FOIA 2544 Request re Never Events 2011/12 &2012/13 Date of Incident February 2012 Sex of Patient Female Description of Incident Harm to Patient No harm Retained swab following forceps delivery. Titles of Staff Involved Midwife Obstetric ST 7 Anaesthetist Midwifery support worker Theatre nurse Disciplinary Action None Recommendations: To ensure that staff are adhering to the policies and guidelines, in particular ‘accounting for swabs, packs, sharps and instruments during sterile procedures’ and ‘guideline for the management of perineal trauma’, he obstetric and gynaecology should conduct observational audit review of the process for approving swab counts, in the form of ‘spot checks’, and take appropriate action if improvement is required. The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should develop a system for checking compliance with the ‘accounting for swabs, packs, sharps and instruments during sterile procedures’, and ‘guideline for the management of perineal trauma policy. This system should be audited. The maternity governance team should work with the patient safety team to incorporate and reinforce the use of a robust communication system, such as SBAR, to improve the handover of care between delivery suite theatre and the SBAR process. This can be integrated into safety briefings at the changeover of shifts for all members of the multidisciplinary team. The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should ensure that the staff involved are supported and managed according to Trust policy with the assistance of the NPSA decision tree. Reinforce the requirement to only enter information onto clinical data systems when personally logged in and to log out when complete. The theatre and obstetric and gynaecology directorates should use terminology consistent with theatres, for the sizes of swabs commonly used in the Trust. The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should provide reassurance to Group 5 with regular updates of the progress of actions. 1 Date of Incident Sex of Patient Description of Incident Harm to Patient Titles of Staff Involved Disciplinary Action Patient should be invited to meet with the investigation team to share the findings of this report. June 2011 Male Elective orthopaedic surgery; incorrect sized insert (one part of a complete knee prosthesis) used, Required further operation to correct Orthopaedic consultant Orthopaedic registrar x 2 Theatre Health Care Assistant Theatre Sister Scrub nurse None Recommendations: To facilitate clear communication of the implants required, the exact sizes of the components to be used in knee replacement procedures should be written on the whiteboard in theatre. A tick should be put when the actual components have been given. This extra precaution is already implemented. The trauma and orthopaedic directorate and theatre directorate should use this incident as a case study to stress the importance of active contribution during all checking processes by all concerned. This information should be re-emphasized in all relevant professional meetings. The management of breaks for members of the theatre staff, with the aim of minimizing changes of staff members during operations should be reviewed. This review should included a review of the process for handover. The trauma and orthopaedic directorate should develop a robust checking system and implement its use across the trust. All relevant staff should be made aware of this process and once implemented, the system should be audited. The surgical and theatre directorates should jointly review the process for safe implantation of prostheses. All relevant staff should be made aware of this process and once implemented, the process should be audited. The staff involved in this incident should be supported and managed according to Trust policy with the support of the NPSA incident decision tree and supporting staff policy. The training, supervision and continuing professional development of theatre staff will be informed by the outcome of this investigation. The components manufacturers will be informed of this incident to see if the format of implant labels can be reviewed to facilitate easy selection of compatible implants. 2 Date of Sex of Description of Incident Harm to Incident Patient Patient September Female Following normal vaginal delivery patient required vaginal and No harm 2011 perineal suturing. Retained swab following this procedure. Recommendations: The obstetric department should source delivery packs that only contain medium gauze swabs. Titles of Staff Involved Midwife x 2 Obstetric registrar Disciplinary Action None The obstetric department should review their induction process to ensure that guidance on the use of swabs during perineal tear is routinely included at medical staff induction. The obstetric department should ensure that all midwives and doctors are educated in the correct size of gauze swab to use and the correct procedure for counting swabs and documentation. This should include a reminder that every gauze swab in a pack, including those in an unopened bundle, must be counted, even if not used in a procedure. The obstetric department should review staff awareness of the correct procedure for swab counts for perineal repair. The obstetric department should ensure that all midwives and doctors are advised to dispose of all gauze swabs after a delivery before opening a new delivery pack to undertake perineal repair. The obstetric department should share this report’s findings with the individual doctor and midwives. The obstetric department should share this report’s findings with the patient. The obstetric department should liaise with WMPI to suggest they review their birth notes to incorporate a swab count check prior to and after the birth of the baby. June 2011 Male During routine cataract surgery patient had incorrect strength lens inserted. No harm Ophthalmologist Scrub nurse Health Care Assistant None Recommendations: Ensure that the medical records contain the biometry and medisoft printouts the day prior to the operation and agree a process for cancelling surgery in the event of biometry not being available. To implement a single process across the Trust for identifying and confirming the IOL power prior to insertion, and to standardise the biometry print out used across the Trust. To review the use of surgery checklists used in cataract surgery and consider the use of cataract specific documentation, using this case to raise 3 Date of Sex of Incident Patient awareness of change in practice. Description of Incident Harm to Patient Titles of Staff Involved Disciplinary Action To present this report to the Theatre directorate, the ophthalmology directorate and Group 2 and 3 quality and safety committees. Staff involved in this incident should be supported and managed according to Trust policy with the support of the NPSA incident decision tree. July 