3rd Grade Culture Project We are beginning our study of countries

3rd Grade
Culture Project
We are beginning our study of countries from around the
world! The students have been assigned a special project. They
are to research information on the country they have chosen.
They may do this by reading books, researching on the internet,
or using almanacs and encyclopedias. Many of these resources
may be above the third grade reading level. Therefore your
child may need help putting the information into simpler
language. The goal of the project is to have the students learn
about another country: the food, language, clothing, natural
resources, famous people, tourist attractions, money, national
flag, major cities, etc.
After reading and researching your child may choose to
design a culture box (a shoe box works well) or a culture poster
that demonstrates what they have learned about their country.
If your child chooses the “box” format, the outside of the box
can be decorated with the country’s flag, a map, or
copies/drawings of interesting architecture or places. Inside
the box the students place samples or examples of items that
pertain to their country. These can be items from the country,
pictures they have drawn, photocopies, food samples (this is a
big hit with the class!), money, etc. The children should write
a few lines about each item in and on the box on index cards.
If your child chooses to do a poster he/she can include photos,
drawings, postcards etc. with descriptions that explain each
Here are examples of things you could include in your project:
 The money in Japan is called yen. About 132 yen equal 1
US dollar. (Your item may be a picture of yen from the
 Do you want to speak Japanese? Here are a few words for
you; konnichiwa means hello; sayonara means goodbye.
(Your item may be a sample of Japanese writing or the
Japanese alphabet.)
 The Japanese flag has a red circle on a white
background. The circle in the middle of the flag
represents the sun. Japan's name translates to "The
land of the rising sun." The white represents honesty
and purity and the red disc is a sun symbol meaning
brightness, sincerity and warmth. (Your item may be a
picture you drew of the Japanese flag.)
Students will present their culture project to classmates so
that we can learn about as many different countries/cultures as
1. **Due Date: Monday, May 19, 2014
(However, if your child completes his/her project early, please
feel free to send it in so he/she can present it earlier. It
will take us time to complete all the presentations and still
keep up with our other curriculum.)
Culture Project requirements:
The country’s flag with a description of its meaning or
A map showing what continent the country is located on and
the capital city
The main language as well as some common words in the
language (i.e. hello, good-bye, please, thank you, yes and
The money system
The type of government and the political leader
3. Your culture project should also include at least 3 of the
following items:
 Popular sports
 Animals
 Food
 Clothing
 Famous people from the
 Homes
 Architecture, i.e. famous buildings or structures
 Geography, i.e. famous natural sites (mountains, rivers,
seas, etc.)
 Tourist attractions
 Holidays
 Education compared to ours
 Climate
 Religion
 Economy (chief export, industry and/or crop)
 Any other interesting facts you learn and would like to
share with the class
4. Please refer to the attached rubric as you work on your
5. Students should be prepared to share what they have learned
about their country by giving an oral presentation to the class.