Course in process of being deleted. DS080 Study Reading C-3, P-0, CR-0 Course Description This course develops study reading skills. It covers a systematic approach to reading textbooks and related academic materials. Topics include the parts of the textbook, establishing a purpose for reading, skimming and scanning techniques, organizational patterns, textbook notations, understanding and using vocabulary, SQ3R, retention strategies, and review techniques. Prerequisite Appropriate score on the placement instrument or permission of the Humanities Department Head Student Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, the student will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Identify the parts of a textbook and demonstrate their use Increase reading efficiency through varied approaches to texts Recognize the effect of purpose on reading Apply previewing techniques Use organizational patterns to aid comprehension Demonstrate appropriate review and test-taking strategies Increase vocabulary through the use of contextual and structural clues July 2007