Tolono Public Library District Regular Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes September 7, 2010 President Joshua Mikeworth called the meeting of the Tolono Library District Board of Trustees to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Library meeting room. Present were Tracy Culkin, Pat Coombs, Katrina Olson, Elizabeth Vavrik, Linda Fisher and Paula Baker. Staff present was Janet Cler, Dianne Bland and Tricia Althaus. A public hearing was held for the Truth-In-Taxation & Tax Levy. There was no public comment. The Tax Levy Ordinance number 2010-0907 was reviewed. Other Agenda Items: Under Unfinished Business added item C Per Capita discussion. Minutes: The minutes of the August 3, 2010 Board of Trustees meeting were reviewed. Elizabeth Vavrik moved to approve the minutes with the following corrections: Under Unfinished Business Landscape & Maintenance take the word yearly in regards to Greg Smith’s time donation of his services. He is donating his time to remove the dead tree, trim bushes and clean up the area in from of the library. Pat Coombs seconded. Roll Call Vote taken as follows: Paula Baker yes Pat Coombs yes Tracy Culkin yes Linda Fisher yes Katrina Olson yes Elizabeth Vavrik yes Joshua Mikeworth yes Motion passed 7 - 0 Treasurer’s Report: Paula Baker moved to approve checks as written. Tracy Culkin seconded. Roll Call Vote taken as follows: Paula Baker yes Pat Coombs yes Tracy Culkin yes Linda Fisher yes Katrina Olson yes Elizabeth Vavrik yes Joshua Mikeworth yes Motion passed 7 - 0 Katrina Olson motioned to authorize Elizabeth Vavrik to shop for rates and invest the funds as she sees fit for the First Bank of Savoy CD#6-4002337-4 when it comes due on September 20, 2010. Tracy Culkin seconded. Roll Call Vote taken as follows: Paula Baker yes Pat Coombs yes Tracy Culkin yes Linda Fisher yes Katrina Olson yes Elizabeth Vavrik yes Joshua Mikeworth yes Motion passed 7 - 0 Library Director’s Report: Library Director’s report was reviewed. Unfinished Business: The Long Range Planning committee report was given by Katrina Olson. The drop box for Savoy will be put curbside. Katrina Olson also spoke about possible other long range goals that were being considered. Landscape and Maintenance: Greg Smith of Arborsmith is continuing his work on the landscape in front of the building. Janet Cler has finished the Per Capita Grant and shared the information with the board. She will get it sent in. New Business: There was discussion what the Champaign Public Library board has announced that starting November 1, 2010 Tolono and Mahomet library patrons will be charged a $200.00 yearly fee to continue to use the Champaign Public Library. Tracy Culkin motioned to adopt tax levy ordinance #2010-0907. Linda Fisher seconded. Roll Call Vote taken as follows: Paula Baker yes Pat Coombs yes Tracy Culkin yes Linda Fisher yes Katrina Olson yes Elizabeth Vavrik yes Joshua Mikeworth yes Motion passed 7 – 0 Next Board Meeting October 5, 2010 Meeting adjourned 8:40pm Respectfully Submitted, Tracy Culkin, Secretary