
April 18, 2013: Village Board Meeting
Minutes of Regular Meeting Sodus Point Village Board
Mayor Tertinek called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Mayor Tertinek, Trustee Lilla, Trustee Kallusch, Police Officer Knutowicz, and CEO Hendrikse,
Trustee Quinn, Superintendent Hopkins
Absent: Deputy Mayor Kennedy, Attorney Williams
MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2013
regular meeting.
Motion carried all voting aye.
Reports were given as follows:
Trustee Quinn – Wastewater and Fire
MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to approve the Fire Department to purchase
from Har-Rob Fire 10 air bottles estimated at $6,640.00 and also an air compressor from Masny Heating Corp.
estimated at $1,311.00
Motion carried all voting aye.
Trustee Kallusch– Buildings and Highway
Trustee Lilla – Community Center and Ambulance
CEO Hendrikse- Building report
Police Officer Knutowicz- Police report
Public Comments:
John and Joseph Capezzuto discussed their intentions for the property 8141 Lake Rd. Mr. John Capezzuto told
the board members and residence that their intentions were simple. He has no current development plans and he
doesn’t care for trees. The trails are for 4wheelers and golf carts and neighbors walking their dogs. He plans on
some day retiring to Sodus Point. The Village Trustees asked a few questions such as
Is the property up for sale? Capezzuto answered “We are unsure”
What percentage of the work is completed? Capezzuto responded about 95%.
Was there a project/construction in the works? Capezzuto answered No
Are there any violations with the DEC currently? They are working with Todd Smith from DEC on a few
things. The DEC has no other issues other than them working within the 25ft of the water edge.
Several concerned residents then spoke in response to the clearing at 8141 Lake Rd.
Lyle Maldoon from Route 14 wondered if the DEC has actually been down to the property to see physically the
work that has been done? Yes Todd Smith, DEC
Mr. Maldoon was interested in purchasing this property a few years back and had to submit a site plan before
any other steps could be made. He wonders why the difference this time. Trustee Lilla believes the difference
was the intention of building. Which the Capezzuto brothers do not have intention at this time?
Penny Shockley from N. Fitzhugh was concerned with the fact that her family owned this property and was told
that it would remain “forever wild”. She is now concerned about the run off and erosion that made be caused
by the destruction and demolition of the trees. She also believes that a site plan is very important. Later Ms.
Shockley also reminded the Village Board from her previous experience as Trustee that the Village doesn’t
want to be responsible for the home owner’s mistake.
Maxine Appleby questions the “true” intentions of the Capezzuto brothers.
Nancy Urrutia from 7961 Lake Rd was disappointed that there was no preserving of the land. She thought a
sign with an explanation would be helpful. For example: “Future site of …”
Jack Steinkamp from Lake Rd. believes that as soon as a driveway goes in it becomes a project. Mr. Steinkamp
is also concerned with the clearing and cutting and what affects it will have on the drainage. He believes that the
owners are not consistent with the Zoning Laws or any of the regulations.
Doug Crane spoke in favor of the Capezzuto brothers construction. He feels they are nice giving gentlemen.
Dan Robertson, new owner on Featherly Drive felt that whether or not it’s a “project” the erosion problem is
real and drainage is an issue.
Old Business:
Mayor Tertinek read the Letter of Support from the Village of Sodus Point to Dr. Bunting-Howarth, NY Sea Grant, Cornell
University encouraging the approval of the proposal for funding. The Village Board all agreed and approved of such
MOTION by Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trustee Quinn to adopt the amended
2013-3A Resolution
WHEREAS, NY Sea Grant is willing to submit a 2013 NOAA Sea Grant Community Climate Adaptation Initiative grant
application requesting funding to modify the Village of Sodus Point’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP); and
WHEREAS, Cornell University, Wayne County Planning and other agencies are willing to provide in-kind
services in support of this initiative; and
WHEREAS, the Village will also provide in-kind services through participation of appropriate Board members
as well as interested citizens and business owners; and
WHEREAS, in-kind services will enable the Village of Sodus Point to participate without utilizing any local tax
dollars; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Village of Sodus Point authorizes participation as a partner with NY Sea Grant in a 2013
NOAA Sea Grant Community Climate Adaptation Initiative grant application; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Village of Sodus Point is willing to submit a 2013 CFA grant proposal, which will be
prepared on behalf of the Village by the Wayne County Planning Department, to the New York State LWRP
program; and be it further
RESOLVED, that if funded, the LWRP grant will be used to match the NOAA grant if the latter is awarded to
NY Sea Grant.
