the MS-Word file

Print this guide or download the MS-Word file. Check items (X = done; 0 = n.a.) and submit with
If any clarification is needed, please contact the Editor-in-Chief (
1. General
Text is 1.5- or double-spaced, and there are no handwritten corrections. The printed (if also
sent) manuscript is the same as the document on the electronic file.
Margins are at least 2.5 cm on each side, right-hand margin is not justified, and words are
not hyphenated there.
First sentences of paragraphs are indented with a tab.
Scientific names at rank of genus and below are italicized.
There are no footnotes or underlined text.
All figures and tables are cited in the text, and are numbered in Arabic numerals in the order
in which they are to appear.
All pages have a heading with first author’s last name, short-running title and page number.
The article is divided into the usual headings (e.g.: Introduction, Material y methods, Results,
Discussion, Acknowledgments and References). Use italics with only the first letter in upper
case for second-level headings (e.g.: Material y methods – Morphological study; Anatomic
study; Experimental crossings; etc.). No further subdivisions are allowed. Every title is leftmargin justified.
In taxonomic treatments, “Results” and “Discussion” headings are joined to form a
“Taxonomic treatment” section, which can be preceded by other pertinent headings as
“Analysis of Characteristics”, “Biogeography”, “Cladistic analysis”, etc.
Authorities, abbreviated according to Brummit & Powell’s, 1992, Authors of Plant Names,
are provided for species’ names the first time they are mentioned in the text; or they are
provided in a table that includes all taxa in the paper. Herbaria acronyms follow Holmgren &
al. (eds), 1990, Index herbariorum ed. 8 (Regnum Veg. 120).
Vouchers specimens for chromosome counts, chemical analyses, DNA sequences, etc. are
deposited in accessible herbaria (cited in the article) for future reference.
DNA sequences are supported by their register number in GenBank (sequences without
this number are not accepted).
2. Title and authors
The title is concise but informative, includes the family or higher taxon, but not authorities.
Title is not written in capital letters.
Address and e-mail for all authors are provided after author’s name.
A short running title is included. This title and the first author’s name (no more than 50
characters, spaces included) head every page of the article.
3. Abstract & Key Words
Two one-paragraph abstracts in English and Spanish, and less than 250 words long,
precede the text. The abstract is concise and includes brief statements about the paper’s
intent, materials and methods, results, and significance of findings. It summarizes the paper
in a form that is intelligible in conjunction with the title.
Each abstract is followed by up to 10 Key Words separated by commas.
4. References
All literature cited in the text is included in the section “References”.
In the text, references are marked in the following forms: Pau (1903), Pau (1903: 273), (Pau,
1903), (Pau, 1903: 273), Pau (1903, 1907) or (Pau, 1903; Font Quer, 1934; Maas & Craigie,
1964 [in chronological order]). For more than one author, “& al.” (Note, not italized) is added
to the first name.
References are ordered alphabetically by authors, and works of the same author(s) are
arranged in chronological order, according to the following format:
Smith, C.A. 2000a. A taxonomic revision of Pyrus sect. Pyrus (Rosaceae). Systematic Botany 29:
Smith, C.A. 2000b. A new species of Pyrus L. (Rosaceae) from the Pacific Northwest. American
Journal of Botany 58: 358-363.
Smith, C.A. & Bond, J. 2001. The genus Pyrus. Springer. New York.
Smith, C.A., Alberts, J.J. & Bond, J. 2001. Pyrus L. In: Castroviejo, S. & al. (eds.), Flora iberica 2:
313-406. Madrid.
Smith, C.A., Bond, J. & Alberts, J.J. 2002. Evidence for widespread pollen dispersal in tropical
Rosaceae. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 109: 530-534.
Kartesz, J.T. (ed.). [date of consult]. A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United
States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. [].
Journal names and book titles are written in full.
5. Figures and tables
All illustrations (photographs, drawings, maps, graphics) are treated as figures (abbreviated
Fig.), and numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of their citation in the text. Figures are
not more than the strictly necessary; they can be grouped in composite plates. Photographs
and drawings cannot be together in the same plate.
Maximum size for printed illustrations or plates is 235 x 166 mm. Figures in the manuscript
are presized to their approximate final publication size.
Figures should be preferably submitted in electronic format, according to the following
modes, resolutions and file formats (cdx, pict, bmp, wmf and PowerPoint file formats are
not admitted):
350 dpi
350 dpi
Line drawing in black and
900-1200 dpi
If the figures are not supplied in electronic format, they are high-quality glossy prints.
In plates with more than one photo, each one is numbered. In drawings, all the elements
are identified by a lower case letter. In the case of figures in electronic format, the font used
for numbers and text is Arial, and its size is proportional to the size of the plate.
Scales are used, not magnifications. The scale width does not exceed 0.5 mm and its value
is specified in the legend.
