INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE ACCOMMODATIONS' ADDENDUMS NOTICE: These instructions are to be used for all students who have been identified with disabilities and are receiving services in Special Education. "Instructions for Completing the Accommodations' Addendums" has been developed as a guide for IEP Teams when considering the student's involvement in statewide and district mandated large-scale assessments. State/District Mandated Tests The 1997 Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA’97) states that all students with disabilities must be included in state, regional, and district large-scale assessments, with results from assessments reported and findings aggregated with the total school population. This means there can be NO EXEMPTIONS from State Mandated Assessments. Therefore, all students will be participating in the TCAP Assessments given at state-scheduled predetermined grade levels: TCAP Achievement TCAP Writing TCAP Competency TCAP Gateway Tests TCAP End-of-Course Tests (EOC) ►Grades 3-8 ►Grades 4, 7, and 11 ►Grades 9-12—Required for: Graduating Classes: 2002– 2004 ►Taken at completion of specified course(s) [Entering Freshmen: 20012002 School year] ►Taken at completion of specified Course(s) NOTE: If a system chooses to administer a non-mandated, system-wide assessment, appropriate policy would be to implement the applicable Special Conditions Accommodations. Students will take the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) Assessment (listed above), or the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment ProgramAlternate (TCAP-Alt). The IEP Team must complete #1 or #2 of the State-Mandated Tests Section of the IEP. For students who will be participating in the TCAP utilizing Allowable State Accommodations, Special Conditions Accommodations and for those children who meet participation criteria for the TCAP-Alt (approximately 1% to 2 % of the Total School Population), refer to the Instructions for Accommodations Addendum. Students taking the TCAP State Mandated Tests may take the test with: a. No Accommodations or b. Allowable State Accommodations and/or c. Special Conditions Accommodations Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 1 1) Student will participate in the following State Mandated Assessments For each test listed, indicate “yes” or “N/A”. If the student’s grade placement is scheduled for a state mandated test, write “yes” in the space next to the test. If the TCAP assessment is not administered at the student’s grade level, write “N/A” in the space next to the test. 1(A) State Mandated Assessment with Allowable State Accommodations NOTE: If this accommodation is not used throughout a student's daily education, it is not advisable to use the Allowable Accommodations during assessment. When Allowable State Accommodations are to be used with the TCAP assessment, place a check mark next to A. The page included in this manual entitled “Allowable State Test Accommodations ADDENDUM” should be used when the IEP Team is making decisions about accommodations. This addendum must be attached to the IEP when the TCAP is given. Although all students can receive the State Allowable Accommodations, the “Allowable State Test Accommodations ADDENDUM” is to be attached to the IEP, as all decisions about accommodations are made through the IEP Team and thus become part of the student's Individual Education Plan. Special education personnel are not responsible for administering Allowable Accommodations to students without disabilities. ALLOWABLE STATE TEST ACCOMMODATIONS ADDENDUM Any departure from standardized test procedures can potentially invalidate the test results. The test validity is seriously threatened by modifications that change the nature of the task being tested. The following accommodations of administrative procedures are allowed to make administration easier in certain cases. Allowable Accommodations: TCAP assessment accommodations are very limited. Students may not have extra time allotments or use any accommodations not listed below. Revised Format - Refers to Large Print and Braille editions. Any revised format must be requested in advance. Large Print and Braille may require different editions of the test or a different test. When administering the Achievement Test, refer to the “Teacher's Notes to Braille Edition” for directions (including standardized time limits for the Braille version of the Achievement Test). "Readers" for illustrations and graphs are also permitted with the Braille and large-print versions of the TCAP assessments. Use of "Readers" for large-print editions of the TCAP Assessments must have Visual Impairment verified on the student's IEP. Extended time for students using Large-Print editions of the TCAP assessment is not applicable as an Allowable Accommodation. Signing Directions - Refers to one-on-one signing of directions for hearing-impaired students only with directions normally read aloud to students. Nothing but the spoken portions of the directions can be signed to the student. