Seating Chart - Ramapo Indian Hills High School District

Please note: The cost of caps and gowns was originally missing from this information packet. All
other information and requirements for submitting prom and graduation information are the
same. All students have already been measured/submitted measurements for caps and gowns.
The cost is $25.00 per student. Please make checks payable to Ramapo High School, making note
of the student’s name in the memo section. Thank you for your understanding!
Louis B. Moore
Daniel H. Vander Molen
Assistant Principal
331 George Street
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417
(Fax) 201-891-9288
Claudia Dargento
Assistant Principal
Michael Marano
District Director
Student Personnel Services
Parent Letter
April, 2013
Dear Parent/Guardian:
This letter is to provide you with information pertaining to the upcoming Senior Prom, an annual event sponsored by the
Senior Class. The Class of 2013 is proud of its tradition of class spirit and cooperation at all functions. We expect the Senior
Prom to be equally successful. The Senior Prom will be held at The Venetian in Garfield, NJ. The hours are from 6:30
pm to 11:30 pm on Thursday, May 30th. No one will be permitted entry after 7:00 pm nor be allowed to leave prior to
11:00 pm. These times will be strictly enforced. Attire for the dinner-dance is usually semi-formal; however, young men
may wear either a jacket and tie or a tuxedo, as they wish.
Please remember that the Prom is a school activity, and all school rules and policies apply. If a student becomes sick or
unable to physically cope with the evening’s activity, his/her parent/guardian will be notified to pick up his/her child.
Students arriving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance will not be admitted, and the parent/guardian will
be notified immediately to pick up his/her child.
Tickets will be on sale in room 213 after school only until May 16th. Students who have not submitted ALL of the
information provided on the attached checklist by the date will not be able to attend prom. Tickets will be sold at a price of
$85 per person or $170 per couple. Checks are to be made out to Ramapo High School with the name(s) of the student(s) on
the memo line. No student can purchase a ticket without the attached Senior Prom Permission Form. The form asks for
acknowledgement of this letter along with contact phone numbers.
Students attending the Senior Prom have the privilege of selecting their own mode of transportation to the prom. Students
may arrive by limo or by parent drop-off. They may also choose to drive to the prom, parking in the attached lot. Again,
please note that students must arrive no later than 7:00 and may not leave before 11:00.
May 30th is a school day. As such, attendance at school is required. Students must be on time and may leave after Period
5 (11:31). If a student is not in school on May 30th he/she will not be permitted to attend the Prom. The day following
prom, Friday, May 31st, is also a school day. Absences on this day will NOT be excused.
Candid photographs will be taken throughout the evening by a professional photographer (Lifetouch Photography) and will
be available for purchase via online gallery shortly after the prom. Any student desiring a formal, posed portrait should ask
the photographer. He/she will be happy to accommodate these students.
If you have any questions about the Senior Prom, please do not hesitate to contact us directly via phone or email. Thank you
for your cooperation, understanding and support.
Mr. Basili & Mrs. Myones, Sr. Class Advisors
Louis B. Moore
331 George Street
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417
(Fax) 201-891-9288
Daniel H. Vander Molen
Assistant Principal
Claudia Dargento
Assistant Principal
Michael Marano
District Director
Student Personnel Services
Senior Prom 2013 Permission Form
(To be completed by Parent or Guardian AND handed in when purchasing a prom ticket)
My son/daughter, ___________________________, will be attending the Ramapo High School Senior Prom at
The Venetian in Garfield, NJ on Thursday, May 30th.
I have read the attached letter. I will be home the entire evening on Thursday, May 30th and can be
contacted at the following number: ____________________.
I have read the attached letter. I will not be home, but can be reached at cell number:
Please contact the following person, if you are unable to contact me:
Telephone number/Cell phone number(s)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guest Permission (All Non-Ramapo Students attending must fill this out)
______________________________ will be a guest of ________________________________
at the Ramapo High School Senior Prom at The Venetian in Garfield, NJ on Thursday, May 30th.
He/she attends _______________________________________
Guest’s Parent/Guardian name and contact phone number is:
Name _________________________________ Phone number _______________________
Guest’s Parent/Guardian Signature
Guest’s Signature
Louis B. Moore
Daniel H. Vander Molen
Assistant Principal
331 George Street
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417
(Fax) 201-891-9288
Claudia Dargento
Assistant Principal
Michael Marano
District Director
Student Personnel Services
Early Dismissal Permission Slip
(For juniors, sophomores, or freshmen attending prom)
I give permission for my son/daughter ___________________________________ to
leave school at 11:31am (end of period 5) on May 30, 2013 to attend the Senior Class
Prom at the Venetian in Garfield, NJ. I understand that any classes missed in the
afternoon will be unexcused absences. A phone call to verify permission will be made
prior to May 30th at the number listed below.
Child’s Name______________________________________ Grade______
Parent Name (printed) __________________________________________
Parent Signature_______________________________________________
Daytime Phone Number_________________________________________
TABLE # ______
Seating Chart
Table Representative:_________________________________________________
Homeroom: ________________Home Telephone Number: __________________
*Each table can accommodate 8-12 students.
*Tables with fewer than 8 students may be combined to form full tables.
(limo, parent dropSTUDENT? WHAT IF NOT, WHOM ARE YOU
off, driving self)
*Please note any special dietary requirements or food allergies in the space below.
Ramapo High School
Graduation Information
Regardless of whether or not you will be attending prom, you must return this form to room 213
no later than Thursday, May 16, 2013.
Student Name: ___________________________________________
Homeroom: ________________
Email Address: __________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________
On the following line, please write your full name as you would like it to be read at graduation.
You may wish to include your middle name or middle initial. Please note that NO nicknames or
unofficial variations of your name will be read.
Please help us to pronounce your name correctly by sounding out your name below. For example:
Basili = Ba – Seal – EE / Myones = My – Oh – Ness
Prom 2013 Checklist
(for the Table Representative)
*The Table Representative MUST submit this checklist with all prom materials.
Total number of people at my table: ____________
Number of non-senior Ramapo students at my table: _____________
Number of non-Ramapo students at my table: _____________
Please check off when completed:
__________ 1 Seating Chart
__________Permission Slips for ALL students at your table
*Total # submitted _____________
_________Early Dismissal Permission Slips for all Ramapo 9th, 10th, and 11th graders
*Total # submitted _____________
_________Checks for prom ($ per person/$ per couple)
*Have all students paid/been paid for? ______________
*Are students’ names written in the memo line? ______________
_________Checks for Caps and Gowns ($25.00 to Ramapo High School -- MUST be
separate from prom payment)
*Total # submitted _____________
*Are students’ names written in the memo line? ____________
_________Graduation Info Sheets
*Total # submitted ____________