U - John C Lahr


Lahr, John C.




NAME: John C. Lahr


DATE PREPARED: January 22, 2002 (References updated 9/24/2003)


DUTY STATION: Golden, Colorado


REGION: Central


CLASSIFICATION: Research Geophysicist, GS1313, GS14






RETIRED, August, 2003



School Major, minor Dates attended Degree, year

Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.

Columbia University

Columbia University

Physics, Math l962 to l966

Seismology l966 to l97l

Seismology l97l to l975

B.S. l966

M.S. l970

Ph.D. l975




1996 - Physics at the Exploratorium, 3-week course, San Francisco State

University, California.

1997 - Pre-College Education Workshop for Scientists and Engineers, 4-day workshop, Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado.

1997 - Theme-based Science at the Exploratorium, 2-week course, San

Francisco State University, California.

1998 - Pre/In-Service Earth Science Training, 1-week course, Adams State

College, Alamosa, Colorado.


1975 - How to Effectively Confront the Poor Performer

1976 - Team Building for Supervisors

1993 - Sexual harassment Awareness Training

1997 - How to Conduct Meetings that Work, 4-hr course

1998 - Diversity Training

2002 – Contracting Officer’s Representative Mentor Program


1978 - First Aid to the Injured

1978 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

1985, 1986 - Wilderness First Aid

1988, 1993 - Helicopter Safety and Crash Survival

1985 - Safe Use and Handling of Explosives

2001 – Defensive Driving


1978 - Introduction to Statistics and the Minitab Program, Module I and II


Lahr, John C. 2

1995 - Attended IRIS Short Course on Moment Tensor Inversion Using Broadband Data

2002 and 2003 – Information Security Awareness Course


1979 - Technical Writing for Engineers, Scientists, and Technicians





From: November, 1997 To: Present

Project: Earthquake Information

Project Chief: Stu Sipkin

Originate and coordinate the development and implementation of new techniques and algorithms for the routine analysis of seismic data. Develop, implement, and maintain a new analysis software package that brings together many recent advances in seismology, such as the use of new, more accurate

Earth models and automatic identification and inclusion of secondary seismic phases.

Originate and coordinate the development of modern outreach products for the

National Earthquake Information Center, including procedures for the timely and informative release of information following significant earthquakes and development of graphic materials to accompany this information.

Develop new hands-on educational displays and exhibits appropriate for outreach to schools and the general public. Make these new materials available to the widest possible audience via publication on the World Wide


Act as Federal Emergency Management Agency liaison for earthquakes located in the Eastern or central Region of the U.S. b.


From: May, 1993 To: November, 1997

Project Chief, Alaska Seismic Studies Project. Stationed in Fairbanks,

Alaska. Serve as senior USGS seismologist in Alaska. Represent the interests of the USGS Seismology and Volcano Hazards Programs to the University of

Alaska Geophysical Institute (UAGI).

From: October, 1988 To: April, 1993

Project Chief, Alaska Seismic Studies Project. Stationed in Menlo Park,

California. Manage 75-station seismograph network in southern Alaska,

Lahr, John C. 3 providing scientific direction leading toward an improved understanding of the regional seismotectonic framework.

From: May, 1978 To: September, 1988

Project Chief, Alaska Seismic Studies Project. Stationed in Menlo Park,

California. Supervise two Geophysicists, an Electronics Engineer, and a staff of five lower-graded employees in the operation, maintenance, data analysis, and research of the southern Alaska seismic network.




The computer program HYPOELLIPSE, which is used to determine the magnitude and location of local and regional earthquakes, has been modified substantially since it's last publication in 1989 (Pub. 87). The program is used by a number of U.S. networks, including the Alaska Volcano Observatory, and the Center for Earthquake Research and Information at the University of

Memphis, and has been provided to researchers in more than 34 foreign countries. Important changes include revised travel-time calculations that properly take into account situations in which earthquakes occur at elevations above the recording stations (this is common in volcanic seismic investigations) and year-2000 compliance. The manual has been completely revised and converted to a format that will allow access via the World Wide

Web (Pub. 115).

Two publications (Pubs. 113 and 114) have been completed with the aim of providing teachers and students with additional, hands-on, materials that will aid in understanding Earth Science. Both are available on the World Wide

Web so that they can be easily and inexpensively obtained nationwide. These publications benefited from a combination of a thorough understanding of geophysics combined with a knowledge of K-12 education issues gained through recent workshop and museum experience.

I am the editor of Chapter 87 of the IASPEI Handbook of Earthquake and

Engineering Seismology, Global Inventory of Seismographic Networks (Pub

121). This effort turned out to take much more of my time than was originally anticipated, but it has resulted in the most complete summary of seismic networks ever compiled. The summary includes important basic data such as the duration of recording, the region monitored, the equipment used and the seismologists and organizations involved. This information provides a valuable starting point for future seismo-tectonic or hazard studies.

The NEIC long-period alarm acts as a fail-safe system to alert duty personnel of the arrival of 20-second-period surface waves. In order to be independent of potential telemetry and computer failures, this alarm is based on a signal

Lahr, John C. 4 from an analog long-period instrument located in the basement. The old alarm was plagued by three problems: 1) the sub-basement often flooded, damaging the instrument, 2) the alarm had to be manually reset, and 3) there is no documentation for the electronics. To address these issues I installed a long-period instrument in the Lower Level, out of reach of the sub-basement water, and designed and built a new long period alarm. This alarm features an automatic reset, off-the-shelf timing/relay modules, and documentation to allow future repairs or modifications.

As FEMA Liaison I have helped to establish plans for coordinating with

FEMA in the aftermath of a serious U.S. earthquake. If deemed necessary,

FEMA will establish an Earthquake Coordination Team (EQCT) to work closely with the NEIC. This team would keep FEMA abreast of seismic developments and also help us respond to public inquiries, relaying earthquake-related questions to the NEIC seismologists and emergencymanagement questions to FEMA specialists. b.


I participated in a highly effective team effort to study the 1989-1990 eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska. Results of these studies have substantially increased understanding of the significance of long-period seismic events as an indication of the state and eruptive potential of explosive andesitic volcanoes (Pubs. 99, 100, 101, and 102). I developed a new technique for assessing the spatial location-errors associated with the longperiod (LP) events which demonstrated that rather than forming a vertical pipe, the premonitory long-period swarm likely originated at a point source.

This result corroborated the hypothesis, based on the similarity of waveforms, that the LP events resulted from vibration of a single crack due to the choked flow of magmatic gases. In contrast to LP events, my work also showed that the volcano-tectonic (VT) seismicity did clearly resolve a narrow, steeply dipping, pencil-shaped conduit along which magma was transported to the surface. Through a new method of classification of events based on a combination of waveform and spectral signatures, I identified a third category of event - hybrid -, which blends the characteristics of LP, and VT events.

The hybrids were located just below the LP source and we hypothesized that they resulted from brittle failure along faults intersecting a fluid-filled LPgenerating crack. To obtain accurate locations, even within the volcanic edifice, I incorporated within the HYPOELLIPSE location program travel times that allow for the fact that many of the earthquakes occurred at elevations above the recording stations. This is a significant improvement over the use of station elevation-corrections, as is customary in other location programs such as HYPO71 and HYPOINVERSE.

I provided seismological guidance for a description and paper model of the

Loma Prieta earthquake rupture (Pub. 86). This publication was a highly

Lahr, John C. 5 effective mechanism for public education on earthquake hazards and was reprinted by many newspapers and as of 1994 more than 2,600 copies were sold through the USGS Book and Report Sales office.

I recognized the potential for seismic techniques of earthquake detection and location to be used by police in areas plagued by urban gunfire. In 1992 I established a telemetered network of microphones in Menlo Park and

Ravenswood, California, and successfully demonstrated the feasibility of using PC-based seismic monitoring for this purpose (Pubs. 106 and 112).

This has resulted in very positive media attention for the USGS seismic program.