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 2 Flexible Setting - Students may take TCAP assessments in an individual or small group setting. Other options include: the student seated in the front of the room, in a study carrel, taking the test in the special education classroom, or at home if the student is homebound (with appropriate documentation). Other Allowable Accommodations - May include magnifying devices, use of templates to reduce the amount of visible print on a page, masks, pointers and abacus. Auditory Aids - Only students who have taken tests orally throughout the student's school career will be allowed to use auditory aids. Auditory aids include amplification devices and devices that are used as noise buffers. A tape recording can be used for the Competency Test only. Tape recordings are primarily used with visually impaired students who do not read Braille or cannot read large-print text. A tape recording requires special permission from the Division of Evaluation and Assessment. Please contact your principal or guidance counselor about receiving special permission for a taped recording. Flexible Scheduling - Refers to giving the TCAP Achievement subtests a few at a time during the day. Each subtest must be taken during the given time allotment although the teacher has the option to give only 1 or 2 subtests at a time instead of the recommended regimen. Extended breaks between subtests may also be given to the student. It is allowable to give the student the Competency Test in short subsections. This is not a timed test and the student can take as much time as needed per subtest. If testing within a subtest extends beyond one school day, notify the LEA Testing Coordinator who will then contact Evaluation and Assessment Division for special instructions. The Gateway and EOC Tests are content specific and each content area must be tested in one setting. Recording Answers - Students who cannot mark their own answer sheets may use an impartial Proctor or Scribe (Recorder of the Student’s Responses), who will transcribe them onto an answer sheet. Students who cannot complete the answer documents (bubble sheets) may record directly in the test booklet or on a separate piece of paper. This accommodation requires special return packing procedures. Please contact your LEA Test Coordinator for packing instructions. NOTICE: Use of accommodations such as reading internal test directions and test items, or increasing time limits would invalidate the test results. Accommodations must be limited to those listed above in order to have valid results. Requests for any type of accommodation other than those listed above must be agreed upon by the student's IEP Team and must be indicated on the student's IEP. For further information, contact the Division of Special Education at (615) 741-2851. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 3 DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATIONS ADDENDUM NOTICE: If special accommodations are required for accommodating a student's disability and not discussed or available in the Special Conditions Accommodations ADDENDUM, contact the Division of Evaluation and Assessment for guidance and further instructions. That office may be reached at (615) 741-0720. 1(B) State Mandated Assessment includes Special Conditions Accommodations NOTE: Special Conditions Accommodations have been established to accommodate disabilities in reading, calculation, sensory (vision/hearing), and physical (necessary for post-school success) deficits, where the severity of the disability prevents the student’s performance from being a valid measure of the test construct (i.e.—the student’s reading level is significantly below grade level; therefore, knowledge of Social Studies, Science, or Mathematics is obstructed by an inability to read test instructions or test items. However, use of the reading accommodations on subtests measuring reading would invalidate the test construct—what the test is designed to measure—and would not be allowed). Following the prescribed format on the “Special Conditions Accommodations ADDENDUM” will allow all students’ test scores to be aggregated and reported with the Total School Population. Students will NOT be allowed to take Outof-Level Tests for two reasons: 1.) Test scores cannot be aggregated and reported with the total student population, as the test construct has been invalidated and, 2.) Material would not be age-appropriate (as required by IDEA). The “Special Conditions Accommodations ADDENDUM” has been designed to help facilitate IEP Team decisions made with each accommodation. This addendum will then be used as a map—an extension of the IEP—when the student takes the TCAP assessment with his/her class. When the “Special Conditions Accommodations ADDENDUM” is used, it must be attached to the IEP as documentation. The IEP Team will need to verify the student meets specific requirements before Special Conditions Accommodations may be used. This is verified through IEP goals, the specific impairment of the student, or through individualized assessment showing the severity of the disability. If the required condition is not met, the student may not use this accommodation. All special accommodations used must be documented on the IEP as a classroom accommodation that has been used consistently during the school year (long enough to ensure the student’s proficiency and need for the accommodation). If the student has not been receiving special education services during the school year prior