Agro Tech 2008

Confederation of Indian Industry
Conference on Renewable Energy
Managing Sustainable Future for North
Tuesday, 4 October 2011 : Chandigarh
1000 – 1045 hrs
Special Plenary
1000 – 1010 hrs
Welcome & Theme Address
Mr Zubin Irani
Chairman, Regional Committee on
Power & Water, CII NR &
Senior Managing Director
United Technologies Group
1010 – 1020 hrs
Mr Vijai Vardhan
Financial Commissioner &
Principal Secretary
Department of Renewable Energy
Government of Haryana &
Haryana Renewable Energy
Development Agency (HAREDA)
Release of CII – EY report on “Renewable Energy :
The next green revolution in North India”
1020 – 1040 hrs
Special Address
Mr Suresh P Prabhu
Centre for Energy, Environment &
1040 – 1045 hrs
Concluding Remarks
Mr Vikram Hans
Chairman, CII Chandigarh Council &
Managing Director
Multi Overseas (P) Ltd
1045 – 1100 hrs
Tea/Coffee Break
1100 – 1215 hrs
Session I: Renewable Energy for Sustaining Economic Growth
Session Brief: The everlasting debate of Economic Growth vs Environment puts a nation under
unprecedented pressure in framing the policies for its sustenance. Energy consumption which has
direct correlation vis-à-vis growth plays a vital role for economic development. With India on trajectory
of growth curve energy sector is one of the key focus areas of Indian government. Growing fears over
anthropogenic climate change and India’s huge renewable energy potential has resolved Indian
government to focus on renewable energy resources to meet its vast energy demand. With India
targeting the growth of renewable energy, the need arises for introspection of impact of energy
generation mix on economic growth when share of renewable energy is enhanced. This probably
could pave way to answer unending rhetoric of Economic Growth vs Environment.
Opening Remarks by
the Session Chairman
Mr Balour Singh
Punjab Energy Development Agency
Commercialization of Solar Energy
in Industrial Areas
Dr Hermann Herz
Deputy Director – IGEN RE
GIZ India
Sustainable Bio Energy Projects
with linkage to Agriculture
Mr P Sekhar
Envitec Biogas India (P) Ltd &
MPPL Renewable Energy (P) Ltd
1155 – 1210 hrs
Question/Answer Session
1210 – 1215 hrs
Summing up by the Session Chairman
1215 – 1330 hrs
Session II: Mainstreaming Renewable Energy
Session Brief: Market based approach is followed for cost effectiveness and success of clean
development mechanism proves the same. Success of markets enhances investments. Renewable
energy has emerged as one of the key point of attraction in the recovering global economy. India has
attracted its own share of investments with an active participation from private players, but a more
holistic approach is necessary to justify the renewable potential of India. This session will aim at
analyzing existing finance mechanisms, market dynamics and economic considerations that can be
made to boast project investments in Renewable Energy.
Opening Remarks by
the Session Chairman
Mr Zubin Irani
Chairman, Regional Committee on
Power & Water, CII NR &
Senior Managing Director
United Technologies Group
Innovative Financing for
Sustained Growth
Mr Rajiv Mishra
Managing Director
CLP Power India (P) Ltd
Carbon Financing
Mr Indra Guha
Associate Director
Ernst & Young
Renewable Energy Certificates:
Impact, opportunity and challenges
Mr Bikram Singh
AVP – Business Development
Indian Energy Exchange
1310 – 1325 hrs
Question/Answer Session
1325 – 1330 hrs
Summing up by the Session Chairman
1330 – 1415 hrs
1415 – 1515 hrs
Session III: New Renewable Energy & other complimentary technologies
thereby enhancing energy efficiency and conservation : Harnessing
potential in North India
Session Brief: North India is endowed with whole gamut of opportunities in renewable energy. It
presents vast unexplored opportunities such as solar and geothermal in addition to more established
technologies such as wind, biomass and hydro. As the sector matures, our focus should expand
towards exploring new renewable avenues. Also energy conserved is better than energy generated as
it is rightly said that negawatt is much preferred than megawatt. De-centralized generation of
renewable energy can lead to energy efficiency and conservation. It requires a greater synergy
between all stakeholders including government, industries and research institutes to identify and
exploit unexplored opportunities in renewable energy in India. This session aims at discussing new
renewable technologies and harnessing potential in North India and identifying ways for promoting in
house research and development in the sphere of renewable energy.
Opening Remarks by the
Session Chairman & presentation on
“Using Renewable Energy for
providing power to off-grid
Mr Amresh Deshpande
Associate General Manager –
Energy Efficiency Team
Schneider Electric India
Speakers :
Exploiting Geothermal Potential
in North India
Mr Amitabh Agrawal
Mohan Energy Corporation (P) Ltd
Smart Power Generation
supporting Renewable Energy
Ms Archana Bhatnagar
General Manager – Development &
Financial Services
Wartsila India Ltd
Mr R Ravi Chander
Senior Counsellor (Renewable
CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green
Business Centre
1455 – 1510 hrs
Question/Answer Session
1510 – 1515 hrs
Summing up by the Session Chairman
1515 – 1530 hrs
Tea/Coffee Break
1530 – 1630 hrs
Panel Discussion: How Renewable Energy and management of natural
resources like water can act as an enabler to curb the impact of climate
change : Global Practices
Session Brief: The Climate Change now is a very well acknowledged phenomenon; however the
quantum has been a point of debate since past few months. It is therefore important to understand the
science behind it. Considering the severity of the possible disastrous effects of the climate change,
the mechanisms to combat it are to be developed. Some of them are already in place however the
effectiveness of them is to be analyzed. Globally, renewable energy sector is about energy
substitution from fossil fuel based energy to clean energy (driven largely by policy) but in the case of
India, it is as much about energy substitution as it is about energy access, given that over 80,000
villages don’t even have access to electricity. The session could also talk about the natural resources
like water and renewable & alternate sources as the major interventions to tackle climate change.
Opening remarks by the
Mr Suresh P Prabhu
Centre for Energy, Environment &
H.E. Mr Gudmundur Eiriksson
Ambassador of Iceland to India
Embassy of Iceland
Mr Arup Ghosh
Chief Technical Officer
North Delhi Power Ltd (NDPL)
Mr Rajiv Mishra
Managing Director
CLP Power India (P) Ltd
Mr Ashwagosha Ganju
Snow and Avalanche Study
1610 – 1625 hrs
Question/Answer Session
1625 – 1630 hrs
Summing up by the Moderator
1630 – 1645 hrs
Conference Sum-up
1645 hrs
Conference Concludes
Mr Indra Guha
Associate Director
Ernst & Young