbMyb60NcoI-F 5'- 23 GAGCCATGGGGCGAGGGCGAGCGCCGTG-'3 and SbMyb60XbaI-R 5'- 1 24 TTAGAGCTCAGCCTTCGATCTCAACGGGACG-3', to introduce restriction sites and cloned 25 into the NcoI and SacI restriction sites of the pCR™-Blunt vector using the Zero Blunt Cloning 26 Kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). The fidelity of the insert was confirmed through DNA 27 sequencing using the M13F and M13R primers. The insert containing SbMyb60 was extracted 28 from pCR™-Blunt as a NcoI/SacI fragment, and then ligated into NcoI/SacI sites of the pRTL2 29 vector using T4 ligase. The recombinant pRTL2 vector was digested with HindIII to extract a 30 fragment containing the SbMyb60 sequence under the control of cauliflower mosaic virus (CMV) 31 E35S promoter. The HindIII fragment was cloned directionally into pZP211 (Hajdukiewicz et 32 al., 1994). 2 33 3