Network data provided by the Alaska Seismic Studies project, of which I was

Project Chief from 1975 through 1997, provided a unique opportunity to investigate subduction zone processes. The first evidence for a Wadati-

Benioff zone beneath the Wrangell volcanoes was published in 1984 (Pub.

66). The stresses in the Aleutian Wadati-Benioff zone were shown to be consistent with downward pull from deeper portions of the subducted plate

(Pub. 96), while the mechanism of the two unexpected magnitude 7.6 earthquakes in the Gulf of Alaska in 1987 and 1988 were determined to be consistent with slab-pull extending into the Gulf of Alaska as well (Pub. 83).

These strike-slip earthquakes were also shown to imply that compressional stresses are radiating into the Gulf of Alaska from a coastal zone of continental collision which includes the Yakataga seismic gap (Pub. 83).

Using network data in conjunction with results from the Trans-Alaska Crustal

Transect results, it was shown that where the Aleutian and Wrangell Wadati-

Benioff zones abut, there is not offset between them (Pub. 84). The Decade of

North American Geology reviews of continental Alaskan seismicity and neotectonics (Pubs. 95 and 108) summarize many of the results of the previous two decades of monitoring as does the catalog covering October

1971 through May 1989 (Pub. 99). My role in these papers was as a collaborator, involved in most aspects of each, including the give-an-take that leads to new ideas and he development of better tools for locating, displaying, and analyzing seismic data.



As senior USGS seismologist in Alaska, I played the critical role of liaison between the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute (UAGI) and the USGS with respect to the seismology network of the Alaska Volcano Observatory and the newly-combined USGS-UAGI network of the Alaska Earthquake Information

Center. I also developed contacts with the emergency management community, such as providing scenario earthquake information to the FEMA Region 10

Alaska Regional Interagency Steering Committee and attending a Western States

Seismic Policy Council meeting.

Lahr, John C. 6

I oversaw the successful transfer of the Southern Alaska Seismic Network from internal SIR funding to the external Earthquake Hazards Program. This was a difficult transition due to the complexity and remoteness of the network and the significant differences in perspective between a federal agency and a university.

My knowledge and experience with the operating procedures, quality control, data processing, computer program development, and historic seismic data archive were essential to this transfer of responsibility.

I initiated many efforts to make the public more aware of the serious earthquake hazards present in Alaska and the role of USGS seismic research to better understand these hazards. These efforts included giving public talks in Fairbanks and Anchorage, public workshops in Fairbanks, and supervising a seismology and volcanology booth at the Alaska State Fair in Fairbanks. I participated in the national NSF-funded Princeton Earth Physics Program (PEPP) and a local NSFfunded program called Partners in Science. Both are training teachers to teach about earth science and seismology and include the establishment of operating seismograph stations at participating schools.




American Geophysical Union (l968 - present)

Seismological Society of America (l968 - present)

Mathematical Association of America (1990 - 1996)

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (1990 - 2000)

Geophysical Society of Alaska (1994 - 1997)

National Association of Geoscience Teachers (1994 - present)

National Science Teachers Association (1996 - present)

American Association of Physics Teachers (1996 - present)

Member of Working Group on Personal Computers of the International

Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI), providing editorial assistance in the publication of seismological software

(1988 - present). b.


Invited talks and workshops:

1977 - Lecture - Alaska Geological Society Symposium (Abs. 7).

1980 - Speaker - 4th Maurice Ewing Symposium on Earthquake Prediction.

1985 - Participant - National Academy of Sciences, Workshop on Regional

Seismographic Networks, Past - Present - Future, Knoxville, TN (Abs. 24).

1987 - Speaker - Geologic Hazards Symposium, Alaska Geological Society

(Abs. 28).

1988 - Seismology Seminar, Menlo Park, CA.

Lahr, John C. 7

1988 - Speaker - TACT Workshop on Southern Chugach and Prince William

Terrains, Alaska, Santa Cruz, CA.

1989 - Briefing on Loma Prieta Earthquake to Acuson Corporation employees.

1990 - Speaker - Regional Seismic Networks Review Meeting of USGS, NRC, and NSF, Reston, VA.

1993 - Participant - JUST Workshop on volcanic disaster prevention, Menlo

Park, CA.

1993, August 15 - Gave a talk describing the Alaska Earthquake Information

Center to Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt

1994 - Speaker - Summary of 1994 Northridge earthquake for the Geophysical

Institute's Seismology, Volcanology and Tectonics and Sedimentation


1994 - Speaker - Summary of 1994 Northridge earthquake for the University of

Alaska's weekly Geoscience Seminar.

1994 - Participant/poster - SUBCON Top-to-bottom subduction conference,

Santa Cruz, CA.

1994 - One-hour lecture - "Northridge, California Earthquake" for EERI

Technical Briefing, Anchorage, AK.

1994 - Speaker - "Earthquake preparedness" talk at In-Service day for the staff of

Fairbanks Library.

1994 - Lecture - "Seismic Monitoring in Alaska" talk at meeting of the

Geophysical Society of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska.

1995 - Lecture on earthquake preparedness for the Eileson Air Force Base medical personnel In-Service Training Program.

1995 - Participated in USGS Workshop on Earthquake Information Needs in

South-Central Alaska.

1996 - Participated in the Volcano Seismology Workshop at Asilomar.

1996 - Talk on "Uses of Computers in Seismology" at Fairbanks chapter of the

Data Processing Management Association.

1997 - Participated in the one-day "Earthquake Hazards Program Five-Year

Planning Workshop," Seattle, Washington.

2001 - Invited participant in the 26 th

Annual Hazards Research and Applications

Workshop, Boulder, CO.



Sbar, M.L., Rynn, J.M.W., Gumper, F.J., and Lahr, J.C., l970, An earthquake sequence and focal mechanism at Lake Hopatcong, northern New Jersey,

EOS, v. 5l, p. 352.


Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., l970, Geodetic triangulation for fault movement on the Denali and Fairweather Faults in Alaska, EOS, v. 5l, p. 427.


Lahr, J.C., Sykes, L.R., Fletcher, P.B., and Cormier, Vernon, l97l, Seismicity and recent tectonic activity in New York, EOS, v. 52, p. 277.


Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l972, Hypocentral locations in the Cook Inlet region of Alaska, EOS, v. 53, p. l042.

Lahr, John C.


Lahr, J.C., Engdahl, E.R., and Page, R.A., l974, Locations and focal mechanisms of intermediate depth earthquakes below Cook Inlet, Alaska,

EOS, v. 55, p. 349.


Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., and Kay, Laurel, l976, Eastern Gulf of Alaska

Seismicity, EOS, v. 57, p. 290.


Lahr, J.C., l977, Seismicity and earthquake potential in Alaska, Alaskan

Geological Society Symposium, Program and Abstracts, p. 56.


Stephens, Christopher, and Lahr, J.C., l977, Seismicity of Icy Bay, Alaska,

EOS, v.58, p. ll88.


Reeder, J.W., and Lahr, J.C., l977, Seismological aspects of the recent eruptions of Augustine Volcano, EOS, v. 58, p. ll88.


Lahr, J.C., Horner, R.B., Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., and Plafker,

George, l979, Aftershocks of the St. Elias, Alaska, earthquake of 28 February l979, Earthquake Notes, Eastern Section, Seismological Society of America, v. 49, no. 4, p. 69.


Hasegawa, Henry, Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., l979, Fault parameters of the St. Elias earthquake of 28 February l979, Earthquake Notes, Eastern

Section, Seismological Society of America, v. 49, no. 4, p. 69.


Stephens, C.D., Horner, R.B., Lahr, J.C., and Fogleman, J.A., l979, The St.

Elias, Alaska, earthquake of 28 February l979: Aftershocks and regional seismicity, EOS, v. 60, p. 738.


Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., l979, Seismicity before and after the St. Elias, Alaska, earthquake of 28 February l979, EOS, in American

Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Program, American Geophysical Union,

Washington, D.C., p. 49.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Fogleman, K.A., l979, Seismicity before and after the St. Elias, Alaska, earthquake of 28 February l979, presented at the

30th Annual Alaska Science Conference, September l9-2l, l979, Fairbanks,



Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., l980, Seismicity patterns prior to the 28

February l979 St. Elias, Alaska, earthquake, in The Third Maurice Ewing

Symposium on Earthquake Prediction, Program and Abstracts,

Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Palisades, New York.


Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., l982, Alaska seismic zone: possible example of non-linear magnitude distribution for faults, Earthquake Notes, Eastern

Section, Seismological Society of America, v. 53, n. l, p. 66.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l982, Recent micro-seismicity along the eastern Gulf of Alaska and its relation to the Yakataga seismic gap,

Proceedings of the 33rd Alaska Science Conference, l6-l8 September, l982,

Fairbanks, Alaska, Arctic Division, American Association for the

Advancement of Science, p. l42.


Lahr, J.C. and Stephens, C.D., l982, Seismic Activity in the vicinity of

Anchorage, Alaska, l972-l982, Proceedings of the 33rd Alaska Science

Conference, l6-l8 September, l982, Fairbanks, Alaska, Arctic Division,

American Association for the Advancement of Science, p. ll3. Also in EOS, v. 64, p. 89-90.


Lahr, John C. 9


Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l983, Evidence for a NNE-dipping Benioff zone south of the Wrangell volcanoes, southern

Alaska, EOS, v. 64, p. 263.


Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., l983, Recent seismicity in and around the Yakataga seismic gap, southern Alaska, EOS, v. 64, p. 768.


Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., and Page, R.A., 1984, Resolution of seismic source zones in the Anchorage area, Alaska, Earthquake Notes, Eastern Section,

Seismological Society of America, v. 55, p. 16.


Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., 1984, Variations in the style of convergence across southern Alaska inferred from regional seismic data,

Earthquake Notes, Eastern Section, Seismological Society of America, v. 55, p. 16.


Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., Fogleman, K.A., and Miller, T.P., 1985, The 1984

Sutton Earthquake: New evidence for activity of the Castle Mountain fault,

Earthquake Notes, Eastern Section, Seismological Society of America, v. 55, p. 23.


Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., and Fogleman, K.A., 1986, Summary of seismic monitoring by the USGS southern Alaska network - October 1971 through June 1985, Symposium and workshop, regional seismographic networks, past-present-future, Earthquake Notes, v. 56, p. 93.


Lee, W.H.K., Lahr, J.C., and Habermann, R.E., 1986, Application of personal computers in geophysics, EOS, v. 67, no. 46, p. 1321-1323. (Branch approval: 5/22/86).


Biswas, N.N., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., 1986, Some results on the seismicity of Alaska, EOS, v. 67, p. 1236.


Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Fogleman, K.A., 1987, The transition between the Aleutian and Wrangell Wadati-Benioff zones, southern

Alaska, EOS, v. 68. p. 1456-1457.


Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., and Stephens, C.D., 1987, Seismic sources in the Cook

Inlet region of Alaska, 1987 Geologic Hazards Symposium - Alaska

Geological Society Symposium Agenda and Abstracts


Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., 1987 Evidence for a mid-crustal seismic velocity discontinuity beneath the southern Kenai Peninsula Alaska,

Seismological Research Letters, v. 58, no. 1, p. 27.


Page, R.A., Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., 1988, State of stress in the subducted Pacific plate beneath Prince William Sound, southern

Alaska, submitted for 1988 SSA Hawaii conference.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., and Fogleman, K.A., 1988, The northern Gulf of Alaska earthquakes of 17 November (6.9 Ms) and 30

November (7.6 Ms) 1987: rupture of the Pacific plate south of the Yakataga seismic gap, submitted for 1988 SSA Hawaii conference.


Chouet, B.A., Power, John, Davies, J.N., Miller, T.P., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C.,

Murray, T.L., Harlow, D.H., Endo, E.T., and Stephens, C.D., 1990, A seismic model for forecasting eruptions at Redoubt volcano, Alaska, EOS, v. 71, no.

28, p. 954.

Lahr, John C. 10


Chouet, B.A., Page, R.A., Davies, J.N., Power, J.A., Lahr, J.C., Harlow, D.H., and Stephens, C.D., 1990, Forecasting the December 14, 1989 and January 2,

1990 eruptions t Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, EOS, v. 71, p. 1701.


Stephens, C.D., Marso, J.N., and Lahr, J.C., 1990, Realtime seismic spectral amplitude monitoring during the 1989-1990 eruptions at Redoubt Volcano,

Alaska, 1990, EOS, v. 71, p. 1709.


Power, John, Davies, J.N., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., Harlow, D.H., Chouet,

B.A., March, G.D., and Murray, T.L., 1990, Seismic evolution of the 1989-

1990 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, EOS, v. 71, p. 1700.


Lahr, J.C., Power, John, Harlow, D.H., and Page, R.A., 1990, Spatial and temporal distributions of seismicity associated with the recent eruptions of

Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, EOS, v. 71, p. 1709.


March, G.D., Power, John, Harlow, D.H. and Lahr, J.C., 1990, Acquisition, processing, storage, and display of seismic data during the 1989-90 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, EOS, v. 71, p. 1709.


Page, R.A., Chouet, B.A., Davies, J.N., Power, John, and Lahr, J.C., 1990,

Forecasting the March and April 1990 eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska.


Harlow, D.H., Power, John, Chouet, B.A., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., 1990,

Earthquake families and their implications for the eruption dynamics of

Redoubt Volcano, Alaska; December 13, 1989 to January 3, 1990, EOS, v. 71, p. 1701.


Chouet, B.A., Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., 1991, Character of the precursory swarms of long-period events at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, and their use as a forecasting tool, International Conference on Active volcanoes and Risk Mitigation, Napoli, Italy.


Jolly, A.D., Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Power, J.A., and Cruse,

G.R., 1991, Seismicity in the vicinity of Mt. Spurr Volcano, South-central

Alaska, based on a revised velocity model, EOS, v. 72, p. 567.


Dawson, P.B., Chouet, B.A., Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., 1992, A post-eruptive seismic survey of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, Seismological Research Letters, v. 63, no. 1, p. 67.


Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., Brocher, T.M., and

Fisher, M.A., 1992, Seismicity and stress orientation in the Alaska subduction zone after the great 1964 earthquake and speculations on the origin of a giant asperity, Wadati Conference on Great Subduction Earthquakes, September 16-

19, 1992, Fairbanks, Alaska.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., and Fogleman, K.A., 1992, Recent seismicity in and near the Yakataga seismic gap, southern Alaska, Wadati

Conference on Great Subduction Earthquakes, September 16-19, 1992,

Fairbanks, Alaska.


Power, J.A., Jolly, A.D., Stihler, S.D., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D.,

Chouet, B.A., McNutt, S.R., Davies, J.N., and March, G.D., 1992, Precursory seismicity and forecasting of the 1992 eruption of Mount Spurr, Alaska, EOS, v. 73, no. 43, Supplement, p. 342.

Lahr, John C. 11


Jolly, A.D., Power, J.A., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., 1992, A comparison of baseline and pre-eruption depths of seismicity at Mt. Spurr

Volcano, south-central Alaska, EOS, v. 73, no. 43, Supplement, p. 342.


Chouet, B.A., Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Power, J.A., 1992,

Source parameters of the LP swarm preceding the December 14, 1989, eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, EOS, v. 73, no. 43, Supplement, p. 342-



Dawson, P.B., Chouet, B.A., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., 1992, Spatial relationship between LP earthquakes and a shallow three-dimensional velocity anomaly beneath Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, EOS, v. 73, no. 43, Supplement, p. 343.


Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., Fogleman, K.A., Brocher, T.M.,

Fisher, M.A., and Geist, E.L., 1993, Seismicity, stress orientation and configuration of the Aleutian megathrust in the vicinity of the great 1964

Alaska earthquake, Eighth Meeting, U.S.-Japan Conference on Natural

Resources, Panel on Earthquake Prediction technology, November 17-18,

1992, U.S. Geological Open-file Report 93-542.