to the TCAP Assessment, the IEP Team must attach documentation showing this accommodation was implemented within the regular classroom as an intervention, or that the classroom accommodation was provided through the student’s “504 Implementation Plan”. If the special accommodation is discussed at the IEP Meeting, but has not been used in the student’s program to the extent that the student is proficient with the accommodation, write “no” in this column and this accommodation may not be used. Only special education students who meet the required conditions for the special accommodations may use Special Conditions Accommodations. If the student does meet the criteria for the Special Conditions Accommodations, place a check mark next to B. The “Special Conditions Accommodations ADDENDUM” must be attached to the IEP as documentation for Special Conditions Accommodations. Special Education personnel are responsible for administering Special Conditions Accommodations. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 4 NOTE: Research indicates the student will not perform any better, and in some cases not as well, if the student has not been using the same accommodation on a consistent basis over a period of time across appropriate areas of the curriculum. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATIONS ADDENDUM Column 1—lists nine specific accommodations which may be used by special education students in taking the TCAP Assessments Column 2—is used when the student is taking TCAP Achievement Tests Column 3—is used when the student is taking TCAP Writing Assessment Column 4—is used when the student is taking the TCAP Competency Tests. Column 5 – is used when the student is taking the TCAP End of Course and Gateway Tests. Column 6—outlines specific conditions that must be met before the student can use the accommodation listed in column 1. (Column 1) - Special Conditions Accommodations The following is a list of Special Conditions Accommodations that may be used on TCAP Assessments by Special Education students. Special Conditions Accommodations may only be used if indicated on the student’s IEP. Students may use multiple accommodations. The student answer document displays only Special Conditions Accommodations allowed for the appropriate assessment. Bold letters correspond to the answer document coding. Accommodation A. Extended Time (fine motor disabilities) B. Extended Time (visual impairment) C. Read Aloud/Sign Internal Instructions D. Read Aloud/Sign Internal Items E. Repeat Oral Instructions Verbatim F. Calculator G. Talking or Electronic Device with Braille Display H. Word Processor I. Scribe Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 TCAP Assessment TCAP Writing TCAP Achievement, TCAP Writing, and EOC Tests TCAP Achievement, Competency, EOC, and Gateway Tests TCAP Achievement, Competency, EOC, and Gateway Tests TCAP Writing TCAP Achievement, and TCAP Competency TCAP Achievement and Competency TCAP Writing Test TCAP Writing 5 (Columns 2, 3, 4, 5) - TCAP Achievement, TCAP Writing, TCAP Competency, and TCAP End of Course and Gateway Tests Choose the appropriate column indicating the TCAP assessment being given to the student’s class. Each Special Condition Accommodation is addressed in Columns 2, 3, 4, or 5 in one of three ways: 1. Indicates the corresponding Special Condition Accommodation may be used for the assessment when: a. Special Conditions Accommodations in Column 6 have been met, and b. There is documentation that the accommodation has been used in the student’s program on a consistent basis. Enter as “Yes” where *_____ appears, showing documentation of this specific accommodation is present in the IEP. If the column shows specific limits with that accommodation, then the accommodation will need to be made within these restrictions. 2. “NOT ALLOWED” - Means that the corresponding accommodation is not allowed with and would invalidate results from that TCAP assessment. (Column 6) - Required Conditions for Special Accommodations Column 6 provides specific requirements for Special Conditions Accommodations A – I. A. Extended Time for students with Fine-Motor IEP Goal Verified Students using this accommodation should be given one and one-half (1 ½) times as long as the students not using this accommodation. Test Administrators must verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “A” is darkened to signify that the student used this accommodation. The following times must be observed when this accommodation is used: ♦Fourth grade students - fifty-three (53) minutes ♦Seventh grade students - fifty-three (53) minutes ♦Eleventh grade students - thirty-eight (38) minutes B. Extended Time for Visually Impaired Students This accommodation may be used with all reading media accommodating a student with a visual impairment in his/her general education program. This includes, but is not limited to: large-print tests, regular print tests, magnification equipment, templates, masks, and pointers. Test Administrators must verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “B” is darkened to signify that the student used this accommodation. Need for the use of extended time must be documented in the student’s IEP. Eligible students may receive one and one-half (1½) times the standard scheduled time. Working time is shown in minutes, not including instruction time. Items should be read at a moderate, steady pace. Precise timing is required for those test sections for which exact times are specified on the “Teacher Directions Addendum: Extended Time”. No test should be administered more than 75 minutes without a 10-minute break. Follow test schedule on the “Teacher Directions Addendum: Extended Time”. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 6 Recommended Extended Time when using the Large-Print test edition: ♦Fourth grade students - fifty-three (53) minutes ♦Seventh grade students - fifty-three (53) minutes ♦Eleventh grade students - thirty-eight (38) minutes Recommended Extended Time when using the Braille test edition: ♦Fourth grade students - seventy (70) minutes ♦Seventh grade students - seventy (70) minutes ♦Eleventh grade students - fifty (50) minutes C. Read Aloud/Sign Internal Test Instructions NOTE for Accommodations C and D: The audiotape edition of the TCAP Competency Tests must be utilized for those students requiring accommodations C and D. Use of audiotape is considered a Special Conditions Accommodation. Students may use audiotape only or audiotape with the corresponding test booklet, based upon the IEP Team’s decision. The appropriateness of reading accommodations must be verified through individualized assessments given within two years of the TCAP assessment. Eligibility achievement test scores may be used for this determination, if these scores are within two years of the TCAP Assessment. If these assessment results are not available within two years of the TCAP Assessment, and the IEP Team feels this would be an appropriate accommodation, it will be necessary to administer reading decoding and comprehension sections of an individual, standardized achievement test to the student. School personnel trained in individual achievement testing should administer this achievement measure. The individualized reading assessment does not need to be a comprehensive reading test, but should be a composite score of both decoding (basic reading) and comprehension skills in reading (i.e.—Reading Composite Score: which is the composite score from Basic Reading and Reading Comprehension subtests of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Tests – WIAT). The results of this assessment are to be recorded in the space provided for that accommodation. NOTE: The required cut-off score on these assessments has been set at the 16th percentile or less. In standardized assessments, this score falls one standard deviation below the Mean Score on a Normal Bell Curve. Percentile scores higher than the 16th percentile fall within the Mean distribution established with all normative assessment populations—approximately 68% of the student population. Test Administrators are required to verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “C” is darkened to signify that the student used this accommodation. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “C” may be used by students scoring at or below the 16th percentile on an individualized standardized reading test, which measures decoding and comprehension, and/or students who meet eligibility criteria for a Visual and/or Hearing Impairment. The standardized reading test must have been given within the last two years. Group achievement tests such as the TCAP Achievement (TerraNova), Iowa Test of Basic Skills, or Stanford Achievement Tests are not acceptable measures for determining the student’s achievement level when considering use of SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION “C”. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 7 When administered the TCAP Achievement Test, eligible students must receive this accommodation under the following conditions: 1. The student must be tested in an isolated area in which students who do not need the accommodation may not hear (reading of) or see (signing of) the test administration. This may be done in either an individualized or small group setting with students needing the same accommodation. 2. Internal Test Instructions must be read exactly as they are written in the test book. Any variation from the text will invalidate the test. 3. This accommodation may be used for the following subtests: Mathematics, Mathematics Computation, Science, and Social Studies. 4. This accommodation may NOT be used for the following subtests: Reading and Language Arts, Vocabulary, Language Mechanics, Spelling, and Word Analysis. When administered the End of Course and Gateway Tests eligible students may receive this accommodation under the following conditions: 1. The student must be tested in an isolated area in which students who do not need the accommodation may not hear (reading of) or see (signing of) the test administration. This may be done in either an individualized or small group setting with students needing the same accommodation. 2. Internal Test Instructions must be read exactly as they are written in the test book. Any variation from the text will invalidate the test. 3. This accommodation may be used on the following End of Course and Gateway Tests: Algebra I, Algebra II, Math Foundations II, Geometry, Biology I, United States History, Chemistry, Physical Science, English I, and English II. D. Read Aloud/Sign Internal Test Items Test Administrators are required to verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “D” is darkened to signify that the student used this accommodation. