Tracy High School 315 East Eleventh Street Tracy, CA 95376 Freshman Agricultural Scientific Academy Summer Reading Ag/Science Advanced English and Ag/Science Social Studies, 2015 Dear Tracy High School Agricultural Scientific Academy freshman: Congratulations on being accepted into the Agricultural Scientific Academy at Tracy High School. The following is a list of required assignments this summer for your Ag/Science Advanced English 1 and Geography classes: 1. Read House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros and complete the autobiographical assignment that is outlined on the attached assignment instructions (back side of this page). 2. Mr. Woodward’s assignement You may purchase the book new at most bookstores, or search at or another online outlet for either a new or used copy. If you plan to purchase them online, order early because it may take a week or two before they arrive. You may be tested on the summer reading material during the first week of school, and it will make up a significant portion of your first quarter grade. If you have any questions, email Mr.Henderson at We are looking forward to meeting all of you this fall. Have a great summer, and happy reading! Sincerely, Gary Henderson Tracy High School Ag/Science Advanced English 1 Michael Woodward Tracy High School Ag/Science Geography Ag Science Ag/Science Advanced English 1 Mr. Henderson House on Mango Street reading/writing project How does this assignment work? You will be reading the book and modeling your own pieces of writing after her style for each topic. Read up to the pages listed. Write about yourself and events in your life by imitating the author’s style and theme for each piece. Each entry should be at least 200 words in length but no longer than 500 words in length. Use real details and events from your own life. Use detail, Detail, DETAIL!!!! You need to put together a final book that resembles a mini-autobiography. You must have a cover, table of contents, the entries/chapters, and illustrations/pictures. Episode topics: - after page 5: - after page 7: - after page 11: - after page 16: “House on ________ Street” (Name of your street) A family trait Your name Choose one: “Strange” person or favorite toy - after page 30: - after page 45: - after page 55: - after page 64: - after page 75: - after page 78: - after page 93: - after page 100: Choose one: Favorite store, childhood game, car accident, or wild kids Strange food Choose one: Family party, dressing up, jump rope rhyme Choose one: Childhood dreams, superstitions Compare yourself to an animal or object Describe a time when you felt left out Choose one: Favorite fairy tale, argument with a friend, strict parents Choose one: Hiding place as a child, telling lies