Lahr, J.C., Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, C.D., and Page, R.A., 1993, Stresses within the Pacific Plate of Southern Alaska, EOS, v. 74, n. 43, Supplement, p.



Hammond, W.R., Lahr, J.C., Rowe, C.A. and Benoit, J.P., 1993, The Salcha seismic zone near Fairbanks, Alaska, EOS, v. 74, n. 43, Supplement, p. 417-



Benz, H.M., Chouet, B.A., Dawson, P.B., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., 1994,

Three-dimensional P and S-Wave velocity structure of Redoubt volcano,

Alaska, Seismological Research Letters, v. 65, n. 1, p. 55.

The following were not included in PTR at the time of last promotion


Cranswick, Edward, Gardner, B., Hammond, S., Chelberg, S., Gazdik, G.,

Stoehr, M., Harding, M., Mumaw, C., Lahr, J.C., Wennerberg, L.G., Darby,

D., Darby, J., Rond, C., and Banfill, Robert, 1993, Public Seismic Network

(PSN): recording ground motions where people live, EOS, v. 74, n. 16,

Supplement, p. 206.


Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., Fogleman, K.A., Brocher, T.M.,

Fisher, M.A., and Geist, E.L., 1993, Seismicity, stress orientation and configuration of the Aleutian megathrust in the vicinity of the great 1964

Alaska earthquake, in: Proceedings of conference LXII; eighth joint meting of the U.S.-Japan conference on natural resources (UJNR), panel on earthquake prediction technology, November 16-21, 1992, chaired by R.L. Wesson and

Yamato Miyazake, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 93-542, p. 94-



Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., and Page, R.A., 1994, Possible early signs of reorganization of the Pacific-North American plate boundary in the Gulf of

Alaska, 1994 Annual Meeting, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 7, p.


Lahr, John C. 12


Page, R.A., Brocher, T.M., Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Fogleman, K.A., And

Fisher, M.A., 1994, Piggyback subduction at the eastern end of the Aleutian trench and the giant asperity that ruptured in the Great 1964 earthquake:

SUBCON, Interdisciplinary Conference on the Subduction Process, Catalina

Island, California, 1994, p. 152-154.


Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., and Fogleman, K.A., 1994,

Characteristics of the Aleutian Wadati-Benioff zone seismicity beneath southern Alaska: SUBCON, Interdisciplinary Conference on the Subduction

Process, Catalina Island, California, 1994, p. 301-303.


Jolly, A.D., Lahr, J.C., Power, J.A., Stihler, S.D., Ward, P.L., and McNutt,

S.R., 1994, Velocity models for locations of shallow seismicity along the northeastern portion of the Aleutian volcanic arc, EOS, v. 74, no. 44, p. 423-



Lahr, J.C., 1994, Seismic monitoring in Alaska, Boreas, Newsletter of the

Geophysical Society of Alaska, v. 6, n. 4.


Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., and Fogleman, K.A., 1995, Crustal seismicity in the Anchorage region of Alaska, GSA Abstract with programs, v. 27, no. 5, p. 78-79.


Rogers, J.A., Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., Chouet, B.A., Johnson, M.J.,

Hunter, S., and Lahr, J.C., 1995, Using an embedded DOS computer and satellite telemetry for remote volcano monitoring, EOS, v. 76, n. 46, p. F395.


Combellick, R., and Lahr, J.C., 1996, Earthquake potential and hazards in south-central, Alaska, GSA Abstracts with programs, v. 28, no. 5, p. 56-57.


Jolly, A.D., McNutt, S.R., Wiemer, Stefan, and Lahr, J.C., 1996, An evaluation of b-value spatial mapping techniques based on an analysis of seismicity at Mt. Spurr, Alaska and synthetic data, EOS, v. 77, no. 46,

Supplement, p. 514.


McNutt, S.R., Benoit, J., Christensen, D., Estes, S., Tytgat, G., Stihler, S,

Weimer, S., Jolly, A., Robinson, M., Hansen, R., Lindquist, K., Garces, M.,

Lahr, J.C., Hammond, R., Paskievitch, J., and Power, J., 1997, Broadband seismology at the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1993-1997, EOS, v. 78, no.

46, p. 429.


Wesson, R.L., Frankel, A.D., Mueller, C.S., Harmsen, S.C., Lahr, J.C., 1998,

Probabilistic seismic hazard maps of Alaska, Seismological Research Letters, v. 69, p. 154.


Murray, J., Nishenko, S., Buika, J., Sipken, S., Person, W., and Lahr, J., 2001,

FEMA HAZUS operations plan for production of loss-estimation maps following significant earthquakes, Seismological Research Letters, v. 72, no.

2, p. 240.


Meremonte, M., Lahr, J., Frankel, A., Dewey, J., and Crone, A., 2002, An earthquake swarm near Trinidad, Colorado, August-December 2001,

Seismological Research Letters, v73, no. 2, p. 255. c.


Lahr, John C. 13

1978 - Invited participant and speaker: NOAA/Outer Continental Shelf

Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) Bearing Sea - Gulf of

Alaska Geo-environmental Review Meeting, Menlo Park, CA.

1979 - Invited participant: Meeting to assess the seismic potential of the

Yakataga seismic gap, southern Alaska, Golden, CO; convened by Chief,


1979 - Invited participant and speaker: NOAA/OCSEAP Alaska Outer

Continental Shelf Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Workshop,

CIRES, Boulder, CO.

1979 - Invited participant: NOAA/OCSEAP Seismology Workshop and

Alaska Council on Science and Technology (ACST) Workshop on

Alaskan Seismology, Fairbanks, AK.

1979, 1980, 1981, and 1982 - Served on lower-level promotion committees.

1985 - Speaker - National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council,

Anchorage, AK.

1988 - Participant - NEIC briefing on the plans, instrumentation, and current status of the U.S. National Seismograph Network, Fairbanks, AK.

1988 - 1996 - Invited participant: Alaska Volcano Observatory organizational meetings held in Vancouver, WA, and Fairbanks and Anchorage, AK.

1990 - Served on upper-level promotion panel for Branch of Tectonophysics.

1991 - Participant - Alta II Meeting on Western US Seismic Networks, Alta,


1995 - Served on the upper-level promotion panel for Branch of Seismology.

1995 and 1996 - Participated in annual reviews of N. Biswas' Microzonation


1996 - Help organize and participate in A. Frankel's Seismic Hazards

Mapping for Alaska workshop.

1996 - Participated in annual review of NFS funded Partners in Science program and helped develop Seismology Unit Plan for teachers.

1996 - Participated in the Annual Western States Seismic Policy Council meeting.

1997, November 19-21 - Participated in DOE/USGS Workshop on seismic

Event Location and Network Calibration.

1998, Starting in February: Co-editor of "Inventory of Data from Seismograph

Networks of the World," a chapter of the International Association of

Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) Handbook of

Earthquakes and Engineering Seismology to be published in 2001. This is a complex project that will involve working with seismologists worldwide and compiling the contributions on a web site prior to publication.

1999 - present -USGS representative on the Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology (IRIS) Education and Outreach Committee. Attend two meetings per year.

2000 – By invitation, attended the workshop in Bloomington, IN, to develop plans for the U.S. Educational Seismograph Network (USESN).

Lahr, John C. 14

2001 – Served on the IRIS E&O committee to evaluate teacher applications to the IRIS Seismographs in Schools program.

2001 - Served on the Hazards Team RGE Panel. d.


1994 - 1996 - Member of Graduate Student Advisory Committee for Natalia

Ratchkovskaia's masters thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

1996 - Gave lecture on introductory seismology to the University of Alaska

Science Survey class.

1996 - Gave lectures and developed seismology demonstrations for the weeklong, IRIS/NFS-funded Princeton Earthquake Physics Project workshop for 18 Alaskan secondary school teachers. e.


1991 - Lectured on earthquake location techniques and algorithms for a course on "PC based Networks" sponsored by the USGS, Menlo Park, CA. f.


1991 - 1993 - Chairman of the Branch of Seismology Computer Committee. g.




1996 - Developed an interactive web site to allow searching of the Alaska

Earthquake Information Center's earthquake archive.