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “D” may be used by students scoring at or below the 16th percentile on an individualized standardized reading test, which measures decoding and comprehension, and/or students who meet eligibility criteria for a Visual and/or Hearing Impairment. The standardized reading test must have been given within the last two years. Group achievement tests such as the TCAP Achievement (TerraNova), Iowa Test of Basic Skills, or Stanford Achievement Tests are not acceptable measures for determining the student’s achievement level when considering use of SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “D”. When administered the TCAP Achievement Test, eligible students must receive this accommodation under the following conditions: 1. The student must be tested in an isolated area in which students who do not need the accommodation may not hear (reading of) or see (signing of) the test administration. This may be done in either an individualized or small group setting with students needing the same accommodation. 2. Internal Test Instructions must be read exactly as they are written in the test book. Any variation from the text will invalidate the test. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 8 3. This accommodation may be used for the following subtests: Mathematics, Mathematics Computation, Science, and Social Studies. 4. This accommodation may NOT be used for the following subtests: Reading and Language Arts, Vocabulary, Language Mechanics, Spelling, and Word Analysis. When administered the End of Course and Gateway Tests eligible students may receive this accommodation under the following conditions: 1. The student must be tested in an isolated area in which students who do not need the accommodation may not hear (reading of) or see (signing of) the test administration. This may be done in either an individualized or small group setting with students needing the same accommodation. 2. Internal Test Instructions must be read exactly as they are written in the test book. Any variation from the text will invalidate the test. 3. This accommodation may be used on the following End of Course and Gateway Tests: Algebra I, Algebra II, Math Foundations II, Geometry, Biology I, United States History, Chemistry, and Physical Science. 4. This accommodation may not be used on the following EOC and Gateway Tests: English I and English II. E. Repeat Oral Instructions Verbatim (As Needed) This accommodation may be used when the student meets eligibility requirements for a Visual and/or Hearing Impairment and/or has scored at or below the 16th Percentile on an Individual Standardized Reading Test that measures decoding and comprehension. This test must have been given within the last two years. Test Administrators are required to verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “E” is darkened to signify that the student used this accommodation. The following guidelines must be observed when this accommodation is used: 1. The Test Administrator may repeat the written oral instructions as needed. 2. The Test Administrator may read the prompt (as written) more than once. 3. Prompts must not be discussed. 4. The regular time limit must be observed—thirty-five (35) minutes for fourth and seventh graders and twenty-five (25) minutes for eleventh grade students. F. Calculator – for use on selected math items NOTE for Accommodation F: Considerations for TCAP Competency Tests—Test items addressing calculation, applied mathematics, and mathematical concepts on the TCAP Mathematics Competency Test are scattered throughout the tests, and not clustered in a manner that would facilitate administration of the mathematics Special Conditions Accommodations. These accommodations would require one-on-one administration of the TCAP Mathematics Competency Tests in order to monitor items that would allow the use of these accommodations. The appropriateness of calculation accommodations must be verified through individualized assessments given within two years of the TCAP assessment. Eligibility achievement test scores may be used for this determination, if these scores are within two years of the TCAP Assessment. If not and the IEP Team determines this would be an appropriate accommodation, it will be necessary to administer an individual, standardized Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 9 achievement test of calculation to the student. School personnel trained in individual achievement testing should administer this achievement measure. The results of these assessments are to be recorded in the space provided for that accommodation. Test Administrators are required to verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “F” is darkened to signify that the student used this accommodation. