
August 21, 2014: Village Board Meeting
Minutes of Regular Meeting Sodus Point Village Board
Mayor Tertinek called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Mayor Tertinek, Trustee Lilla, CEO Hendrikse, Officer Knutowicz, Attorney Williams and Trustee
Absent: Trustee Kennedy, Superintendent Hopkins
Trustee Kallusch on an ambulance call and arrived at 8:55pm
MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Lilla to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2014 regular
Motion carried all voting aye.
Reports were given as follows:
Mayor Tertinek – Water, Superintendent & Highway Dept.
Deputy Mayor Kennedy – na
Trustee Quinn- Wastewater
Trustee Kallusch- na
Trustee Lilla- Community Center and Ambulance
Superintendent Hopkins- na
CEO Hendrikse – Building Inspector report
Officer Knutowicz – Police report
Public Comments:
Doreen Levin came in to ask the board to reconsider their decision regarding her water bill.
It was denied on the basis that the Village cannot be liable for water usage caused by vandalism. Ms. Levin was
aware that the Village had a policy in place for Extreme water usage. She asked to be considered under this
MOTION by Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trustee Quinn to amend the decision made at the July 17th 2014
meeting giving the Water Bill Relief in Extreme Circumstances adjustment.
Motion carried all voting aye.
Maxine Appleby So. Ontario St. commented that there are storm water issues around the Village that should be
addressed but one caused by an individual should be taken care of by that individual not the tax payers. She
believes that Mr. Hollingsworth should be made to follow through on his word and take care of the issues the
buildings have caused with drainage. Mayor Tertinek is confident that the drainage issue does not affect the
Village hall. Ms. Appleby stated that she has video and pictures proving otherwise.
Ms. Appleby asked that CEO Hendrikse write Mr. Hollingsworth up for his violation. Attorney Williams and
CEO Hendrikse weren’t sure there was any violation. Trustee Quinn asked that CEO Hendrikse look and make
sure there are no code violations.
Mike Novik recommended that the Highway Dept. collect brush every other week during the summer months to
keep the village clear of brush and debris.
Mayor Tertinek stated that the Village would look into this process.
Several residents stood up to go on record stating in general they believe that the tax payers should not be
responsible for correcting the drainage issues along Bay St and So. Ontario caused by large storage buildings.
The residents feel that the property owner should take full responsibility in correcting the issue and that the
Village Board should hold the property owner liable.
Included were Maxine Appleby, Robert Darby, Mike Novik, Michael Shults and Thomas Lightfoot.
Scott Briggs wanted to address the board with his experiences at the skate park. He feels the skate park is a
liability for the Village. There are no rules being followed or enforced. Mr. Briggs is concerned for the safety
of the children. His residence is also located about 80 to 100 feet of the park and had to call the nonemergency
police number 3 nights in a row after being woken up in the early morning hours by kids at the park. Mr.
Briggs asked the board to please consider making some changes.
Mayor Tertinek thanked Mr. Briggs for his input and told him that this topic would be discussed later in the
Laurie Hayden of 6th Street, Jean Hallagan of 2nd Street and Marilynn Bernie of 2nd Street all requested that the
Village place signs on the numbered streets to stop parking on the west side of the road and to discourage
vehicles from attempting to drive out onto the beach. Jean Hallagan believes that there should be more signage
for the rental properties so they are aware of the rules of the village.
Mayor Tertinek advised them that this would be discussed later in the meeting.
Old Business:
A. Doreen Levin regarding water usage. This item was discussed during public comments.
B. Ted Baumhauer asked the board to reconsider their decision regarding his water bill. It was denied due
to the fact that the resident stated in his letter that they were aware of the leak and did not address it.
Mr. Baumhauer stood before the board and said that wasn’t what he meant. He found what he thought
was a leak and called a contractor in to check it out and at the time they could not see anything other
than renters not using a bath mat. Mr. Baumhauer believed at that time there was no leak until he
received a call from Mark Jones that he had a large amount of water usage for the quarter.
After a long discussion regarding the difference/definition between a one unit vs. two unit.
Attorney Williams suggested that the Village Board make a motion to give Mr. Baumhauer the Water
Bill Relief in Extreme Circumstances allowance just as they did for Ms. Levin.