1996 - With M. Bifelt, M. of the Jimmy Huntington School, Huslia, Alaska, and K. Lindquist, gave seismology presentation at the National Science

Teachers Association Global Summit on Science and Science Education,

San Francisco, California, December 27-29.

1996 - 1998 - Worked with interpretative staff of Denali National Park to develop a computerized earthquake seismicity display. This display is set up each summer at the park's visitor center.

1998 - Helped staff the USGS booth at the Lakewood on Parade community fair (August 29-30) and displayed various hands-on geophysics exhibits.

1998 - Helped staff the USGS booth at the Denver Gem and Mineral Show

(September 18-20) and displayed many of the hands-on geophysics exhibits that I have developed.

1998 - Demonstrated the Table-Top Seismology apparatus at the National

Middle School Association Convention (Denver, November 4-7.) (Pub.

113). With this setup one can create an earthquake, record it on a computer monitor, and learn about the related geophysics.

1998 - Developed an interactive World Wide Web/Java-based earthquake display for current NEIS seismic events. The URL is http://geohazards.cr.usgs.gov/fingview/

Lahr, John C. 15

1999 - Attended the Earthworks teacher’s workshop, Balarat Conference

Center, CO, to teach methods of using seismology in the classroom.

1999 - Set up and demonstrated hands-on seismic exhibits at the three-day

Denver Mineral Show.

1999 - Developed an interactive web site that allows a person to find the travel time of a recent earthquake to their seismic station. This was found to be useful to operators of small networks and to those running amateur seismic stations. The URL is http://geohazards.cr.usgs.gov/tt/ .

2000 - Helped teach “Earthquakes – A One-Day Workshop for Teachers,” for

IRIS at the San Diego, CA, National Science Teachers Association meeting.

2000 - Set up and demonstrated hands-on seismic exhibits at the three-day

Denver Mineral Show.

2000 – Co-taught a two-week workshop, “Web Science for Earth Science

Teachers” at the Exploratorium Teacher Institute, San Francisco, CA.

2000 - Presented one-hour workshop on seismology at the Colorado Science

Teacher Convention, Denver, CO.

2000 - Demonstrated hands-on exhibits at Expanding Your Horizons,

Boulder, CO.

2000 - Staffed Hazards Team booth at the San Francisco, CA, AGU meeting.

2001 - Set up and demonstrated hands-on seismic exhibits at the three-day

Denver Mineral Show.

2001 - Presented workshop on science demos at Teaching Outside the Box,

Creative Uses of Nature in Education, Snow Mountain Ranch, CO.

2001 - Staffed Hazards Team booth at the Boston, MA, GSA meeting.

2001 - Implemented an E-mail list that provides information to the public in a much more timely way. This is used for the three NEIC lists: bigquake, mtall, and qedpost. Since making this change the number of subscribers to the bigquake list has increased from 3,500 to 11,500, but the time it takes to send out a message has decreased from 4 hours to 15 minutes.

2001 – Helped teach “Earthquakes – A One-Day Workshop for Teachers,” for

IRIS at the St. Louis, MO, National Science Teachers Association meeting.

2001 - At the request of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Conservation Department, set up a temporary seismic display to monitor the vibrations caused by a major building renovation.





1970 - 1971 - Faculty Fellowship, Columbia University.

1974 - Quality Step Increase.

1990 - USGS Monetary award for work on the Loma Prieta earthquake.

1993 - Appointed Affiliate Professor of Geology, University of Alaska


1996 - With rest of AVO staff, received Hammer Award.

Lahr, John C. 16

1996 - Received STAR Award for work with AVO during volcanic crises.

1999 – Received STAR Award for outreach.

2000 - Received STAR Award for design and construction of new displays in the lobby of Building 810 at the Denver Federal Center.

2000 - Received STAR Award for design and construction of displays on the entrance level of the Hazards Team building.

2001 - Received STAR Award for providing seismological information to the general public in conjunction with broadcast of sports car races on national television.

2001 – Received STAR Award for contributions to Team Outreach.





Sbar, M.L., Rynn, J.M.W., Gumper, F.J., and Lahr, J.C., l970, An earthquake sequence and focal mechanism at Lake Hopatcong, northern New Jersey,

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 60, p. l23l-l243.


Lahr, J.C., and Pomeroy, P.W., l970, The foreshock-aftershock sequence of the March 20, l966, earthquake in the Republic of Congo, Bulletin of the

Seismological Society of America, v. 60, p. l245-l258.


Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., l97l, Measurements for fault slip on the Denali,

Fairweather, and Castle Mountain Faults, Alaska, Journal of Geophysical

Research, v. 76, p. 8534-8543.


Lahr, J.C., and Wyss, Max, l97l, Repeated surveys of small-scale figures established across the fault trace following the San Fernando earthquake, U.S.

Geological Survey Special Paper, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, v. 733, p. 86-88.


Lee, W.H.K., and Lahr, J.C., l972, HYPO7l: A computer program for determining hypocenter, magnitude, and first motion pattern of local earthquakes, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report, l00 p.


Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., and Thomas, J.A., l974, Catalog of earthquakes in south central Alaska, April-June l972, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file

Report, 35 p.


Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., l974, Spatial distribution of earthquakes in the

Cook Inlet-Prince William Sound region, in U.S. Geological survey Alaska

Program, l974: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 700, p. 48-49.


Lahr, J.C., and Kachadoorian, Ruben, l975, Preliminary geologic and seismic evaluation of the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana reservoir areas, Susitna

River, Alaska. Prepared for the Alaska District Corps of Engineers, 24 p.


Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., l975, USGS proposal: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska." Submitted to

NOAA/ERL, 8 p.


Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., l975, Semi-annual report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska." Prepared for


Lahr, John C. 17


Lee, W.H.K., and Lahr, J.C., l975, HYPO7l (Revised): A computer program for determining hypocenter, magnitude, and first motion pattern of local earthquakes, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 75-3ll, ll3 p.


Lahr, J.C., l975, Detailed seismic investigation of Pacific-North American plate interaction in southern Alaska, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, l4l p.


Lahr, J.C., l975, Users manual for the hypocenter plotting program GPP3,

U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 75-599, 92 p.


Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l975, Investigations of earthquakes below the

Cook Inlet region of Alaska, in U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Program, l975: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 722, p. 47-48.


Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l976, l July l975-l March l976 annual report:

"Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of

Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf,

Annual Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of the

Interior, v. l3, p. 69-90.


Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l976, USGS proposal for l October l976-30

September l977: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska." Prepared for NOAA/OCSEAP, 27 p.


Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l976, l April l976-June l976 quarterly report:

"Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of

Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf,

Quarterly Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of the

Interior, v. 4, p. 301-304.


Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l976, l July l976-30 September l976 quarterly report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf,

Quarterly Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of the

Interior, v. 4, p. 305-332.


Bufe, C.G., Lester, F.W., Lahr, K.M., Lahr, J.C., Seekins, L.C., and Hanks,

T.C., l976, Oroville earthquakes, normal faulting in the Sierra Nevada

Foothills, Science, v. l92, p. 72-74.


Lahr, K.M., Lahr, J.C., Lindh, A.G., Bufe, C.G., and Lester, F.W., l976, The

August l975 Oroville Earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of

America, v. 66, p. l085-l099.


Lahr, J.C., and Blackford, Michael, l976, Gulf of Alaska seismicity, in The

U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during l975, U.S.

Geological Survey Circular 733, p. 55.


Lahr, J.C., l977, Crystal controlled seismic amplifier-calibrator, VCO, U.S.

Geological Survey Open-file Report 77-ll6, 6 p.


Stephens, Christopher, and Lahr, J.C., l977, l April l976-through 3l March l977 annual report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan

Continental Shelf, Annual Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S.

Department of the Interior, v. l7, p. 242-275.

Lahr, John C. 18


Stephens, Christopher, and Lahr, J.C., l977, l July l977-30 September l977 quarterly report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan

Continental Shelf, Quarterly Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S.

Department of the Interior, v. 3, p. 549-555.


