Newsletter March 2014 - CASHE - Chesapeake Area Society of

March 2014
Letter from the President, by Joyce Malone
Hello fellow CASHE members!
I don’t know about any of you but I am sooooo ready for Spring! I don’t
want to see another flake of snow for a very long time. Thanks to everyone who
attended our last general meeting even though we had a snow storm looming. Turf
Valley is an awesome venue for our general meetings.
We are gearing up for elections to the CASHE and CAB boards. These folks
will start their tenure at the first general meeting in October. Currently, you have
received several emails about nominations. Nominations can still be accepted
until the March general meeting coming up next week so please email me your
nominations if you haven’t done so. In April, you will receive a ballot to make
your selections. It is critical for the organization to nominate and vote for your
board members. Also important is your willingness to serve. Please consider
serving on one of these boards and participate by nominating and voting for your
next board.
I am so excited to be able to be part of our 50th anniversary celebration. Our
reputation as a strong organization is well known and it is because of individuals
like you who support the endeavors of CASHE. It’s so important that as an
organization and individuals we make a difference with each and every day. Be a
leader in your work and consider stepping up within the organization to continue to
represent CASHE as the best chapter under ASHE. I thank each and every one of
you for your commitment and support over the last year and I look forward to our
General Meeting Information
March 12, 2014
Social Hour 4:30-5:30
Education 5:30-6:30
Dinner 6:30-7:30
Hilton Garden Inn
Energy Savings, Rebates, New
Lighting Technology
Directions: Click Here
Price: CASHE Healthcare Members – Free, CASHE Associate Members - $35.00, CASHE Member Guests $50.00, All guests will be charged a $50.00 entrance fee at the front desk.
Pay pal
All CASHE members may pay for CASHE membership, meeting, or event, using the PayPal on the CASHE web
site. You will still need to RSVP so we will have a head count for the meeting. PayPal does not RSVP. PayPal
only processes payment. You may choose to print a receipt.
Educational Fund – Don’t miss-out on free tuition reimbursement.
The CASHE Board is pleased to announce that we have educational opportunities for our members
and/or their staff. Healthcare members interested in learning new “Trades” skills and/or members who have
staff interested in learning new “Trades” skills are encouraged to submit an application to the CASHE
Board of Directors for review and consideration. Education opportunities are available in the areas of Plant
Operations, HVAC, Controls, & Electricity.
Application Criteria
Any member of CASHE can apply and/or nominate a current healthcare worker for the program;
the nominee does not need to be a CASHE member.
The criteria to be selected are as follows:
· Must be working in Healthcare.
· Must be a reliable hard working employee.
· Must be someone that shows motivation to improve their skills.
· Must be willing to complete the class with a passing grade.
Follow link to website and reimbursement form.
Contact: or any CASHE Board member for additional information or submit an
application for education reimbursement.
Upcoming Events & Activities by Bill Swaggerty & Jeff McBride
 Event:
 Date:
 Location:
Spring Trade Show!!
April 9, 2014
Turf Valley Resort
 Time:
 Sponsor:
CASHE Healthcare Members – Free
CASHE Associate Members - $35.00
CASHE Associate Member Guests - $50.00
CASHE HC Member Guests- $50.00
Code Advocacy Update:
CMS has now extended the deadline to submit public comments on the Emergency Preparedness Rule.
The link below may be used for submitting comments:!submitComment;D=CMS-2013-0269-0002
Some of the concerns related to the proposed rule are:
1. Proposed rule if very vague and may be widely interpreted
2. Requires retrofit of systems
3. Many of the proposed regulations are already adopted
4. Substantive assistance required to all evacuees
5. Unclear on the All Hazards Approach
6. Requires tracking of patients after a disaster
Did you know that ASHE now has a mobile app which can be downloaded on a smartphone?
ASHE region 2 (MD, PA, DE, NJ) will be holding a Barrier Management Symposium in May with more
details to follow.