2011 Male During routine cataract surgery patient had incorrect strength lens inserted. No harm Ophthalmologist Theatre nurse None Recommendations: To implement a single process across the Trust for identifying and confirming the IOL power prior to insertion, and to standardise the biometry print out used across the Trust. To review the use of surgery checklists used in cataract surgery and consider the use of cataract specific documentation, using this case to raise awareness of change in practice. To present this report to the Theatre directorate, the ophthalmology directorate and Group 2 and 3 quality and safety committees. Staff involved in this incident should be supported and managed according to Trust policy with the support of the NPSA incident decision tree. June 2011 Male During right patella resurfacing surgery, a small screw from a surgical instrument fell off. It could not be found. The patient was x-rayed in recovery and taken back to theatre for removal of screw. Further operation to remove. Orthopaedic registrar Orthopaedic consultant Anaesthetist Scrub practitioner Theatre sister None Recommendations: The ‘policy for the accounting of swabs, sharps and instruments during sterile procedures’ will be reviewed in light of this incident and will be formally approved and implemented. Development of a system to more proactively identify, assess and manage ageing theatre equipment should be considered. The theatre directorate will work with staff to ensure that they understand and are able to undertake their roles and responsibilities to challenge unsafe practice and escalate patient safety concerns. The theatre directorate will use this incident to revisit and illustrate the purpose and importance of the WHO checklist. 4 Date of Sex of Description of Incident Harm to Titles of Staff Involved Disciplinary Incident Patient Patient Action This report will be presented to the Theatre directorate, the Trauma and Orthopaedic directorate and Group 2 and quality and safety committees. Staff involved in this incident should be supported and managed according to Trust policy with the support of the NPSA incident decision tree. June 2012 Female Methotrexate incorrectly prescribed and administered with the patient receiving a lower dose than normal on 4 days rather than as a weekly dose No harm Trauma & Orthopaedic consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic SHO x 2 Staff nurse x 3 Medical SHO Medical registrar Pharmacist None Recommendations: Anticoagulation All patients admitted for emergency or urgent surgery who are on warfarin should be discussed with the haematology doctor on call for advice on peri-operative management of anticoagulation as patient’s risk of acute thrombotic events is frequently overstated. All junior and senior medical staff should be reminded of the need for daily INR measurement when using the Fennerty formula for rapid commencement of oral anticoagulation . This method should only be used in acute VTE’s and very high risk peri-operative anticoagulation management. The Trust should undertake a review of current practice regarding anticoagulation prescribing. Following this review the Trust should consider developing a protocol for anticoagulation prescribing which would strengthen and support safer prescribing and administration of anticoagulation therapy. October 2012 Female Following forceps delivery and episiotomy patient required suture repair. Tampon retained following this procedure. No harm Midwife x 3 Obstetric registrar None Recommendations: The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should raise awareness of the importance of accurate documentation both on paper and electronically using this investigation as an example case study. The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should consider introducing the use of perineal suturing sets [containing all required instruments/swabs and tampons] to minimise the number of times a midwife is required to leave the room to collect equipment. In the interim, the obstetric and gynaecology department should raise further awareness of the importance of counting and documenting the tampon 5 Date of Sex of Description of Incident Incident Patient count as well as the swabs during a perineal repair. Harm to Patient Titles of Staff Involved Disciplinary Action The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should ensure that staff involved are supported and managed and de-briefed according to trust policy with the assistance of the NPSA decision tree. The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should review the induction and updating process for locum doctors, currently there is just a brief verbal handover. The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should share this report with the individual staff involved and with the patient. The obstetric and gynaecology directorate should provide reassurance that the recommendations from this report have been considered. Action plan progress should be monitored by the division’s Quality and Safety Committee. January 2012 Female Wrong site surgery – left adrenalectomy performed rather than right adrenalectomy. Patient remains under Trust care for ongoing managem ent Consultant diabetes/endocrinology Radiologist Consultant surgeon Staff nurse Consultant anaesthetist Specialist registrar surgery None Recommendations The side of any abnormality must be explicitly stated in all radiology reports and a regular audit should be undertaken and acted upon. The radiology directorate and consultant radiologists will discuss and consider an appropriate way of ensuring that they minimise interruptions when radiology reports are reviewed and reported on to avoid distractions. Staff should be reminded to follow the Trust booking process to ensure that the side of the operation is included on the form. This process will be audited. Pre-operative assessment clinic will inform the surgeon at the time of the pre-operative visit if there is a lack of clarity about which side the operation is to be undertaken. Theatre staff and surgeons will be reminded of the importance of adhering to the surgical safety checklist, with the mandatory displaying of 6 Date of Sex of Description of Incident Incident Patient radiological images in theatre at time of surgery, if applicable. Harm to Patient Titles of Staff Involved Disciplinary Action The HEFT surgical safety checklist should be reviewed and amended to include box options of ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘not applicable’ answers to the questions on the form for clarity. The theatre directorate will continue to audit the use and completion of the surgical safety checklist on a regular basis. Patient will be invited to meet with the investigation team to discuss this investigation report. Staff involved in the incident will be debriefed on the findings and recommendations of this report. 7