CH07 Reading

Chapter 7 Reading Skills
1. This document contains an alphabetized list of words that are misused frequently in business
communications. To help you understand how to use these words, the list provides a definition of
each word and an example of its usage. Read the words and their definitions.
2. Select ten words from the list that are new to you or that you may be likely to use incorrectly. For
each word, write a sentence that correctly uses the word.
3. Add at least two new words or terms to this list. Look up the words in a dictionary to be sure you
have the correct definitions. Include a sentence that correctly uses each word.
Continue to add new words or terms to this list as you encounter them in your reading.
a lot noun. many (Note that a lot consists of two words.)
She owns a lot of books.
accept verb. to agree to; to receive
He will accept your recommendation.
addition noun. increase; enlargement; part or thing added
With the addition of the family room, the house is more comfortable.
The new addition to the hospital provides more office space for the medical staff.
advice noun. counsel, guidance, or recommendation
The college counselor’s advice helped the student.
advise verb. to give advice; to inform
The attorney will advise you to write a will.
affect verb. to influence
His new contract will affect his annual income.
all ready adjective. completely prepared
The auditors are all ready to discuss their findings.
all together adjective. in a group; in unison
Chapter 7 Reading Skills
Let us sing all together so that our voices ring out.
allot verb. to give or share in arbitrary amounts; to apportion
They will allot each speaker only five minutes.
allude verb. to refer to something not specifically mentioned
Did the article allude to her disinterest in the new product without actually stating it?
already adverb. by or before a specified or implied time
He already called the bank officer.
altogether adverb. completely or thoroughly
Raising the budget is altogether unwise in today’s economy.
ascent noun. the act of climbing or rising
The ascent to the top of the mountain was difficult.
assent verb. to agree or to accept a proposal or an opinion
We assent to your idea.
assure verb. to make sure
We assure you that you can count on our support.
capital noun. money invested
How much capital was invested in the business?
capitol noun. a government building
She took her class to the capitol in Harrisburg.
choose verb. to select based on judgment
They will choose Ted because of his skill and knowledge.
chose verb. past tense of choose
Art chose Gloria to be on his team.
Chapter 7 Reading Skills
cite verb. to acknowledge; to quote as a reference
You were asked to cite directly from your resource book.
complement noun. anything that completes a whole; verb. to complete or make perfect
(noun.) A complement of certified public accountants would enhance your staff.
(verb.) Her new hat will complement the outfit.
compliment noun. recognition; praise; flattery; verb. to praise
(noun.) The supervisor’s compliment pleased the clerks.
(verb.) He will compliment his employees when they work overtime.
consul noun. an official appointed by the government to live in a foreign city to attend to the interests of
the official’s country
The consul from France helped the French tourists who had lost their passports.
continual adjective. taking place in close succession; frequently repeated
The continual interruptions annoyed the music listeners.
continuous adjective. without break or let up
The waterfall’s continuous flow of water captivated the onlookers.
cooperation noun. assistance; help
The cooperation of the parties is necessary in this situation.
corporation noun. type of business organization
A corporation is owned by its stockholders.
council noun. group of people called together to provide counsel
The vote of the council was divided.
counsel noun. advice; verb. to provide advice
(noun.) We must obtain legal counsel before we make a decision.
Chapter 7 Reading Skills
(verb.) Who is going to counsel them on the matter?
decent adjective. correct; proper
We will accept any decent offer for the property.
descent noun. going from a high level to a lower level
The descent of the asset’s value is quite remarkable.
desert verb. to abandon; noun. a barren geographical area
(verb.) Do not desert a cause that needs your support.
(noun.) He drove through the desert in the early morning hours.
dessert noun. a course at the end of a meal
Chocolate ice cream is her favorite dessert.
disburse verb. to make payments; to allot
We will disburse the money after the project is completed.
disperse verb. to distribute
Did they disperse the pamphlets at the conference?
dissent noun. disagreement
The situation caused dissent between the parent and the teenager.
edition noun. an issue of a book or newspaper
The author is working on the second edition of his book.
effect noun. the result or outcome; verb. to bring about
(noun.) All the employees felt the effect of the redistribution.
(verb.) The new leadership will effect massive changes.
elude verb. to escape notice or detection
By changing the subject, he was able to elude criticism.