The ASHE list-serve is now piloting a program to submit questions to Just Ask ASHE through the listserve. Just Ask ASHE is the place to get accurate, up-to-date information on health care code compliance
How do I Ask ASHE? Accurate information is just an e-mail away. Simply go to:
and fill out the request form. Provide as much specific information as possible, so you receive a specific
answer. ASHE will then get to work to find the right person with the right answer to your question.
2012-1214 CASHE Board of Directors
Joyce Malone
Charlie Fraim
Vice President
Carroll Simmons
Jeff Hohenberger
Bob Decker
Doug Polt
Education &
Bill Swaggerty
Jeff McBride
Tammy Baczynskyj
Lennon Peake
Tim Urban
Bill Hartman
Jeff McBride
CASHE Newsletter & Website Information, by Jeff Hohenberger
Please contact Jeff Hohenberger, CASHE Secretary @ email: with
ASHE Insider
February 18, 2014
For more information, visit Career
Flash online.
Hospitals showing commitment to sustainability
Director of Physical Plant
Syracuse, N.Y.
Hospitals around the country are showing their commitment to
Manager, Facilities
sustainability by becoming allies with the American Hospital
Nampa, Idaho
Association's Sustainability Roadmap for Hospitals. Read this press
release about the allies program to see which hospitals were the first
Director of Engineering
10 to sign up. Continue reading
Springfield, Mo.
Barrier management symposium offers compliance
Member ID: 8022536107
Expiration Date: 10/31/2014
Fire barrier penetrations are one of the top causes for Joint
Jeffrey Hohenberger
Commission citations related to the health care physical
environment. To help address this issue, ASHE is working with
several other organizations to provide events across the country that
will offer compliance tips focused on fire and smoke barrier systems. Update profile or renew now.
Continue reading
Share your commissioning success story
ASHE is gathering case studies and other information about how
hospitals are creating value using the ASHE commissioning process.
Continue reading
Finding ways to manage clinical alarms
Hospitals looking for effective and efficient clinical alarm
management systems must address their technology issues as well
as organizational culture issues. Continue reading (Health
Facilities Management)
Deadline for submitting comments on proposed CMS
rule is Feb. 25
2014 PDC Summit
March 16–19
Orlando, FL
Visit our website to view all education
ASHE members are encouraged to comment on an emergency
planning rule proposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS). Requirements in the proposed rule would affect
hospitals around the country. Continue reading
Certified Healthcare Constructor
(CHC) Exam Review Course
Certified Healthcare Constructor
(CHC) Exam Review Course
Registration is open for PDC Summit
Registration is now open for the 2014 International Summit &
Exhibition on Health Facility Planning, Design & Construction (PDC
Summit). The event will be held in Orlando, Fla., from March 16-19,
2014. The PDC Summit draws a wide range of health professionals,
giving people with various viewpoints a chance to learn from each
other, make valuable business connections, and shape the future of
the health care physical environment. For more information about
the PDC Summit or to register, visit the PDC Summit website.
Certified Healthcare Facility
Manager (CHFM) Exam Review
Healthcare Construction Certificate
Program (HCC)
Health Care Facility Management:
Health Care Facility Management:
Managing the PDC Process
ASHE offers commissioning resources in e-book
Health Care Facility Management
and Construction: Infection
Prevention (IP)
Health Care Facility Management:
ASHE is now offering two books in an electronic format that can be Managing Accreditation
read on your computer and certain tablets and mobile phones. The
e-book versions of Health Facility Commissioning Guidelines and the
Commissioning: Health Care Facility
Health Facility Commissioning Handbook are now available in the
Management (HFCx)
ASHE store. For more details about these new e- books, visit the
ASHE store.
Region 6 Conference
CHC Update
Heath Care Construction Certificate:
Congratulations to the most recent recipients of the Certified Health Subcontractor Program (e-learning
Care Constructor (CHC) credential. To view the complete list of CHC course)
recipients, click here.
Health Care Facility Management:
Life Safety (e-learning course)
CHFM Update
Congratulations to the most recent recipients of the Certified
Healthcare Facility Manager (CHFM) credential. To view the
complete list of CHFM recipients, click here.
Energy University
Live Learning Center