Plate Tectonics Review: Pages 87-89 1-28-13 Fourth Period EARTH’S LAYERS 1. What are the 4 layers of the Earth? A: crust, mantle, outer core, inner core 2. What is the inner core made of? A: solid metal 3. Which layer is the thickest? A: the mantle CONVECTION CURRENTS 4. What causes convection currents in the mantle? A: Heat from the core and the mantle itself 5. Without _____________convection currents will eventually stop. A: Heat 6. What do the convection currents cause? A: tectonic plate movement; continental drift CONTINENTAL DRIFT/THEORY OF PLATE TECTONICS 7. Who created the Theory of Plate Tectonics? A: Alfred Wegener 8. What is continental drift? A: All continents were once together: Pangaea and then drifted apart. 9. What is the Theory of Plate Tectonics? A: Explains the movement of Earth’s plates. 10. Why didn’t anyone believe Alfred Wegener? A: He couldn’t prove his hypothesis. 11. What did Wegener use for evidence? A: rock formations, climate, fossils, that the continents fit together like puzzle. Plate Boundaries 12. What boundary has plates slipping past each other? A: Transform 13. Which boundary creates earthquakes? A: All of them 14. Which boundary creates rift valleys? A: Continental-continental divergent Earthquakes 15. What is an earthquake? A: The shaking and movement that results from tectonic movement. 16. How does the energy of an earthquake travel to Earth’s surface? A: seismic waves 17. What are the tools used to measure an earthquake? A: Richter scale, seismograph 18. What are the 3 types of faults? A: normal, reverse, strike-slip 19. What are the two types of seismic waves? A: S wave = like a snake P wave = push and pull Volcanoes 20. What are the 3 types of volcanoes? A: cinder cone, shield, composite 21. What are underwater volcanoes called? A: Hot Spots 22. What is the viscosity of a shield volcano? A: Low viscosity, low in silica 23. How was Hawaii formed? A: Hot spot 24. What do hot spots create? A: mud volcanoes, geysers, hot springs, islands