Stephens, Christopher, and Lahr, J.C., l977, l October l977-3l December l977 quarterly report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan

Continental Shelf, Quarterly Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S.

Department of the Interior, v. II, p. 36l-368.


Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, Christopher, l977, USGS proposal for l October l977-30 September l978: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska." Prepared for NOAA/OCSEAP, 35 p.


Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, Christopher, l978: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska." Summary report presented at the OCSEAP review meeting, 5 p.


Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, Christopher, l978, FY l979 renewal proposal:

"Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of

Alaska." Prepared for NOAA/OCSEAP, 3l p.


Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, Christopher, l978, Revisions to FY l979 renewal proposal: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern

Gulf of Alaska." Prepared for NOAA/OCSEAP, 20 p.


Stephens, Christopher, Fogleman, K.A., and Lahr, J.C., l978, l April l977 through 3l March l978 annual report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental

Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf, Annual Reports, U.S.

Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of the Interior, v. XI, p.



Stephens, Christopher, Roger, John, and Lahr, J.C., l978, l July l978-30

September l978 quarterly report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the

Alaskan Continental Shelf, Quarterly Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of the Interior, v. II, p. 254-280.


Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, Christopher, Lahr, J.C., Helton, Suzanne, and

Allan, M.A., l978, Catalog of earthquakes in southern Alaska,

October-December l977, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 78-l097,

28 p.


Lahr, John, l978, Seismic recording in an indigenous earthquake prediction program, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 78-336, p. 64-69.


Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., l979, Seismicity in southern and southeastern

Alaska, in The U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during l978, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 804B, p. l04-l06.


Lahr, J.C., l979, HYPOELLIPSE: A computer program for determining local earthquake hypocentral parameters, magnitude, and first motion pattern, U.S.

Geological Survey Open-file Report 79-43l, 3l0 p.

Lahr, John C. 19


Lahr, J.C., Plafker, George, Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., and Blackford,

M.E., l979, Interim report on the St. Elias, Alaska, earthquake of 28 February l979, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 79-670, 35 p. Also in

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Newsletter, v. l3, no. 4, p. 54-76.


Stephens, Christopher, Roger, John, and Lahr, J.C., l979, l October l978-3l

December l978 quarterly report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the

Alaskan Continental Shelf, Quarterly Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of the Interior, v. II, p. 300-3l7.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Fogleman, K.A., Allan, M.A., and Helton, S.M., l979, Catalog of earthquakes in southern Alaska, January-March l978, U.S.

Geological Survey Open-file Report 79-7l8, 3l p.


Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, Christopher, l979, FY l980 renewal proposal: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern

Gulf of Alaska." Prepared for NOAA/OCSEAP, 43 p.


Stephens, Christopher, and Lahr, J.C., l979, l April l978 through 3l March l979 annual report: "Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan

Continental Shelf, Annual Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S.

Department of the Interior, v. IX, p. 323-365.


Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., and Rogers, John, l980, l October l979 through 3l

December l979 quarterly report: "Earthquake activity and ground activity in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska," in Environmental Assessment of the

Alaskan Continental Shelf, Quarterly Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of the Interior, April l979-December l979, v. II, p.



Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., Hasegawa, Henry, and Boatwright, John, l980,

Alaska seismic gap only partially filled by 28 February l979 earthquake,

Science, v. 207, p. l35l-l353.


Lahr, J.C., l980, HYPOELLIPSE/MULTICS: A computer program for determining local earthquake hypocentral parameters, magnitude, and first motion pattern, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 80-59, 59 p.


Lahr, J.C., and Plafker, George, l980, Holocene Pacific-North American plate interaction in southern Alaska: Implications for the Yakataga seismic gap,

Geology, v. 8, p. 483-486.


Rogers, J.A., Maslak, Sam, and Lahr, J.C., l980, A seismic electronic system with automatic calibration and crystal reference, U.S. Geological Survey

Open-file Report 80-324, l30 p.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Fogleman, K.A., and Horner, R.B., l980, The St.

Elias, Alaska, earthquake of February 28, l979: Regional recording of aftershocks and short-term, pre-earthquake seismicity, Bulletin of the

Seismological Society of America, v. 70, no. 5, p. l607-l633. (Branch approval: 2/80)


Lahr, J.C., l980, SQUASH/MULTICS: A computer program to be used in conjunction with HYPOELLIPSE to generate an augmented phase data archive, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 80-375, 11 p.

Lahr, John C. 20


Moore, G.W., Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., l980, Earthquake potential and ground motions for the Pillar Mountain landslide, Kodiak, Alaska, U.S.

Geological Survey Open-file Report 80-ll29, l9 p.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Fogleman, K.A., Helton, S.M., Cancilla, R.S.,

Tam, Roy, and Baldonado, K.A., l980, Catalog of earthquakes in southern

Alaska, October-December l979, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report

80-2002, 53 p.


Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., and Rogers, John, l980, Eastern Gulf of Alaska seismicity: Annual report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration for April l, l979, through March 3l, l980, U.S. Geological

Survey Open-file Report 80-459, 37 p.


Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., l980, Eastern Gulf of Alaska seismicity:

Quarterly report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for

April l, l980, through June 30, l980, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report

80-943, 8 p.


Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., Lahr, J.C., Helton, S.M., Cancilla, R.S.,

Tam, Roy, and Freiberg, J.A., l980, Catalog of earthquakes in southern

Alaska, January-March l980, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report

80-l253, 55 p.


Hasegawa, H.S., Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., l980, Fault parameters of the

St. Elias, Alaska, earthquake of February 28, l979, Bulletin of the

Seismological Society of America, v. 70, no. 5, p. l65l-l660.


Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., l98l, Review of earthquake activity and current status of seismic monitoring in the region of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric

Project, Alaska: Prepared for the Alaska District Corps of Engineers, U.S.

Geological Survey Open-file Report 8l-736, 33 p.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Rogers, J.A., l98l, Eastern Gulf of Alaska seismicity: Annual report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration for April l, l980, through March 3l, l98l, U.S. Geological

Survey Open-file Report 8l-0897, 35 p.


Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., l982, Seismic studies in southern and southeastern Alaska, in The United States Geological Survey in Alaska:

Accomplishments during l980, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 844, p. 89.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Rogers, J.A., l982, Review of earthquake activity and current status of seismic monitoring in the region of the Bradley

Lake Hydroelectric Project, southern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: November 27, l980 - November 30, l98l, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 82-4l7,

26 p.


Stephens, C.D., Astrue, M.A., Pelton, J.R., Fogleman, K.A., Page, R.A., Lahr,

J.C., Allan, M.A., and Helton, S.M., l982, Catalog of earthquakes in southern

Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 82-488, 36 p.


Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Rogers, J.A., Helton, S.M.,

Cancilla, R.S., Tam, Roy, Freiberg, J.A., and Melnick, J.P., l983, Catalog of earthquakes in southern Alaska, April-June l980, U.S. Geological Survey

Open-file Report 83-l4, 54 p.

Lahr, John C. 21


Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Rogers, J.A., Cancilla, R.S., Tam,

Roy, Helton, S.M., Freiberg, J.A., and Melnick, J.P., l983, Catalog of earthquakes in southern Alaska, July-September l980, U.S. Geological Survey

Open-file Report 83-l5, 54 p.


Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., l983, Eastern Gulf of Alaska Seismicity: Final report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for July l, l975 through September 30, l98l, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report

83-592, 49 p.

also published as:

Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., (1983) 1986, Earthquake activity and ground shaking in and along the eastern Gulf of Alaska, in U.S. Department of

Commerce, NOAA, OCSEAP, Final reports of principal investigators v. 49:

Minerals Management Service, OCS Study MMS 86-0111, p. 29-83.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., and Rogers, J.A., l983, Review of earthquake activity and current status of seismic monitoring in the region of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, southern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska:

December l98l-May l983, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 83-744,

29 p.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., l984, Seismicity along coastal and southeastern Alaska: October l98l - September l982, in Bartsch-Winkler,

Susan and Reed, Kitty, eds., The United States Geological Survey in Alaska,

Accomplishments during l982, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 939, p. 78-82.