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION “F” may be used by students scoring at or below the 16th Percentile on an Individual Standardized Calculations Test. Follow test directions on the “Teacher Directions Addendum: Special Conditions Accommodations” for selected items. Items selected for calculator use are at or above analysis thinking skills. Please refer to the “Examiner’s Manual” and/or “Testing Addendum” for required calculator specifications. NOTE: Use of a calculator for test items that do not measure the academic skill of Computation, i.e. Applied Concepts and Algebraic Problems, is permitted on all TCAP Achievement (TerraNova), High School Subject Matter, End of Course, and Gateway Tests. Therefore, calculator use is not considered a Special Conditions Accommodation. If Calculator usage is appropriate for the TCAP assessment, and the school system does not permit this Allowable Accommodation, the IEP Team should document the Calculator as a Special Conditions Accommodation. In this case, the IEP Team should record use of the Calculator in the student’s general education program and document the Required Conditions for Calculator use in Column 6 of the “Special Conditions Accommodations Addendum”. The use of Calculator as a Special Conditions Accommodation is not recorded on the student’s answer document for TCAP Achievement (TerraNova), High School Subject Matter, End of Course, and Gateway Tests since Accommodation “F” is an Allowable Accommodation for these assessments. G. Talking (with earphones) or Electronic Device with Braille Display SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “G” may be used by students eligible for services with a Visual Impairment when the use of an audible calculator is necessary for all mathematics and will be necessary for post-school success. This accommodation may be used on all mathematics subtests when the Required Conditions in Column 6 have been met. Test Administrators are required to verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “G” is darkened to signify that the student used this accommodation. Eligible students must receive this accommodation under the following condition: The student must use a talking calculator with earphones. In the event that earphones are not available for the talking calculator, the student must be tested in an isolated area. H. Word Processor with/without Talk-Text Technology An IEP goal in writing where technology is used consistently throughout general education curriculum is required for SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “H”. Technology used as an accommodation must be necessary for post-school success. Test Administrators are required to verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “H” is darkened to signify that the student used this accommodation. Eligible students must receive this accommodation under the following conditions: 1. The student must be tested in an isolated area in which students who do not need the accommodation may not hear or see the technology during the test administration. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 10 2. Internal Test Instructions must be read exactly as they are written in the test book. Any variation from the text will invalidate the test. 3. Accommodation H must be specified in the IEP, "IEP goal in writing where technology is used consistently throughout general education curriculum (grammar, spell-check, and thesaurus not allowed)." 4. This accommodation may NOT be used for the following subtests: Reading and Language Arts, Vocabulary, Language Mechanics, Spelling, and Word Analysis. I. Scribe – As a Special Conditions Accommodation – TCAP Writing Assessment SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “I” may be used by students when indicated on the IEP or due to short-term physical inability to write. The following guidelines must be observed when this accommodation is used. Test Administrators must verify that SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACCOMMODATION code “I” is darkened on the student answer grid to signify that the student used this accommodation. a. The Test Administrator must complete the student’s information grids on the writing folder. b. Students using this accommodation should be tested in a quiet room apart from other students to avoid confusion while testing. c. The Test Administrator should read the prompt aloud only once. d. Time limits must be observed—thirty-five (35) minutes for 4th and 7th grade students, and twenty-five (25) minutes for 11th grade students. e. The Scribe must not correct what the student dictates. f. The Scribe should remain silent throughout the testing process. g. The student is to dictate his or her essay to the Scribe by spelling out each word, letter-by-letter. h. The student must dictate all punctuation. i. The Scribe must not alert the student of mistakes during testing. j. The Scribe must not use vocal inflection to indicate correct or incorrect responses. k. If the student requests to go back to a certain passage, the Scribe should either show the student the written page or spell back what the student dictated. The Scribe is not permitted to point out misspelled words, confusing organization, or missing punctuation. l. The essay should be completed on the answer document provided for the TCAP Writing Assessment. NOTICE: Any student receiving a Special Conditions Accommodation must be documented on the Report of Irregular Testing Conditions Form. It is the Building and system Level Testing Coordinator's responsibility to confirm that all students reported have