Healthcare Facility Managers Association Of Delaware Valley, Inc. ORGANIZED 1949 CHAPTER MINUTES President LEON DENDER Chestnut Hill Rehab Hospital (215) 233-6290 President-Elect JEFF HENNE Fox Chase Cancer Center (215)728-2461 Treasurer RON RICHARDSON JEVS, Inc. (215) 728-4424 CALL TO ORDER President Leon Dender called the meeting to order on May 1, 2007 at 6:00 PM. Officers and attendees saluted the flag and made with selfintroductions. The January minutes voted accepted by as written. TREASURERS REPORT Secretary Joe Rawson, SASHE Fox Chase Cancer Center (215)728-2573 Treasurer, Ron Richardson, stated the Association is solvent. 2007 dues are being received, and the chapter is solvent. Sgt. at Arms Roger Heckman Deer Meadows Retirement Community (215) 624-7575 EDUCATIONAL SECTION: VOLUME 58 ISSUE # 5 May 1, 2007 Editor Jeffrey Henne “SERVING THROUGH ENGINEERING” HFMADV is an affiliated chapter of the American Society for Healthcare Engineering, we were organized in 1949. Meetings are normally held at 5:30 PM the first Tuesday of the month (except July and August) at Travelodge (Best Western Hotel) Northeast Philadelphia, 11580 Roosevelt Boulevard. Check our web site for up to date information. for the most successful CHFM training class we ever held!ASHE ASHE Report: Joe Rawson reported that he was honored to be asked by ASHE's executive board to run for the position of ASHE President-Elect position for 2008, and has warmly accepted a nomination. If elected Joe would become ASHE President for 2009. Joe said that he thanked all the members and asked for their continued support. ENERGY There was no report this month. Energy Advocates Group offers assistance with utility billing issues and energy cost savings opportunities. Contact EAG at (610) 328-9080. EDUCATIONIONAL PRESENTATION The monthly training was the all day CHFM Prep-training course. This course was designed to get Facility Managers ready to take the CHFM Exam. Bill Anderson CHFM, SASHE; John DiGirolomo, MBA, CHFM, SASHE; and Dan Campbell, SASHE, CHFM administrated and presented the training material to the class. Our chapter would like to thank them for their time and effort Joe also reminded everyone of the up coming ASHE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition, July 8-11, 2007 at the Marriott New Orleans, LA. This year’s theme "Survival to Revival: Building Tomorrow’s Healthcare Environment Today". Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind Conference! ASHE’s Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition provides you with the latest trends in the industry, the opportunity to further your skill sets and timely information to bring value back to your job as you 2 Healthcare Facility Manager's Association of Delaware Valley, Inc. take time to learn and connect with old friends while making new ones. In addition to an outstanding lineup of educational content, the Annual Conference offers time to see the great sites and taste the world-class food that New Orleans boasts. This year’s Opening Reception, which is being held at the National World War II Museum and the Annual Banquet, will be like nothing ASHE has ever done before and should not be missed. ASHE is also planning special events to make sure your family and guests feels welcome and have the opportunity for sightseeing, as well as volunteer opportunities for attendees to give back to this wonderful city. Be sure to check the website as it will be updated with Conference information every few weeks. See you in New Orleans! ASSOCIATE & SOCIAL April Meeting There are new up to date codes posted on the website. Dan mentioned the updated codes from the previous month listed below: 1. The Joint Commission is discussing the possibility of combining two EC standards EC.1.10 safety and EC.2.10 Security. The EP’s would be the same just located under one standard. Their reasons for considering this action are that they believe that there is not a clear distinction between safety and security, and that security is actually a subset of safety. Also, they feel that in smaller hospitals many times, the same person that is responsible for both of these standards. No report this month. EAB Nothing to report. CODES 2. The date to complete the eSOC has been moved from July 1st to a September 1st deadline. 3. A free copy of NFPA 1600 can be downloaded from the NFPA web site. The web site is and the standard is located under highlights at the fourth bullet down. The Standard is on “Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs, 2007 edition and it is 57 pages long. 4. NFPA 10 talks about installation of “K” type fire extinguishers in chapter 6.6 Installation for Class K Hazards. a. 6.6.1 Class “K fire extinguishers shall be provided for hazards where there is a potential for fires involving combustible cooking media such as vegetable or animal oils and fats. b. 6.6.2 Maximum travel distance shall not exceed 30 feet from the hazard to the extinguishers. Note: if your Kitchen and or Cafeteria has a deep fat fryer the travel 3 Healthcare Facility Manager's Association of Delaware Valley, Inc. distance is cut to 15 feet. ADVOCACY AD BOOK The 2007 Ad Book is at the printers. Only major changes i.e., names and contact information can be changed at this time. Contact Joe Rawson at 215 728-2573. OLD BUSINESS No Report. NEW BUSINESS Golf Outing on May 31st! Robert passed along some information that was posted on the website for everyone review! MEMBERSHIP Leon Dender reported that several new membership applications have been received, applicants will be notified. GOOD & WELFARE Nothing to Report. CHAPTER RECOGNITION Leon Dender reported that himself, Jeff Henne and Mr. Collins, Sr. submitted the chapter recognition. WEB SITE Jeff Henne reported further enhancements and information have been added to the web site. Also, the HFMADV Newsletter has been added to the bottom of the front page for members to download. NEWSLETTER Jim Shoemaker has asked anyone who wants to submit an article for the newsletter to contact him with the email listed below. Members who can are asked contribute articles on healthcare or related services (including jokes or recipes) for upcoming newsletter. Send Jim the information at his new email, Secretary, Joe Rawson reported meeting minutes will be sent out via email, so make sure he has your correct email address you wish to receive it. Members who do not have email will receive there minutes by US Postal mail, only if you have requested that mode. Please contact Joe Rawson at 215 728-2573. EDUCATION SEMINAR Joe Rawson reported a Spring Educational Seminar is planned for May 1st. The topic is the Certified Healthcare Facility Manager (CHFM) Certification Program. A national speaker program is schedule that will provide first hand understanding of what information and type of questions an individual is likely to see on the exam. Fall Conference, Gary Slack will again provide “The Joint Commission 2007-8 Standards.” Joe Rawson also reported the association recommends vendor members looking for opportunities to show their trades to contact him for opportunities as corporate sponsors for our educational programs. Vendors interested in participating can contact Joe Rawson at 215 728-2573 for more information. Education Program for June 1, 2007: Meeting only! DINNER Roy Mitchell reported that the catering service for the Best Western has changed. Roy is preparing a survey tool, which will to be available for attendees to provide feedback one various aspects of the meeting. GOLF OUTING May 31, 2007 Save the date for our annual event. Persons interested in participating should contact Jeff Henne at (215) 728-2461. ADJOURNMENT Leon Dender adjourned the meeting at 7:30PM. Respectfully submitted, Joe Rawson, SASHE, Secretary Any corrections, omissions or deletions, please contact me at (215) 728-2573. 4 Healthcare Facility Manager's Association of Delaware Valley, Inc. Coming Events 2007 May CHFM Seminar Prep Course followed by the monthly meeting. 31- Golf Outing, Followed by a Monthly Meeting 31- Golf Outing, Followed by a Monthly Meeting No Meeting, Have a great summer! June July August No Meeting, Have a great summer!