Ashland University

Ashland University
Dwight Schar College of Education – Teacher Education Program - Office of Field Experience
Lesson Plan Form (B)
Name of Instructor: Megan Baugher
Unit Title: Plate Tectonics/ Rock Cycle
Grade Level: 8
Time Length: 60 minutes
Subject: Science
Date of Lesson: 02/03/2010
1. Learning Goal/Objective – a. What will the pupil be able to do as a result of the lesson? State your objective from
the course of study or ODE Academic Content Standards; b. Prior knowledge/skills required by students? c. Connection –
how does the lesson objective connect with previous and future lessons/learning?
Standard: Students demonstrate an understanding about how Earth systems and processes interact in the geosphere resulting
in the habitability of Earth. This includes demonstrating an understanding of the composition of the universe, the solar system
and Earth. In addition, it includes understanding the properties and the interconnected nature of Earth’s systems, processes
that shape Earth and Earth’s history. Students will also demonstrate an understanding of how the concepts and principles of
energy, matter, motion and forces explain Earths systems, the solar system and the universe. Finally, they grasp an
understanding of the historical perspectives, scientific approaches and emerging scientific issues associated with Earth and
space sciences.
Objective: As a result of this lesson students will be able to explain that some processes in the rock cycle are directly related
to thermal energy and forces in the mantle that drive plate motions.
In this lesson we will be building upon prior knowledge of the previous day’s lesson which includes: a. interior structure of
Earth and Earth’s crust as divided into tectonic plates b. geological events (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions) result from
plate motion, and d. landforms created through a combination of destructive and constructive processes.
Connection: This lesson is a continuation of the previous day’s lesson and is also concurrent with the following lesson
pertaining to plate tectonics and plate movement.
2. Assessment (Pre & Post) - How and when will you evaluate the objective and student learning? Attach a copy of
the assessment/rubric instrument you will use.
Pre - Assessment: At the beginning of class, upon arrival, the students will receive a worksheet titled “Theory of Plate
Tectonics” that will ask them to write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes each statement. This exercise will
assess any prior knowledge that the students have about plate tectonics and its effect on the rock cycle. During this exercise, I
will be walking around the room making note of what content the students are struggling with and which questions they are
completing easily.
Post Assessment: At the conclusion of this lesson students will be asked to complete their “comic strip”, at home, that they
began after completing the in – class activity. The purpose of this on-going assessment is so that students will be able to
demonstrate what they have learned in regards to the rock cycle in both illustrations and descriptive language.
3. Methods/Strategies – a. What teaching methods will you use (e.g. teacher presentation, demonstration, simulation,
role playing, peer teaching, laboratory activity, etc.); Type of learning: Inductive/inquiry questioning for student discovery or
deductive/direct modeling)?; b. Accommodations – How will you accommodate for student differences?; c. Learning
climate/environment – How might you establish a safe and an effective environment?
4. Grouping - Large/small group; cooperative groups (pairs, threes, etc.); Is this typical?
5. Equipment and Material - What instructional equipment and materials are required to help students reach the
objectives (e.g. textbook, lab equipment, technology, activity sheet, CD-ROM, Web Site, etc.)?
Page 2, Lesson Plan Form (B)
6. Instructional Delivery
a. Introduction (e.g. motivate, elicit student interest, review past learning, background in topic; Communicate
expectations, procedures required for the lesson.)
b. Activity: What activities have you planned? What will you do? What will the students do? (e.g. small steps, examples,
clues, feedback/checking for understanding. etc.)
The Instructor will:
The students will:
c. Conclusion/Summary - Review; Students demonstrate achievement; Connection with future lesson.
d. Practice and/or Assessment - Guided, independent; Help with initial steps and monitor; Corrections, re-teach if
7.Teacher Reflection/Self-Evaluation - Answer the following questions on a separate paper: What pleased you?
What would you do differently next time? Re-teaching or Intervention required? Did the assessment instrument measure
intended student learning? If no, what are some alternatives?
Attachment (s):