Resolution adopted all voting aye.
MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to reimburse the amount of $1,300.00 to
Stephen Principio previously paid by Gerber Homes for the sewer connection fee in the amount of $1,500
minus the re-connect fee of $200 for the new home at 8522 Greig St. The water connection fee remains at the
Motion carried all voting aye.
New Business:
The following resolution was offered by Trustee Kallusch, seconded by Trustee Quinn adopting a budget for the
fiscal year commencing June 1, 2013 and ending May 31, 2014, making appropriation for the conduct of
Village of Sodus Point Government and establishing the rates of compensation of officer and employees for
such period presented
WHEREAS, this board has met April 18, 2013, at 6:45 PM in the Village Hall, 8356 Bay Street, Sodus
Point, NY the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and
heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the preliminary budget as amended and revised and as hereinafter set forth is hereby
adopted and that the several amounts stated in the column titled "Adopted in Schedule A1, Schedule F1
and Schedule G1 be and they hereby are appropriated for the objects and purposes specified and the
salaries and wages of such budget shall be and are hereby fixed at the amounts shown therein effective
June 1, 2013
Resolution adopted with all voting aye.
The Code Enforcement Officer has issued a stop work order at 8141 Lake Rd. to give the Village Board a
chance to assign a local agency for the LWRP Consistency review of this property.
MOTION by Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trustee Quinn to appoint the Sodus Point Planning Board.
Motion carried all voting aye.
The Sodus Point Planning Board will now work with the owners to decide the best plan of action going forward
to stay consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan which was adopted by the Village of Sodus
Point in June 2006.
The Village Board reviewed the Skate Park rules and came up with some changes. The new rules will be as
Hours: 8 am to 9 pm daily
Skate at your own Risk
 Helmets required to be worn
 Only authorized equipment allowed in park
 Use equipment as intended
 Keep your park clean – Use trash receptacle
 Supervision required for children under 10
 Food and drink restricted from park
 No glass containers allowed
 Use of alcohol and tobacco prohibited
 Abusive, threatening or obscene language prohibited
 Only skateboards, in-line skates, BMX bikes, non-motorized scooters allowed in park
Violators of above rules can be restricted from skate-park and may result in temporary closing of the
This is your park and is your responsibility to keep it clean and safe
MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to approve the updated rules for the Skate Park
and order a new sign.
Motion carried all voting aye.
The Bike US for MS group is traveling to Sodus Point again this year and asked permission to camp overnight
on June 7th, 2013 at the Village Park by the Lighthouse.
MOTION by Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to give permission for the overnight stay to the
Bike US for MS group.
Motion carried all voting aye.
Mayor Tertinek informed the board that there is discrepancy with our snow plowing. He feels that there should
be a uniformed policy with set rules. The Mayor asked that the board start thinking about it to discuss at the
May board meeting.
The Community Center was approached by Matt Rinker who is interested in one of the defunct basketball
backboards. Ruth Carter, Director said that all the basketball rims, boards and poles were donated over the
years. She was fine with giving the board to Matt as long as he took the entire unit.
MOTION by Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trusee Quinn to surplus the basketball units with a zero value and
to give one of them to Matt Rinker.
Motion carried all voting aye.
Maxine Appleby also put in a bid for the surplus shredder in the amount of $10.00. This item has already been
surplus and is several years old.
MOTION by Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to accept the bid of $10.00 from Maxine Appleby
for the “as is” shredder.
Motion carried all voting aye.
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Lilla to approve payment of claims 4-1 through 4-46
for a total of $96,663.45; General/Highway $26,074.84; Water $63,326.72; Wastewater $7,261.89;
Motion carried, all voting aye.
Other Business:
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Lilla to adjourn the regular Board meeting at 8:38PM.
Motion carried, all voting aye.
Next scheduled regular board meeting, Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM.
Tracy B Durham