OUR LADY & ST. OSWALD'S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL ‘With Christ at our centre, we can live, love and learn together to be the best we can.’ Upper Brook Street OSWESTRY Shropshire SY11 2TG Admin@osoprimary.co.uk Head: Mrs C Priest-Jones Fax: 01691 681055 Telephone: 01691 652849 Friday 17th October 2014 Dear Parents and Carers, Parents Evenings and Questionnaires Next Monday and Tuesday we are holding Parents Evenings. If you are unable to attend either day, please arrange another time with your child’s teacher that is convenient to you both. Mrs Lee and Mr Collins from the Governing body will be on hand with tea and coffee on both days. This visit will be the start of our termly ‘Governors drop-ins’. In January, an Ofsted Parent Questionnaire was send home for completion. These questionnaires will be available for you to complete either before or after the Parents meetings. Envelopes will be provided and will need to be addressed F.A.O The Governing Body. The Governors and I will be collating all the views of parents for a report to Governors, Staff and Parents. Please can all questionnaires be returned to school by Friday 7th November. Harvest/Foodbank A big thank you to those of you who have been able to contribute to our Harvest in support of the local Foodbank. If you still haven’t donated, please can any tins be brought to school by Thursday 23 rd. You are all very welcome to join us for our Harvest Mass which will take place over in Church on Friday at 9.30 a.m. PD Day Just a reminder that the schools PD day is the 3rd November 2014 and we are open on 24th October. Roof Over the half term holiday, part of the schools roof is going to be fixed. The contractors are hoping to complete it within the week, however if there is a lot of rain they may have to carry on into the first week back. If this is the case, there will be scaffolding in front of the school building (by the main entrance), so just for people to take care around it. Thank you. Yours truly Mrs C Priest-Jones Head