Wayne County Public Schools NC Essential Standards for Social Studies- 2010 Grade 3 – Social Studies Pacing Guide 1st 9 Weeks 2nd 9 Weeks 3rd 9 Weeks Unit 1: Civics and Government Unit 2: History/Colonial America Unit 3: Geography, Environmental Literacy, and Culture 3.C&G.1: Understand the development, structure and function of local government. 3.H.1: Understand how events, individuals and ideas have influenced the history of local and regional communities. 3.G.1: Understand the earth’s patterns by using the 5 themes of geography: (location, place, human-environment interaction, movement and regions). 3.C&G.1.1 Summarize the historical development of local governments. 3.C&G.1.2 Describe the structure of local government and how it functions to serve citizens. 3.C&G.1.3 Understand the three branches of government, with an emphasis on local government. 3.C&G.2: Understand how citizens participate in their communities. 3.C&G.2.1 Exemplify how citizens contribute politically, socially and economically to their community. 4th 9 Weeks Unit 4: Economics and Financial Literacy 3.E.1: Understand how the location of regions affects activity in a market economy. 3.H.1.1 Explain key historical events that occurred in the local community and regions over time. 3.G.1.1 Find absolute and relative locations of places within the local community and region. 3.H.1.2 Analyze the impact of contributions made by diverse historical figures in local communities and regions over time. 3.G.1.3 Exemplify how people adapt to, change and protect the environment to meet their needs. 3.H.1.3 Exemplify the ideas that were significant in the development of local communities and regions. 3.H.2: Use historical thinking skills to understand the context of events, people and places. 3.C&G.2.2 Exemplify how citizens contribute to the well-being of the community’s natural environment. 3.H.2.1 Explain change over time through historical narratives. (events, people and places) 3.C&G.2.3 Apply skills in civic engagement and public discourse (school, community) 3.H.2.2 Explain how multiple perspectives are portrayed through historical narratives. 3.E.1.1 Explain how location impacts supply and demand. 3.G.1.2 Compare the human and physical characteristics of places. 3.G.1.4 Explain how the movement of goods, people and ideas impact the community. 3.G.1.5 Summarize the elements (cultural, demographic, economic and geographic) that define regions (community, state, nation and world). 3.G.1.6 Compare various regions according to their characteristics. 3.C.1: Understand how diverse cultures are visible in local and regional communities. 3.C.1.1 Compare languages, foods and traditions of various groups living in local and regional communities. 3.C.1.2 Exemplify how various groups show artistic expression within the local and regional communities. 3.E.1.2 Explain how locations of regions and natural resources influence economic development (industries developed around natural resources, rivers and coastal towns). 3.E.2: Understand entrepreneurship in a market economy. 3.E.2.1 Explain why people become entrepreneurs 3.E.2.2 Give examples of entrepreneurship in various regions of our state. 3.C.1.3 Use non-fiction texts to explore how cultures borrow and share from each other (foods, languages, rules, traditions, and behaviors). Unit 1: Civics & Government Textbook Unit 1: Citizens and Government Textbook Unit 2: Our Different Roles Unit 2: History/Colonial America Textbook Unit 3: People and Communities Over Time Textbook Unit 7: Lessons 1- Local & Global Leaders & Lesson 3: Creating New Communities Unit 3: Geography, Environmental Literacy, & Culture Textbook Unit 4: Our Geography Textbook Unit 1: Lesson 5, Revisit---Holidays & Celebrations Textbook Unit 7: Lesson 2, Folktales & Legends Textbook: Harcourt Social Studies, NC Edition: People Who Make A Difference, Harcourt Inc., 2009 Unit 4: Economics and Financial Literacy Textbook Unit 5: People & Economics Textbook Unit 6: People & Technology Revised: July 2015 Third Grade – 2010 NC Essential Standards – Social Studies History NC Essential Standards 3.H.1: Understand how events, individuals and ideas have influenced the history of local and regional communities. The North Carolina Social Studies Essential Standards offer a sound, thoughtful, and defensible curricular framework that is designed to enable all students at all grade levels to acquire the essential knowledge, understanding, and skills needed to be informed, active citizens in the 21st century. The five organizational strands of the social studies program: 1-history, 2-geography & environmental literacy, 3- economics and financial literacy, 4- civics and government, and 5culture are addressed with increasing rigor and relevance at each grade level. Underlying these strands is the belief that all students should understand social studies and develop civic efficacy. According to George Drayton Strayer, early 20th century educator and author, “Education is only worth the difference it makes in the activities of the individual who has been educated.” With this in mind, each Local Education Agency (LEA) is encouraged to provide social studies classes and appropriate instruction at all grade levels to help students achieve the social studies knowledge, understanding, and skills that enable them to participate in our society. A balanced and effective social studies program, K‐12, prepares students to be active, informed, and responsible citizens. Students acquire and perfect knowledge, understanding, and skills of individual and group inquiry and examine a broad range of peoples and cultures. Students gain from social studies the attitudes and values that enable them to be effective problem‐solvers, good decision‐makers, and wise planners. As a result of an effective social studies education, they are prepared to deal with present, recurring, and unforeseen problems at the local, state, national, and global levels. Content – The proposed social studies essential standards are designed