Lahr, J.C., 1984, HYPOELLIPSE/VAX: A computer program for determining local earthquake hypocentral parameters, magnitude, and first motion pattern, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 84-519, 60 p.


Lahr, J.C., 1984, Description of the weighted regression and quality estimation used in the earthquake location program HYPOELLIPSE, U.S.

Geological Survey Open-file Report 84-766, 38 p.


Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., Wrangell

Benioff zone, southern Alaska, 1984, Geology, v. 12, p. 373-376. (Branch approval: 8/18/83). My contribution involved encouraging Chris to carefully study the deep events beneath the Wrangells and discussing their interpretation with him.


Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., 1985, Seismicity in southern Alaska, October 1982-September 1983, in, Bartsch-Winkler, Susan and Reed, Kitty, eds., The United States Geological Survey in Alaska:

Accomplishments during 1983, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 945, p.



Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., Fogleman, K.A., and Stephens, C.D., 1985, New evidence for activity on the Talkeetna segment, Castle Mountain - Caribou fault system: The 1984 Sutton earthquake, in, Bartsch-Winkler, S., ed., The

United States Geological Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during 1984,

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 967, p. 62-63.


Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., Lahr, J. C., Page, R.A., 1985, Seismicity in

Southern Alaska, October 1983-September 1984, in, Bartsch-Winkler, Susan,

Lahr, John C. 22 ed., The United States Geological Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during

1984, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 967, p. 79-82.


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Fogleman, K.A., 1985, Southern Alaska

Seismicity, 1982, in Stover, C.W., ed., United States Earthquakes, 1982, U.S.

Geological Survey Bulletin 1655, p. 99-101.


Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., 1986, Evidence for activity of the Castle

Mountain fault system: A review for the 1985 NEPEC Workshop, in, Shearer,

C. F., ed., Minutes of the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council,

September 8 & 9, 1985, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 86-92, p.



Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., 1986, Review of seismicity and microseismicity of the Yakataga seismic gap, Alaska, in, Shearer, C. F., ed.,

Minutes of the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, September

8 & 9, 1985, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 86-92, p. 144-158.


Stephens, C.D., Fogleman, K.A., Lahr, J. C., and Page, R.A., 1986, Seismicity in southern Alaska, October 1984 - September 1985 in, Bartsch-Winkler,

Susan, and Reed, K. M., eds., The United States Geological Survey in Alaska

-- Accomplishments during 1985, U. S. Geological Survey Circular 978, p.



Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., and Page, R.A., 1986, Regional seismic monitoring in Southern Alaska: application to earthquake hazards assessment, in, Hays, W., ed., Workshop on evaluation of regional and urban earthquake hazards and risk in Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 86-79, p.



Rogers, J.A., and Lahr, J.C., 1986, An on-site seismic data recording system,

U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 86-251, 47 p.


Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., and Fogleman, K.A., 1986, Sutton,

Alaska, Earthquake of 1984: Evidence for activity on the Talkeetna segment of the Castle Mountain fault system, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of

America, v. 76, p. 967-983. I contributed 90% of the data analysis and interpretation, and 70% of the text.


Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Rogers, J.A., 1986, Catalog of earthquakes in southern Alaska for 1984, U. S. Geological Survey Openfile Report 86-99, 104 p.


Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., Fogleman, K.A., and Lahr, J.C., 1986, Southern

Alaska seismicity, 1983, in Stover, C. W., Ed, United States Earthquakes,

1983, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin.


Fogleman, K.A., Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., and Stephens, C.D., 1987, Earthquake activity around Valdez, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report

87-58, 44 p.


Reeder, J.W., and Lahr, J.C., 1987, Seismological aspects of the 1976 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1768, 32. p.


Fogleman, K.A., Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., 1988, Catalog of earthquakes in southern Alaska for 1985, U. S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 88-31,

114 p.

Lahr, John C. 23


Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., and Fogleman, K.A., 1988, Review of earthquake activity in the region of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, southern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Final Report, submitted to Alaska Power

Authority, Anchorage, AK, 43 p.


Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., and Christensen, D.H., 1988, Unusual earthquakes in the Gulf of Alaska and fragmentation of the Pacific plate,

Geophysical Research Letters, 15, p. 1483-1486. My contribution was 80% of the data analysis and interpretation.


Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., and Lahr, J.C., 1989, Seismicity of the Wrangell and Aleutian Wadati-Benioff zones and the North American plate along the

Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect, Chugach Mountains and Copper River Basin, southern Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 94, p. 16059-16082.

My contribution was in developing the analysis tools for focal mechanism and stress axis determination and plotting, and in 15% of the data analysis and interpretation.


Alpha, T.R., Lahr, J.C., and Page, R.A., 1989, Oblique map of the north half of the Loma Prieta, California, earthquake rupture zone and environs, U.S.

Geological Survey Open-file Report 89-633, map with discussion.


Alpha, T.R., Lahr, J.C., and Wagner, L.F., 1989, How to construct a paper model showing the motion that occurred on the San Andreas fault during the

Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of October 17, 1989, U.S. Geological

Survey Open-file Report 89-640, 9 p. My contribution was 90% of the text and the method of illustrating enechelon slip by making enechelon slits in the model.


Lahr, J.C., 1989, HYPOELLIPSE/Version 2.0: A computer program for determining local earthquake hypocentral parameters, magnitude, and first motion pattern, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 89-116, 92p.


Grantz, Arthur, Green, A.R., Smith, D.G., Lahr, J.C., and Fujita, Kazuya,

1989, Major phanerozoic tectonic features of the Arctic Ocean region, Plate

11, in, Volume L of The Geology of North America, The Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO.


Lahr, J.C. and Lee, W.H.K., 1990, Chapter 7 - Preparing data files for

AcroSpin, in, Lee,W.H.K., ed., IASPEI Software Library Volume 2, Toolbox for plotting and displaying seismic and other data, International Association of

Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, El Cerrito, CA 94530.


Alaska Volcano Observatory Staff (48 authors including Lahr, J.C.), 1990,

The 1989-1990 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, EOS, v. 71, p. 265-275.


Brantley, S.R., ed., (with contributions by 19 authors, including Lahr, J.C.),

The eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, December 14, 1989 - August 31,

1990: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1061, 33p.


Alpha, T.R., and Lahr, J.C., 1990, How to construct seven paper models that describe faulting of the Earth, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 90-

257 A and B, 36p.


Stephens, C.D., Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., 1990, Reflected and modeconverted seismic waves within the shallow Aleutian subduction zone,

Lahr, John C. 24 southern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 5, p.



Alaska Volcano Observatory Staff (1 editor and 19 authors, including Lahr,

J.C.), 1990, The eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, December 14, 1989-

August 31, 1990, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1061, 33p.


Page, R.A., Biswas, N.N., Lahr, J.C., and Pulpan, Hans, 1991, Seismicity of continental Alaska, in, Slemmons, D.B., Engdahl, E.R., Zoback, M.D., and

Blackwell, D.D., eds., Neotectonics of North America, in the collection The

Decade of North American Geology Project series, The Geological Society of

America, Boulder, CO, CSM V-1, p. 47-68. (BWTR login: 12/26/90) I worked closely with R. Page on most aspects of this paper, particularly the sections on Southern and Southeast Alaska, and on the table of historic large earthquakes.


Kissling, Eduard, and Lahr, J.C., 1991, Tomographic image of the Pacific slab under southern Alaska, Eclogae geol. Helv., v. 84, p. 297-315. My principal contribution was determining the P- and T-axis orientations as a function of depth within the Wadatti-Benioff zone.


Lahr, J.C., 1992, Local earthquake location programs, in Lee, W.H.K. and

Dodge, .A., A course on: PC-based seismic networks, U.S. Geological Survey

Open-file Report 92-441, 80p.


Casadevall, T.J., and 31 other authors including Lahr, J.C., 1993, Mt. Spurr's

1992 eruptions, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 72, n.

19, p. 217, 221-222.