Maps include a reference to latitude and longitude. Other graphs have both axes properly
Captions provide all explanatory text (including name of the taxon, herbarium, and scale
where needed).
Fig. 22. Geranium californicum: a, habit; b, leaf; c, flower head; d, flower; e, staminal filament; f, fruit; g,
mericarp [a, d-f) Hall & Chandler 224 (UC); b, c, g) Ertter 6665 (MA 234567)]. Scale: a-c, f = 1 cm; d, e = 1
mm; g = 0.5 mm.
Tables (abbreviated Tab.) are as simple as possible, with a minimum of horizontal lines and
without vertical lines.
6. Taxonomic treatment
The “Taxonomic treatment” section starts with a description of the group (e.g.: genus, subgenus,
etc.), followed by the key and the treatment of the taxa. One paragraph per taxon is used as
follows: accepted name and author, homotypic synonyms, heterotypic synonyms, Latin
diagnosis (if necessary), illustrations, description, diagnostic characters, vernacular names (if
necessary), habitat and distribution, specimens examined and discussion. An “Excluded and
doubtful names” section can be added to include the invalid names, those which do not belong
to the treated group or whose position is doubtful (e.g.: type destroyed); nomina nuda should
not be included in formal nomenclatural treatments.
Each accepted taxon is numbered. Infraspecific taxa are indicated by lower case letters.
One paragraph per basionym is used, as follows: Taxon author(s), literature citation,
homotypic synonym(s) (where appropriate), type data. The accepted name is in bold, but
not italicized.
2. Grimmia donniana Sm., Engl. Bot. 18, pl. 1259. 1804. Grimmia sudetica Schwägr., Sp. Musc. Frond. Suppl.
1(1): 87, Tab. 24. 1811, nom. illeg. Dryptodon donnianus (Sm.) Hartm., Handb. Skand. Fl. Ed. 3: 270. 1838.
Grimmia obtusa var. donniana (Sm.) Hartm., Handb. Skand. Fl. Ed. 5: 377. 1849-1850.
TYPE: [United Kingdom. Caernarvon:] North Wales, Beddgelart, July 1802, Turner s.n. (lectotype, here
designated, BM!).
Grimmia obtusa Schwägr., Sp. Musc. Frond. Suppl. 1(1): 88, Tab. 25. 1811, nom. illeg., non Brid. 1801. Grimmia
donniana var. obtusa (Schwägr.) Steud., Nomencl. Bot. 2: 189. 1824. Dryptodon erostris Hartm., Handb.
Skand. Fl. Ed. 4: 374. 1843, nom. illeg.
TYPE: [Austria.] Glockner, Kaulfuss s.n. (lectotype, desiganted by Spruce & al., 1998: 234, G!).
Book titles are abbreviated according to Stafleu & Cowan’s, Taxonomic Literature ed. 2
(Regnum Veg.: 94, 98, 105, 110, 112, 115, 116, 125, 130, 132, 134), but with all initial
letters capitalized; periodicals are abbreviated following B-P-H (Botanico-PeriodicumHuntianum. Pittsburg, 1969) y B-P-H/S (Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum/Supplementum.
Pittsburg, 1991). If in doubt, do not abbreviate the title. (Note that in the “References”
section all journal names and book titles are written in full)
Keys are dichotomous, not indented and include all treated taxa (infraspecific taxa are
included in the general key). Leads of each couplet are parallel and numbered with the
same number.
5. Primary appendage of female thallus one-celled, mitriform, large, distally rounded, having the same
yellowish color as the remainder of the thallus. On Necrobia (Coleoptera, Cleridae) .. 4. D. corynetis
5. Primary appendage of female thallus multicellular, small, ± dark-brown. On Oochrotus (Coleoptera,
Tenebrionidae) ............................................................................................................................... 6
6. Female thallus with a receptacle consisting of 4 cells separated by strongly oblique septa. Preapical
area of perithecium deeply suffused with brown .............................. 5a. D. strongylii var. strongylii
6. Female thallus with a receptacle consisting of 8-17 cells separated by slightly oblique septa.
Perithecium uniformly yellowish ..................................................... 5b. D. strongylii var. adriaticus
Keys have been checked carefully for consistency with the descriptions.
If illustrations of other works are cited, these are of good quality and accessible, even via
web, e.g.: Gallica or Rare Books from the MBG Library.
Descriptions are parallel at each taxonomic rank. For species with infraspecific taxa, the
species description includes all subordinate taxa.
For new species, voucher specimens are deposited in an accessible herbarium. A brief
Latin diagnosis for each new taxon is provided rather than a complete Latin description.
Descriptions of new taxa (species and below) should include the following: 1) an illustration
(line drawing) clearly showing the diagnostic characters, 2) a comparison with related (or
sympatric, or similar) taxa in a dichotomous key or table, and 3) a discussion of the
characteristics, ecology, geography, or reproductive biology, etc. that are the basis for its
Material is cited observing the following scheme (countries in alphabetical order):
COUNTRY. Major political division: region, town, collector number (herbaria).