to ensure that all students at all grade levels acquire the essential knowledge and skills to be informed, active citizens in the 21st century. In kindergarten through grade twelve, there is attention to the development of social studies concepts and skills and how they build over time. Essential standards and clarifying objectives were developed to ensure that the content is developmentally matched to the age and stage of the learner for better clarity and specificity. For each grade level, K‐12, the content was reviewed for evidence of rigor and vertical alignment. In third grade, students draw upon knowledge learned in previous grades to develop more sophisticated understandings of how communities may be linked to form larger political units, and how there are cultural, geographic, and economic connections. Through their study of various patterns of community living, the students begin to understand that people’s activities are influenced not only by their geographic location, but also by how they use the earth’s materials, the physical environment, and how they express their diversity through culture. Students will understand the importance of being a citizen and identify the contributions of selected individuals in the local community. Students will recognize that Americans are comprised of people who have diverse ethnic origins and traditions who all contribute to American life. By looking at communities from a geographic perspective, students become aware of some of the cultural, political, geographic, historic, environmental and economic factors that help bind communities together through both time and space. Building upon experiences that demonstrate chronological thinking, students begin to expand their ability to think like a historian by asking questions that historians ask. Using both primary and secondary sources, students understand the significant role of the individual in shaping history and explore changes in communities and regions over time. Through the study of historical narratives, students are introduced to the concept of perspective by asking them to explain why people can describe the same event differently. This serves as a building block for more sophisticated analyses in subsequent grades. Social Studies Organizational Strands 1. History 2. Geography & Environmental Literacy 3. Economics and Financial Literacy 4. Civics and Government 5. Culture 3.H Concept(s): Leadership, Values & Beliefs, Settlement Patterns, Resources Clarifying Objectives 3.H.1.1 Explain key historical events that occurred in the local community and regions over time. 3.H.1.2 Analyze the impact of contributions made by diverse historical figures in local communities and regions over time. 3.H.1.3 Exemplify the ideas that were significant in the development of local communities and regions. 3.H.2: Use historical thinking skills to understand the context of events, people and places. Concept(s): Change, Perspective Clarifying Objectives 3.H.2.1 Explain change over time through historical narratives. (events, people and places) 3.H.2.2 Explain how multiple perspectives are portrayed through historical narratives. Geography and Environmental Literacy 3.G 3.G.1: Understand the earth’s patterns by using the 5 themes of geography: (location, place, human-environment interaction, movement and regions). Concept(s): Place, Location, Human-Environment & Interaction, Movement, Region Clarifying Objectives 3.G.1.1 Find absolute and relative locations of places within the local community and region. 3.G.1.2 Compare the human and physical characteristics of places. 3.G.1.3 Exemplify how people adapt to, change and protect the environment to meet their needs. 3.G.1.4 Explain how the movement of goods, people and ideas impact the community. 3.G.1.5 Summarize the elements (cultural, demographic, economic and geographic) that define regions (community, state, nation and world). 3.G.1.6 Compare various regions according to their characteristics. Economics and Financial Literacy 3.E Culture 3.C 3.E.1: Understand how the location of regions affects activity in a market economy. 3.C.1: Understand how diverse cultures are visible in local and regional communities. Concept(s): Supply and Demand, Location, Resources Concept(s): Language, Diversity, Culture, Values and Beliefs Clarifying Objectives 3.E.1.1Explain how location impacts supply and demand. Clarifying Objectives 3.C.1.1 Compare languages, foods and traditions of various groups living in local and regional communities. 3.E.1.2 Explain how locations of regions and natural resources influence economic development (industries developed around natural resources, rivers and coastal towns). 3.E.2: Understand entrepreneurship in a market economy. 3.C.1.3 Use non-fiction texts to explore how cultures borrow and share from each other (foods, languages, rules, traditions, and behaviors). Concept(s): Entrepreneurs, Innovations, Opportunity, Resources Clarifying Objectives 3.E.2.1Explain why people become entrepreneurs 3.E.2.2 Give examples of entrepreneurship in various regions of our state. Civics and Government 3.C & G 3.C&G.1: Understand the development, structure and function of local government. Concept(s): Government, Citizenship Clarifying Objectives 3.C&G.1.1 Summarize the historical development of local governments. 3.C&G.1.2 Describe the structure of local government and how it functions to serve citizens. 3.C&G.1.3 Understand the three branches of government, with an emphasis on local government. 3.C&G.2: Understand how citizens participate in their communities. Concept(s): Citizenship, Community Clarifying Objectives 3.C&G.2.1 Exemplify how citizens contribute politically, socially and economically to their community. 3.C&G.2.2 Exemplify how citizens contribute to the well-being of the community’s natural environment. 3.C&G.2.3 Apply skills in civic engagement and public discourse (school, community) 3.C.1.2 Exemplify how various groups show artistic expression within the local and regional communities.