MOTION by Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trustee Quinn to amend the decision made at the July 17th
2014 meeting giving the Water Bill Relief in Extreme Circumstances adjustment.
Motion carried all voting aye.
C. The Planning Board made some recommendations for the Code book regarding setbacks and the flood
zone. The Village Board decided it is necessary to have a workshop to discuss items such as this one to
be able to move forward with making the changes. The date will be determined at a later time and
D. Mayor Tertinek after investigating and meeting with a few different people to discuss the history of the
drainage issues behind the Katlynn Harbor storage buildings believes that the Village of Sodus Point
followed the correct process. Therefore, the Village Board has decided not to take on the project using
tax payer’s money.
Attorney Williams advised the Village not to use tax payer dollars using a Comptroller case decision as
an example of what is an acceptable reason. If the drainage issue was to better the Village property then
it would be different but it is only to benefit a few private homeowners. Therefore, the Village Board
will not go any further with the drainage issue. Mayor Tertinek advised the private owners to take the
matter into their own hands.
New Business:
A. Dennis Lewis was asked by Trustee Kallusch to come to the meeting. Mr. Lewis was asked by Trustee
Kallusch to provide the board with a quote regarding a camera system for the Village. Mr. Lewis
suggested that the board meet to discuss what they are looking to get out of the surveillance system.
This will become another topic for the workshop discussions.
Mr. DeWolf spoke up and asked if the residents would have a say in whether or not they feel it is
necessary to have the system installed in the Village of Sodus Point?
Mayor Tertinek said yes.
B. Trustee Quinn expressed his concern about the skate park and how every year for a couple of months
there are issues that go along with keeping it open. Trustee Lilla did find out that Sodus Point is eligible
to have a park monitor for next year. The Trustees agreed that is another topic that should be discussed
in a workshop.
C. MOTION Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trustee Quinn to approve the replacement of 265ft., 4” steel
pipe along Lake St. with the work being performed by Village crew it will cost approximately $4500 for
materials. Motion carried, all voting aye.
D. Highway Foreman Perce provided the board with a couple quotes for replacement mowers. Paige
Equipment and Lakeland Equipment quoted about the same for the mowers. The only difference being
Lakeland Equipment will take the current mowers on trade in.
MOTION by Trustee Lilla and seconded by Trustee Quinn to approve the quote for John Deere Z920M
commercial ZTRAK for a total price with trade in of $11,110.42.
Motion carried all voting aye.
E. Mayor Tertinek asked Mike Perce, Highway Dept. to order new signs to replace the old faded or missing
“NO PARKING” signs.
F. After much discussion on what kind of enforcement the Village of Sodus Point has on vehicles driving
on the beach. The Board decided to order signs to be placed at the end of each numbered street to try to
discourage this kind of behavior in the future. Mayor Tertinek believes it a good place to start and that
modifications may be necessary in the future.
G. Mayor Tertinek updated the board with the new offer from Verizon. The company would like to have a
100ft by 100ft. area dedicated to place a prefab 12x30 ft. building with a 30 ft. right of way. The
amount Verizon offered at this point was $800 per month. Trustee Lilla felt that was on the low side
considering the specs that are required. At this time Verizon is looking to do a few soil samples. The
board agreed that would be fine at this point but no other agreement was approved or accepted.
H. All property maintenance questions were taken care of prior to the meeting.
I. Melvin and Cleva Crandell wrote to the Board regarding the siding on the East end of their house
located at 7420 Route 14 that was damaged by lawn mowing. He submitted an estimate to repair the
damage. The Board decided that the Village would request one more estimate before making the
decision. If the Village does end up paying for the damage we would pay the vendor directly. Mayor
Tertinek will write a letter to the Crandells asking for the additional quote.
MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Lilla to approve payment of claims 8-1 through 8-61 for
a total of $102,108.32; General/Highway $79,692.86; Water $4,456.70; Wastewater $17,958.76;
Motion carried, all voting aye.
Other Business:
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Lilla to adjourn the regular Board meeting at 9:00PM.
Motion carried, all voting aye.
Next scheduled regular Board meeting, Thursday, September 18th, 2014 at 7:00 PM.
Tracy Durham Clerk-Treasurer