Miss Eligibility Requirements - Miss Alaska Scholarship Foundation

Miss Eligibility Requirements
The Miss Alaska Scholarship Foundation/Miss America Scholarship Program is
a wonderful way for young women to raise scholarship dollars and further
develop as strong, confident women. Below are some of the eligibility
requirements to participate.
To compete, you must:
Be a United States citizen
Alaska residency status meeting one of the following…
– Resident of Alaska for 6 months
- Full time employee in Alaska for 6 months
– Full time college student in Alaska with one semester completed
– Full time college student in another state with permanent
residence in Alaska.
Between the ages of 17 and 24
High School graduate or GED by June 30th of the year competing
Never been married or pregnant
Never convicted of a crime
Always been a female
Personal involvement with a community/social issue, referred to as “your
Perform a 90 second talent
Please review the Miss America Contestant Contract for additional
eligibility requirements