met the required conditions to receive the specific accommodation and that it is documented on the student's IEP. In the event that a student is reported as receiving a Special Conditions Accommodation on the Report of Irregular Testing Conditions Form and does NOT meet the requirements, the Building/System Level Testing Coordinator should initiate a Report of Irregularity Form for nullification. The Office of Special Education has requested the Division of Evaluation and Assessment provide an avenue by which to track the absence of students receiving special education services. The Report of Irregular Testing Conditions Form collects absences for all students; thus, in order to track students receiving special education services, the directions will now ask that the Test Administrator identify the appropriate students with an asterisk (*). Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 11 2) Student will participate in State Mandated Alternate Assessment (TCAP-Alt) Approximately one to two percent of the Total School Population will meet participation requirements for the TCAP-Alternate Assessment (TCAP-Alt). Effective for the 20012002 school year, the TCAP-Alt will provide two alternatives for the assessment of students with severe and profound disabilities. After the IEP Team has determined students have met participation criteria for the TCAP-Alt, the IEP Team then determines the most appropriate TCAP-Alt format for that student. The student will be assessed either by the TCAP-Alt: (ASA) Academic Skills Assessment or the TCAP-Alt: (PA) Portfolio Assessment. The TCAP-Alt: ASA measures the student’s performance at his/her academic skill level. The TCAP-Alt: PA assesses the student’s performance through a systematic collection of evidence gathered throughout the school year. Each one of the TCAP-Alt Assessments corresponds with curriculum standards being assessed with peers who are age-grade comparable. The decision of assessing the student with the TCAP-Alt: (ASA) or the TCAP-Alt: (PA) is made by the student’s IEP Team. After the student has met the requirements on the “TCAP-Alt Participation ADDENDUM”, the IEP Team reviews the student’s most recent (within one academic school year) assessment data. This academic skills review may be based on either norm-referenced or criterion-referenced tests. If this data indicates the student has acquired measurable academic skills, the IEP Team may determine the most appropriate achievement level for assessment (see Table 1). The IEP Team should base the level of achievement for the TCAP-Alt: ASA on the student’s Instructional Reading Level. After the IEP Team has determined the TCAP Achievement Level on which the student will be assessed, a determination is made as to whether the student will need Allowable and/or Special Conditions Accommodation with the TCAPAlt: (ASA). This section is completed when the student meets the participation criteria for the Alternate Assessment—please refer to TCAP IEP Options Flowchart on the last page of this document for further clarification of the IEP Team decision-making process. When the IEP Team has made this determination, all items under #1 may be skipped, and information under #2 should be completed. The IEP Team will place a check mark in the space provided next to the statement: “Student will participate in State Mandated Alternate Assessment (TCAP-Alt)” and attach this completed addendum to the IEP. 2(A) TCAP-Alt: (ASA) Academic Skills Assessment After the IEP Team has agreed the student meets participation criteria for the Alternate Assessment, a determination is made as to whether the student will participate in TCAPAlt: (ASA) or TCAP-Alt (PA). When TCAP-Alt: (ASA) is the most appropriate alternate TCAP assessment, place a check mark next to 2(A) and write the grade level of TCAP Achievement Test determined for that student before the statement that reads: “Achievement Level (Check Accommodations Above)”. Both Allowable Accommodations and Special Conditions Accommodations may be used when administering the TCAP-Alt: (ASA). The IEP Team should follow all instructions in Sections 1(A) and 1(B) of this document when considering the use of Allowable Accommodations and Special Conditions Accommodations for the TCAP-Alt: (ASA), Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 12 and attach the Allowable and/or Special Conditions Accommodations Addendums to the student’s IEP. When accommodations are used with the TCAP-Alt: (ASA), the IEP Team must document the use of Special Conditions Accommodations in the student’s general curriculum from the student’s IEP in the appropriate column (Columns 2—5), and the Required Conditions for Special Conditions Accommodations (Column 6). The IEP Team should then indicate the use of these accommodations by placing check marks next to 1(A) and/or 1(B) of the State/District Mandated Tests section of the IEP. 2(B) TCAP-Alt: (PA) Portfolio Assessment When TCAP-Alt: (PA) is the most appropriate alternate TCAP assessment, place a check mark next to 2(B). Extensive instructions for the development of the TCAP-Alt (PA) can be found in the “Tennessee Alternate Portfolio Assessment Manual”. DIRECTIONS FOR COMPETING TCAP-ALT PARTICIPATION ADDENDUM The TCAP-Alt: (PA) and the TCAP-Alt: (ASA) are scored on a point-rating system (Step One to Advanced), which can be reported in conjunction with other TCAP group achievement tests. In this way, scores can be aggregated or disaggregated with the general population scores. SECTION I DIRECTIONS: 1. 