November 9, 2009 Version Meeting Notes Northeastern Arizona Recycling Committee Meeting November 4, 2009, Noon Show Low City Hall Steve North discussed some of the key points from a recent presentation at a combined Show Low and Pinetop-Lakeside council meeting, including: The Pinetop-Lakeside Sanitary District (PLSD) is an important area recycler of paper and cardboard; Public drop-off bins are available at the Lone Pine Transfer Station for cardboard, newspaper, aluminum, tin and plastics 1 – 3. The city of Show Low, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and WalMart partnered on a successful electronic waste collection event on August 29. Show Low would like to do this again next summer, coupled with a household hazardous waste (HHW) collection event. (Kenny Keith suggested that a single HHW collection event may cost approximately $30,000 - $35,000.) Show Low is the first Arizona community to sign on with a fluorescent bulb recycling program referred to as LampTracker. Show Low continues to seek grant funding for a recycling feasibility study for a material recovery facility (MRF) and value-added recycling park. The city may apply for grant funds through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (due December 14). Show Low and Pinetop-Lakeside are continuing to explore curbside collection of recyclables as a component of new refuse collection contracts. Because of the current economic situation, Arizona’s Recycling Program funds have been diverted to the general fund to address State-wide budget shortfalls in FY2010. As a result, no monies are available for grants this current fiscal year. The city of Show Low is replacing fluorescent light bulbs with LEDs at the bus facility. Holiday Van Sciver announced that the National Recycling Coalition has filed for bankruptcy. This is a difficult time for recycling. A new organization is emerging to fill this void. November 9, 2009 Version There was some discussion about the use of “backhauling” (use of empty trucks returning to the Valley) for future recycling efforts, in cooperation with some of the area’s largest retailers, such as Wal-Mart. Some participants mentioned that this is difficult to implement because companies often need to keep their trucks as clean as possible. A participant indicated that the PLSD digester is a good hedge against the volatile recycling markets, because the digester will always need fiber (paper and cardboard). Several commented that local recycling markets are key to recycling sustainability. In other words, it is vital to attract companies to Northeastern Arizona which use recycled materials in the manufacture of new products. Also, a participant offered that it isn’t wise to recycle just for the sake of recycling – that a sustainable recycling program will pay for itself. A participant indicated that the Partition Systems Incorporated manufacturing facility near Holbrook may be able to utilize certain types of recycled plastics. Blue Hills Environmental Association, Inc. is planning a pilot recycling collection program for metals, newspaper and cardboard in Apache County. Initial drop off sites will be located at the Round Valley Transfer Station and the Apache County Regional Landfill. A flyer is being prepared. Northland Pioneer College (NPC) is establishing a recycling drop-off location at the Holbrook campus (plastic, newspaper, aluminum and cardboard). Also, NPC’s Small Business Development Program may be able to assist with recycling market analyses. The White Mountain Apache Tribe often hauls plastics to Globe for recycling. Also, the Tribe will sponsor an electronic waste collection event on November 19th. Recycling for the upcoming holidays was discussed. PLSD welcomes discarded wrapping paper and other types of paper and cardboard packaging materials. Also, the city of Show Low will consider options for a Christmas tree recycling program, provided a market can be identified. It was suggested that the biomass power plant near Snowflake may be an option. Recycling outreach was discussed, and an informal recycling publicity subcommittee was formed, initially consisting of Maria Donaghy ( and Margaret White ( Participants may contact Maria and Margaret with recycling education ideas or for outreach assistance. Possible advertising options may include local radio and newspaper public service announcements, city of Show Low marquee sign, community newsletters and Web sites, City TV 4, Maverik Magazine, school presentations by Keith Webb and local libraries. 2