Chapter 7 Reading Skills
ensure verb. to make sure; to guarantee
Bail is set to ensure the appearance of defendants in court.
envelop verb. to surround; to cover completely
The fog will envelop the area at daybreak.
envelope noun. containers for letters, reports, and so forth
Send the memorandum in an interoffice envelope.
except preposition. with the exclusion of; other than
All staff members attended except Timothy.
farther adjective. more distant
Her home is farther from the school than Art’s home.
forth adverb. forward; onward
From that day forth, he arrived at the airport one hour before departure time.
fourth adjective. any one of four equal parts; the item following the first three in a series
Larry is the fourth person to ask the same question.
further adverb. to a greater degree or extent
No further suggestions will be accepted.
hear verb. perceive by the ear
Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you.
here adverb. in or at this place
Are all the speakers here?
hoard verb. to collect and keep
Aunt Rose will hoard all scarce items.
horde noun. a huge crowd
Chapter 7 Reading Skills
A horde of people blocked the street to prevent entrance.
insure verb. to secure from harm; to guarantee life or property
The company will not insure people who are poor risks.
its pronoun. possessive pronoun form of it
When did you see its paw prints?
it’s contraction for it is
It’s supposed to rain the day of our annual picnic.
lay verb. to place; to put (transitive verb—requires an object)
Lay the dictionary on my desk.
lie verb. to recline; to remain (intransitive verb—no object required)
Glenn will lie down on the sofa.
loose adjective. not restrained; not fastened
The dogs are loose again despite all our efforts.
lose verb. to fail to win; to be deprived of
I play the lottery but always lose.
medal noun. a badge of honor
Faye deserves a medal for her kindness to others.
meddle verb. to interfere
Do not meddle with your children’s business.
metal noun. an element, such as iron, copper, or silver
Copper is a metal that is a good conductor of electricity.
passed verb. past tense of pass; success in satisfying a test or requirement; to move across or through
Gabriella passed the final examination with a high grade.
Chapter 7 Reading Skills
John passed the ball to Ellen.
past adjective. finished; gone by
The past season was good for the local retailers.
personal adjective. private; not public or general
Are you interested in my personal opinion on this subject?
personnel noun. the staff of an organization
A change in personnel is due the first of next month.
principal noun. an amount of money borrowed in a loan; the head official in a court proceeding or
school; adjective. most important or influential
(noun.) The principal of the mortgage is about to be paid off. Ms. Landis is the new principal at the
high school.
( adjective.) What is the principal textbook used in biology?
principle noun. a basic belief or truth
Follow this principle to solve your first problem.
quiet adjective. still; calm
A librarian prefers quiet rooms to accommodate the readers.
quit verb. to stop; to discontinue
John will quit his job when he returns to college.
quite adverb. very or fairly; positively
Miranda is quite ill and will not be able to attend.
sight noun. the ability to see; vision
Joe’s sight has improved with the treatment.
site noun. a place; a plot of land
Chapter 7 Reading Skills
On what site are you planning to build?
stationary adjective. fixed; unmovable
That huge piece of equipment is stationary.
stationery noun. paper used for letters and envelopes
The company is having new stationery printed.
taught verb. past tense of teach
Len’s father taught in the public schools in her city.
taut adjective. tight
Make sure that the ropes are taut in order to hold the items.
than conjunction. in comparison with; preposition. except; besides
(conjunction.) Sean is older than Maria.
(preposition.) It was none other than Elmer who wallpapered the house.
their pronoun. plural possessive form of they
Their reports are on the receptionist’s desk.
then adverb. at that time
We will be ready then to discuss another investment.
there adverb. in or at that place
Cornelius hesitates to go there to have his car repaired.
they’re contraction for they are
They’re interested in traveling to Spain this summer.
to preposition. in the direction of
Go to the corner of South and Prescott Avenues.
too adverb. also; excessively
Chapter 7 Reading Skills
Too many opinions are being offered.
two adjective. the number 2
Two girls are being added to the team.
weather noun. atmospheric condition at a certain time and place
Presently, the weather is very nice; however, tomorrow it may to rain.
whether conjunction. if it be the case; in either case
Whether Toni comes by air or car, she will arrive on time.
your pronoun. possessive form of you (may be singular or plural)
(singular) Your report card arrived in the mail.
(plural) Let me help you with your roles before the auditions begin.
you’re contraction for you are
You’re very well qualified for the job.
Chapter 7 Reading Skills