Fogleman, K.A., Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., and Page, R.A., 1993, Earthquake locations determined by the southern Alaska seismograph network for

October 1971 through May 1989, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report

93-309, 54p.


Fogleman, K.A, Lahr, J.C., Stephens, C.D., and Page, R.A., 1993,

Earthquake locations determined by the southern Alaska seismograph network for October 1971 through May 1989, in Earth Systems Data: Natural hazards

-- proceedings of the Wadati conference on large subduction zone earthquakes, CD-ROM, (ed. R.E. Haberman, P.K. Dunbar, and L. Whiteside),

USCOC/NOAA/National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO.


Lahr, J.C. and Fischer, F.G., 1993, Location of acoustic sources using seismological techniques and software, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file

Report 93-221, 9p.


Power, J.A., March, G.D., Lahr, J.C., Jolly, A.D., and Cruse, G.R., 1993, catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Redoubt volcano and Mt. Spurr, Alaska:

October 12, 1989 - December 31, 1990, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file

Reports 93-685-A, 57p. and 93-685-B, one floppy diskette.


Chouet, B.A., Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Power, J.A.,

1994, Precursory swarms of long-period events at Redoubt Volcano (1989-

1990), Alaska: Their origin and use as a forecasting tool, Journal of

Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 62, p. 95-135. (BWTR login


Lahr, John C. 25


Power, J.A., Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., Chouet, B.A., Stephens, C.D., Harlow,

D.H., Murray, T.L., and Davies, J.N., 1994, Seismic evolution of the 1989-90 eruption sequence of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, Journal of Volcanology and

Geothermal Research, v. 62, p. 69-94.


Stephens, C.D., Chouet, B.A., Page, R.A., and Lahr, J.C., 1994,

Seismological aspects of the 1989-1990 eruptions at Redoubt Volcano,

Alaska: The SSAM perspective, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal

Research, v. 62, p. 153-182. (BWTR login 11/24/92)


Page, R.A., Lahr, J.C., Chouet, B.A., Power, J.A., and Stephens, C.D.,

1994, statistical forecasting of repetitious dome failures during the waning eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, February-April 1990, Journal of

Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 62, p. 183-196. (BWTR login



Lahr, J.C., Chouet, B.A., Stephens, C.D., Power, J.A., and Page, R.A.,

1994, Earthquake classification, location, and error analysis in a volcanic environment: Implications for the magmatic system of the 1989-1990 eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, Journal of Volcanology and

Geothermal Research, v. 62, p. 137-151. (BWTR login 8/31/92)


Plafker, G., Gilpin, L.M., and Lahr, J.C., 1994, Neotectonic map of

Alaska, in v. G-1 of The Geology of North America, GSA. (BWTR login

2/12/91) My contribution was compilation of the Table of Earthquakes, writing the mapping program used to generate overlays for the Alber's equal area base map and developing the set of programs used to transfer graphics files to ISD's SITEX system.

The following were not included in PTR at the time of last promotion


Jolly, A.D., Power, J.A., Stihler, S.D., Rao, L.N., Davidson, G.,

Paskievitch, J.F., Estes, S.A., Lahr, J.C., Catalog of earthquake hypocenters for Augustine, Redoubt, Iliamna, and Mount Spurr volcanoes, Alaska: January

1, 1991-December 31, 1993, Open-file Report 96-0070, 89p.


Dawson, P.B., Chouet, B.A., Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., VanSchaack, J.R., and Criley, E.E., 1996, Data report for a seismic study of the P and S wave velocity structure of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Openfile Report 96-703, 43p.


Benz, H.M., Chouet, B.A., Dawson, P.B., Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., and

Hole, J.A., 1996, Three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity structure of

Redoubt volcano, Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 101, no. B4, p.



Lahr, J.C., Ward, Peter, Stauffer, P.H., and Hendley II, J.W., 1996,

Technology transfer from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

-- Earthquake technology fights crime, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet

096-96, 2p.


Lahr, J.C., 1998, Table-top earthquakes: a demonstration of seismology for teachers and students that can be used to augment lessons in Earth Science,

Lahr, John C. 26

Physics, Math, Social Studies, and Geography, U.S. Geological Survey Openfile Report 98-767, paper and on-line editions, 13p.


Lahr, J.C., 1999, How to build a model illustrating sea-floor spreading and subduction, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 99-132, paper and online editions, 16p. (Logged in by CPG December 21, 1998.)


Lahr, J.C., 1999, HYPOELLIPSE Y2K: A computer program for determining local earthquake hypocentral parameters, magnitude, and firstmotion pattern, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 99-23, paper and online editions, 112p. (Logged in by CPG December 31, 1998.)


Lahr, J.C., 2000, Keep the Richter scale, Seismological Research Letters, v. 71, no. 6., p. 671.


Lahr, J.C., 2000, Table-top earthquakes, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 48, p. 594. (CPG Chief approval 8/15/2000).


Jolly, A.D., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., Lahr, J.C., Paskievitch, J., Tytgat,

G., Estes, S., Lockhart, A.B., Moran, S.C., McNutt, S.R., and Hammond,

W.R., 2001, Catalog of Earthquake Hypocenters at Alaskan Volcanoes:

January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1999, U.S. Geological Survey Openfile Report 01-189.


Snoke, J.A., and Lahr, J.C., 2001, Locating earthquakes: At what distance can the Earth no longer be treated as flat? Seismological Research Letters, v.

72, no. 5, p. 538. (CPG Chief approval 4/4/2001).


Meremonte, M.E., Lahr, J.C., Frankel, A.D., Dewey, J.W., Crone, A.J.,

Overturf, D.E., Carver, D.L., Bice, W.T., 2002, Investigation of an earthquake swarm near Trinidad, Colorado, August-October 2001, U.S. Geological

Survey Open-file Report 02-0073.


Lahr, J.C., and Snoke, J.A., 2003, The HYPOELLIPSE earthquake location program, in International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering

Seismology, v. 81B, p. 1641. (CPG Chief approval 3/6/2001).


Lahr, J.C., and Torild Van Eck, 2003, Global inventory of seismographic networks, International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering

Seismology, v. 81B, p. 1657-1663. (CPG Chief approval 3/1/2001).


Hubenthal, M., Boyd, T., Lahr, J., and Taber, J., 2003, Undergraduate engineering students investigate inexpensive seismometer design, EOS,

Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 84, n. 18, p. 166, 171.


Lahr, J.C., 2003, Q: How do scientists predict earthquakes?, Science and

Children, v. 41, n. 1, p. 24-25.



Three most significant career publications:

Lahr, J.C., Page, R.A., Stephens, C.D., and Christensen, D.H., 1988, Unusual earthquakes in the Gulf of Alaska and fragmentation of the Pacific plate,

Geophysical Research Letters, 15, p. 1483-1486. My contribution to the work of establishing and maintaining a network of seismograph stations in southern

Alaska were rewarded by the data obtained when two magnitude 7.6 earthquakes occurred in totally unexpected locations beneath the Gulf of Alaska. This paper

Lahr, John C. 27 documents these observations and provides a theory as to why these events occurred where they did.

Lahr, J.C., Chouet, B.A., Stephens, C.D., Power, J.A., and Page, R.A., 1994,

Earthquake classification, location, and error analysis in a volcanic environment:

Implications for the magmatic system of the 1989-1990 eruptions at Redoubt

Volcano, Alaska, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 62, p.

137-151. This paper was the culmination of three years of study of the Redoubt eruption sequence. For me, it was exciting to combine my expertise in earthquake location with others, such as B. Chouet, who are versed in volcanic processes, in order to achieve results that would have been impossible if each author had worked alone.

Lahr, J.C., 1999, HYPOELLIPSE Y2K: A computer program for determining local earthquake hypocentral parameters, magnitude, and first-motion pattern,

U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 99-23, paper and on-line editions, 112p.

Although this is not a classic "research" paper, I feel may well be my most enduring contribution to seismology. The program is the result of nearly continual experimentation and study since the mid 1970's of various strategies and algorithms to achieve a useful tool for the location and study of earthquakes.



