Proficiency Assessment 8.2E.2 Earth’s Processes Standard: Describe the processes of Earth’s geosphere and the resulting major geological events. Title: Earth’s Processes Interview Introduction Background Knowledge: Book F: Inside Earth – Chapter 1-3 Layers of the Earth Theory of plate tectonics Constructive and destructive forces Plate Boundaries Volcanoes Mountain building Convection currents Subduction Earthquakes Rock cycle Essential vocabulary: compaction sedimentary metamorphic igneous rock cycle constructive deconstructive weathering erosion volcano o shield o cinder cone o composite o hot spots magma lava crust mantle boundaries o divergent o convergent o transform/San Andreas faults subduction convection currents oceanic plate continental plate earthquakes Assessment This assessment is an individual interview by the teacher. Teachers will have index cards with leveled questions. Students will choose a random card, and answer the level of question for the score they’d like to earn. As the interviews are taking place, the rest of the class works an Earth’s Processes project. Time needed: 3 Days for Interviews Materials: Index cards with questions and an Earth’s Processes class project Handouts: Scoring checklist, Earth’s Processes Scoring Guide Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment September 4, 2012 Directions: 1. Explain interview protocol to class. 2. Explain the other project which the students will work on while interviews are taking place. Have students start project. 3. Determine order for interviews. 4. Call students up individually for interview. 5. Have cards face down on the table. Student will pick a random card and read the questions. They can select the level they wish to attempt. If necessary, ask probing questions to check for student understanding. 6. Use the scoring checklist to note student responses and give a score. 7. When finished, have students self-assesses. Student task/end product (scoring guide used to assess proficiency): Use checklist and the scoring guide to score student interview. Volcanoes Teacher Checklist for Student Interviews (DO NOT SHOW STUDENTS) Level 4 Apply what you know about Plate Tectonics to predict how the Cascades might change over the next 1,000 years. Convection currents Subduction Convergent boundaries Juan de Fuca plate/N. American plate Mention at least one type of volcano with name Magma or lava _______________________(prediction) Level 3 Explain how Plate Tectonics causes the formation of volcanoes. Convection currents Subduction Hot Spot Convergent boundaries Magma or lava Level 2 Identify the two ways that volcanoes form. Convection currents or subduction Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment September 4, 2012 Hot Spots Earthquakes Teacher Checklist for Student Interviews (DO NOT SHOW STUDENTS) Level 4 Apply what you know about Plate Tectonics to justify why Oregon and/or the West Coast should be prepared for Earthquakes. Convection currents Plate boundaries Fault tension Juan de Fuca/N. American/Pacific Plates Justification Level 3 Explain how Plate Tectonics causes Earthquakes. Convection currents Plate boundaries Fault tension Level 2 Identify where Earthquakes occur and what causes them. Plate boundaries or faults tension Constructive vs. Destructive Teacher Checklist for Student Interviews (DO NOT SHOW STUDENTS) Level 4 Apply what you know about Plate Tectonics to predict and explain how Mt. Hood might change in the next 10,000 years due to constructive and destructive forces. Constructive Destructive Plate movement Constructive change:___________________ Destructive change:_____________________ Level 3 Explain how Plate Tectonics is both constructive and destructive and give an example of each. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment September 4, 2012 Constructive Destructive Plate movement Constructive example:___________________ Destructive example:_____________________ Level 2 List a constructive force and a destructive force. Constructive force: ______________________ Destructive force: _______________________ Rock Cycle Teacher Checklist for Student Interviews (DO NOT SHOW STUDENTS) Level 4 Apply what you know about Plate Tectonics to predict how the rock cycle would be affected if the plates stopped moving. Sedimentary Compaction Metamorphic Heat and pressure Igneous Melting Weathering Volcano Erosion Prediction Level 3 List the three types of rocks and explain how they’re formed. Sedimentary Compaction Metamorphic Heat and pressure Igneous Melting Weathering Volcano Erosion Level 2 Identify the three types of rocks. Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment September 4, 2012 Scoring Rubric 8.2E.2 Earth’s Processes Standard: Describe the processes of Earth’s geosphere and the resulting major geological events. Score Description: 4.0 Exceeds Explain and analyze how the processes of Earth’s geosphere result in major geological events. 3.5 Can complete level 3.0 and can partially complete level 4.0. 3.0 Meets Describe the processes of Earth’s geosphere and the resulting major geological events. 2.5 Can complete level 2.0 and can partially complete level 3.0 or 4.0 2.0 Nearly meets Identify the processes of Earth’s geosphere and the resulting major geological events. 1.5 Can complete level 1.0 and can partially complete level 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0. 1.0 Beginning Can show partial knowledge at level 2.0 with help. 0.5 Can produce some evidence of basic knowledge, with help. 0.0 Has no understanding Cannot provide any evidence of knowledge or understanding, even with help. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment September 4, 2012