Egypt Study Guide

Name: __________________________ Mod: ______
Chapter 3: Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Study Guide
1. How did the Nile River affect ancient Egyptian
It provided rich farmland in the river valley.
2. Who did the Egyptian pharaohs rule (with
absolute power) over?
All Egyptians.
3. How did religion help early Egyptians?
It explained natural events to people
4. How did the ancient Egyptians demonstrate their
belief in life after death?
They preserved the bodies of their dead for the
5. Most of the land in Egypt is:
6. What material did the ancient Egyptians use to
build their houses?
mud bricks
7. What landform is at the mouth of the Nile?
A delta
8. What was the greatest achievement of Pharaoh
Menes joined Upper and Lower Egypt.
9. How did Egyptian rulers govern so many people?
They maintained absolute power of the people
10. What was a very important religious practice in
ancient Egypt?
Prepare the dead for the afterlife (mummification)
11. What is the Book of the Dead?
The Book of the Dead is a guide to life after death.
12. What influenced the lives of the peasants in ancient
The planting season
13. What is the Rosetta Stone and why was it
The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it. It was
important because it helped scholars understand
14. Egypt is located on what continent?
15. How did the Egyptian farmers grow crops so
They were very skilled in irrigating their crops.
Essay: Why was the Nile River important to the lives of
the ancient Egyptians? Use details from the chapter in
your response.
Know the definitions for:
Cataract – A strong flood of rushing water
Pharaoh – A powerful Egyptian ruler
Pyramid – A triangular shaped building - tomb
Dynasty – A series of rulers from the same family
Papyrus – A paper made from reeds
Delta – A plain at the mouth of a river
Afterlife – life after death
Silt – Fine soil found on river bottoms
Astronomer – A scientist who studies stars and other
objects in the sky
Regent – Someone who rules for a child until the child is
old enough to rule