Autumn 2014 Newsletter The new session is now well under way and as usual lots of exciting experiences and activities have been taking place throughout the nursery. The first term seemed to fly past! Our new Ladybirds have settled well and our new Squirrels made a very smooth transition from the Ladybird room. We also welcomed several new children to the Squirrel room for this session. All of the children have enjoyed finding their way around their new rooms, getting to know the staff and making new friends. Staff We are delighted that Mrs Livingston has remained with us at Strathallan for this session. She will be working in the Squirrel room on Wednesday afternoons and all day on Thursdays and Fridays while Mrs Jenks will be working the first half of the week. Mrs Dinning and Mrs Gorman complete the Squirrel room team for this session. Miss Reekie has joined Mrs Finlay in the Ladybird room in the mornings for this session. We are happy to welcome Miss Lisa Thompson as a PSA in the Squirrel room each afternoon and also Miss Elizabeth Soutar, a student from Fife College. Miss Soutar will be in nursery from Monday to Wednesday each week, working with the Ladybirds in the mornings and the Squirrels in the afternoons this term. Dance The children are currently enjoying fortnightly dance sessions with Zoe Lynch, a local dance teacher who is also a parent at Strathallan Primary. We are grateful to Zoe for sharing her enthusiasm and expertise with us and enhancing our nursery health and wellbeing curriculum. Zoo Lab We enjoyed a visit from Zoo Lab in September. The children were fascinated by the creatures they met and many took the opportunity to touch and handle some of them, learning how to be gentle and care for living things. Nursery Garden The Squirrel children were excited to be able to harvest some of the produce that they planted in the garden last session. The runner beans were a great success! They were ordered by size and estimates of the number of beans in each pod were made, before being opened, cooked and eaten for snack! Yum! The good weather has meant that there have been many opportunities for outdoor play and the children have loved being energetic outside. Parent Chats We are offering parent chats between Wednesday 12th November and Friday 21st November. The timetable for each room can be found on the noticeboard outside your child’s room. You are invited to select a suitable appointment to meet with your child’s key worker to discuss his/her progress. Please speak to your child’s key worker if work commitments prevent you from attending the offered appointments. We will always do our best to arrange a suitable alternative. Soft Start Our Soft Start sessions last term were on 22nd September and 9th October and as usual were well attended. Our new nursery times posed a slight challenge, as the morning children now arrive in nursery in a steady flow between 8.30am and 9am. We decided to offer Soft Start from 9.00am on the first session so that we could register all of the children before inviting family members to join us. Some parents felt this was a long time to wait if their child arrived in nursery at 8.30am so we have decided to offer a morning Soft Start time from 8.45am until 9.15am this term. Please let us know if this works better and if you have any suggestions which may help further, please let us know. We always value your ideas and feedback. If you are a parent who is not yet familiar with Soft Start, it is an opportunity for you to come into nursery to spend some time with your child, perhaps sharing a game or activity or allowing your child to show you display areas and their favourite activities. You are welcome to stay for the full session or just for a few minutes if that suits you better. Please remember to sign in/out on the fire registers provided. We also appreciate your comments. The children love hearing what you think of their rooms. Please note that we are unable to accommodate school age brothers and sisters at Soft Start sessions in nursery. Dates planned for term 2 are – 11th November and 25th November. We look forward to welcoming you between 8.45am and 9.15am or 12.40pm and 1.10pm. The Seashore The Squirrel children have been very busy learning about the Seashore. They have all now had the opportunity to visit Pettycur Bay, Kinghorn. Each group thoroughly enjoyed their outing and each had a slightly different experience depending on the tide and other visitors to the beach. I’m sure they have shared some of their experiences with you! Many thanks to all the adult helpers who came along and helped with supervision and transport. We were delighted to welcome Danny’s dad, Alex Hernandez, who brought in the mobile “rock pool” from Deep Sea World and some of his diving equipment to share with us in nursery. The children were very knowledgeable about what belongs and doesn’t belong in a rock pool and recognised the dangers of litter to the creatures that live in one. All About Me Our Ladybirds have been learning “All About Me” as they settled in to nursery. They have been learning how to look after themselves and recognising that they are all unique individuals. Maths Week The Ladybirds spent the week taking part in a variety of maths activities related to the story of the Three Little Pigs. One of the highlights was working together to make houses from different materials. Straw may not have been the strongest material, but it was certainly the messiest! The Squirrels maths week experiences were based around the seashore. They looked at patterns found at the sea shore, examined the types of shells they found and did lots of counting and sorting activities. Child-Smile Jill Cook is our new Child-Smile dental health support worker. Jill visited in September and spoke to the children about cleaning their teeth. She will be visiting regularly to observe the children cleaning their teeth and to monitor our Child-Smile programme. Music We look forward to music lessons with Mrs Carolyn Pollard, our specialist music teacher, this term. Mrs Pollard will be supporting us with the music and songs for our nursery nativity play. We look forward to sharing our nativity play with you in December. Clothes and shoes Please remember to name all shoes, gym shoes, coats and any clothes that are likely to be removed if it gets too warm in nursery. This makes it much easier to reunite children with mislaid belongings! We encourage the children to be as independent as possible when changing shoes, coats etc in nursery, so we would ask that they wear items with fastenings that they can manage independently or with just a little support from an adult. Car Parking In the interests of the health and safety of all Strathallan children, please park considerately around the school. Unless you are a blue badge holder, parents are not allowed to park within the school grounds. The only exception to this is if the school contacts you to come and collect a sick child. Further Dates for your diary Nursery In Service Day – Friday 14th November 2014 Scottish Day – Friday 28th November Christmas Fayre – Monday 1st December, 3.30pm to 6pm Nursery Nativity – Thursday 11th December - am and pm (times to follow) Nursery Christmas Parties – Friday 12th December – am and pm End of session – Friday 19th December (school closes at lunchtime) Thank you for your continued support, Sandra Gibson Teacher