2. 3. Complete all demographic information on the student at the top of the page. Begin with the first box. Write “yes” or "no" next to each statement that applies. Complete the documentation of cognitive and adaptive skill levels marked in the appropriate space provided. All four participation criteria must be checked “yes”, or the student MAY NOT participate in the Alternate Assessment. (Students who are 14 years of age or older must also meet the fifth criterion.) SECTION II DIRECTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Begin with the first box on the second page of the TCAP-Alt Participation Guidelines Addendum. Write “yes” or "no" next to each statement that applies. Complete the documentation of academic skill levels for the TCAP-Alt: ASA in the appropriate space provided. After determination is made for the TCAP-Alt (PA) or TCAP-Alt (ASA), document which assessment the student will be taking, and the grade level (ASA) or content areas (PA) that are appropriate--refer to the charts on the next two pages for guidelines. When participation criteria has been determined for the TCAP-Alt by the IEP Team, write the date of the IEP Team Meeting in the space provided. IEP team members making this determination should sign and write in their position (in relation to the student) at the bottom of this page. Attach the TCAP-Alt: (ASA) and (PA) Participation ADDENDUM to the student’s IEP. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 13 Table 1 TCAP-ALT ACADEMIC SKILLS ASSESSMENT [TCAP-ALT: (ASA)] Determination of TCAP Achievement Level for TCAP-Alt: (ASA) STUDENT’S ACADEMIC SKILLS GRADE LEVEL FOR TCAP-ALT: (ASA) TCAP ACHIEVEMENT (TerraNova) TEST LEVEL Kindergarten TerraNova-Level 10 1st Grade TerraNova-Level 11 2nd Grade TerraNova-Level 12 3rd Grade Grade 3 4th Grade Grade 4 NOTE: The IEP Team must determine: 1. The student meets participation criteria for the TCAP-Alt, and 2. The TCAP-Alt: (ASA) is the most appropriate alternate assessment for that student, and 3. The appropriate TCAP Achievement Level for the assessment of the student 4. It is the responsibility of the student’s teacher to request the appropriate grade level assessment for that student from the State Department Division of Evaluation and Assessment at the time when all TCAP Achievement Tests are ordered from the school district. If the student needs modifications that are not “Allowable Accommodations” or “Special Conditions Accommodations” for administration of the TCAP-Alt: (ASA), the IEP Team MUST assess the student with the TCAP-Alt (PA)—see TCAP IEP Options Flowchart. The TCAP-Alt: (PA) gathers evidence from the student’s program throughout the school year. This collection of evidence from the student’s program is submitted for scoring during the time frame in which students are administered the TCAP Achievement Tests (TerraNova) and the TCAP-Alt: (ASA). Detailed instructions for the development of the TCAP-Alt: (PA) are provided in the “Tennessee Alternate Portfolio Assessment Manual”. Table 2 delineates Portfolio Entry Requirements for each grade level, and gives the corresponding TCAP Assessments provided through general education at each grade level. Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 14 Table 2 TCAP-ALT PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT [TCAP-ALT: (PA)] ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Grade Level Assignment Corresponding State/District Assessment TCAP-Alt Required Entries Kindergarten TerraNova—Level 10 1st Grade TerraNova—Level 11 2nd Grade TerraNova—Level 12 3rd Grade 4th Grade TCAP Achievement Grade 3 TCAP Achievement TCAP Writing Grade 4 E/LA, M, SS, S E/LA, M, SS, S 5th Grade TCAP Achievement Grade 5 E/LA, M, SS, S 6th Grade TCAP Achievement Grade 6 E/LA, M, SS, S 7th Grade TCAP Achievement TCAP Writing Grade 7 E/LA, M, SS, S 8th Grade TCAP Achievement Grade 8 E/LA, M, SS, S 9th Grade TCAP Gateway Biology I - Algebra I M, S 10th Grade TCAP Gateway English 10 (Effective 2002-03 School Year) E/LA 11th Grade TCAP Writing (Effective 2003-04 School Year) E/LA 12th Grade or Exit Year ACT – SAT – Work Keys E/LA, M, Resumé Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 NOTE: TCAP-Alt is not required in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades, when the school district does not provide districtwide assessments at K-2 grade levels. If the school system does provide districtwide assessments for grades K-2, portfolio entries for the TCAP-Alt should mirror the areas tested by the school system. Entries for the K-2 TCAP-Alt may include: E/LA, M, SS, and S—IF—the school system assesses K-2 students in all these areas. If the system assesses K-2 students only in the areas of Reading and Mathematics, portfolio entries would be developed in the areas of E/LA and M. 15 Special Note If student requires modifications (in addition to Allowable or Special Conditions Accommodations) for participation in the TCAP-ALT: (ASA), then student MUST take the TCAP-ALT: (PA) Instructions-TCAP Accommodations Addendums Updated—8-14-01 16 FLOWCHART—TCAP—IEP OPTIONS