[for Spain, the major political division is the province]
SPAIN. Almería: Sierra de los Filabres, barranco de la Verruga, García-Zamora & Ros 1346 (MUB). Asturias:
Cangas del Narcea, Puerto de Leitariegos, Durieu s.n. (PC). RUMANÍA. Beszterce-Naszód: Mts. Rodnai,
cacuminis mt. Ünökó, Péterfi 23456 (BP 112955). Brasov: Mts. Fogarasi, vallis Arpasul, Vajda s.n. (BP
70413). TURKEY. Kayseri: Erciyas-dagh, Weberbauer s.n. (W 2486). Tunceli: Kurdistan, Masgerth,
Brotherus s.n., “Brotherus, Musci turkestanici” n.° 28a (H-BR).
Dates, altitudes and substrata are summarized in the text. If this is not possible, they must
be stated following this scheme (months in Roman numeral):
SPAIN. Málaga: 8 km al sur de Campillo, carretera de Ronda a Antequera, 24-VII-1971, 400 m, sobre
Bromus madritensis, Mercé 2572 (MA-Fungi 32984).
If there are a large number of specimens examined, an index of numbered collections is
placed as an “Appendix” immediately following “References”, and according to this format:
collector(s), number, number of the taxon in the text (the list is arranged alphabetically by
collector, followed by collection number):
E.L. Ekman 13630 (14); M. Escobar & J. Santa 252 (14), 355 (14), 403 (17), 404 (17); R. Espinosa 19 (29)
F. Felippone 720 (25), 837 (25), 839 (25), 839 (25), 960 p.p. (25), 990 (25), 2439 (25); D. Flores M. 308 (29);
P.A. Florschütz 3974 (14), 4166 (14); J.-P. Frahm 824021 (4), 824071 (17); T.C. Frey & E.M. Frey 3072
H. Galeotti 6974 (14); Gardens 4812 (14); P. Germain 1142 (14); E.J. Gibert 729 (25), 1243 (12), 1262 (25); H.
Glummer 1976 (8); L.N. Godding 2122 (14); J. Gómez 565 (14); D. Griffin III PV-948 (14); D. Griffin III & al.
PV-513 (14), PV-1170 (4), 211 (14), 363 (14)
Discussions include a comparison with related, sympatric or similar taxa, and are parallel at
the same taxonomic rank.
Except for treatments dealing with few names, an "Index of Scientific Names" is included.
Manuscripts, either in English or in Spanish, should be sent to the Editor ( It
is advisable to let another specialist read and correct the article, as well as a person fluent in the
language used in the article and also somebody with no direct relation to the field for clarity.
First submission (printed version)
Four copies of the article are enclosed.
Do not submit original illustrations but photocopies or quality copies.
The cover letter includes full mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail
address for the corresponding author. Names, addresses and e-mails of possible objective
reviewers should also be included.
The checked “Instructions to Authors” form is also submitted.
Final submission (printed version)
A printed copy and a MS-Word (or any compatible word processors) file including text,
tables, legends and appendixes are enclosed.
Original illustrations are enclosed. Author name and manuscript reference number (which is
assigned by Anales at first reception) are written in pencil on the back of each figure or plate.
First submission (electronic version)
Submitted files (by e-mail, 3½ disks, CD or Zip 100 Mb) can be compressed with Stuffit, WinRar
(including volumes of split files when exceeding 1,457,664 bytes), WinZip, PK Zip or LZH.
For initial submission, it is desirable that the manuscript is a single word processor file with
figures, tables and legends inserted in their final place in the text, which facilitates the revision
Text is a single MS-Word (preferred) file (or compatible word processor), RTF or PDF.
File names take the form (in Subject field when sending by e-mail): “surname of the first
author”_“text(or fig#, or checklist)”.“extension”:
The cover letter or e-mail includes full mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and
e-mail address for the corresponding author. Names, addresses and e-mails of possible
objective reviewers should also be included.
The “Authors Guidelines” is properly filled in and enclosed.
Final submission (electronic version)
Text is a single MS-Word (preferred) file (or compatible word processor) or RTF file (PDF
are not accepted).
File names take the form (in Subject field when sending by e-mail): “surname of the first
author”_“reference number in AnalesJBM”_“text(or fig#)”_“revised”.“extension” (reference
number is assigned by the journal and communicated at the acknowledgement of receipt).
gomez_2345_fig1_ revised.tif
If original illustrations are submitted, author’s name and manuscript reference number are
written in pencil on the back of each figure or plate. If figures are send in electronic format,
they comply with the aforesaid conditions (modes, resolutions and formats).
Proofs are, as far as possible, sent as a PDF file by e-mail in order to speed up publication.