Mr. Pfeil’s Policy Form Methacton High School Class: Trigonometry Success in mathematics requires regular attendance, completion of assignments, and active participation in the classroom. The interaction of the student, teacher and textbook is essential for an effective learning experience. The teacher should be utilized as a resource to provide a better understanding of the ideas presented in the textbook. In addition, students should utilize online resources such as videos and notes by doing an internet search of the topic/s that are covered in class. The student should pose questions and/or give indication when topics need to be expanded for better understanding. The total efforts of the student and teacher should be directed toward learning concepts and principles presented in the particular subject. I. ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is very important if you are to be successful in this course. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to meet with me to discuss material that you missed and to make arrangements to make up assigned class work. This should be done immediately upon your return to school. If you are absent the day of a quiz or test and you were informed of the quiz or test then you will be expected to make up the quiz or test the first day back. If work is not made up by the deadline, your grade will result in a zero. II. CLASSROOM RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Report to class on time. The classroom door will close when the bell rings. You will be allowed one minute beyond the bell to report to class if traveling from the West Wing. If late, you will receive one warning and then any lateness thereafter will result in a teacher detention (.5 hour). If you do not come to the teacher detention, you will be given a school detention. 2. Always be prepared for class. All students are expected to have their notebooks, text books, pencils, calculators, homework and any other necessary material for class. 3. Be ready to start class when the bell rings. Please sit in your assigned seats. No sleeping in class. 4. Water and small food items are permitted in class. 5. Trips to the lavatory and lockers need to be taken before class. You must sign out and in when you leave and return. Only one student may leave the room at a time. 6. Detention will be served after school for a half an hour from the time you arrive in the classroom. 7. If you cut class you receive a 0 for all work that day. If it occurs a second time, your grade will be lowered one letter grade. Any cuts there after and you will fail for the marking period. This rule is for the entire year, not just for each marking period. III. GRADING POLICY 1. GRADE CALCULATION The grade for each nine week grading period shall be calculated using a weighted grading system. The grades will be broken down into three categories: tests, quizzes, and homework/other assignments. Here are the weights for the three categories: TESTS 50% QUIZZES 30% HW / OTHER 20% Students should keep a personal record of points earned for each activity. Grades will be given in percentage form on the report cards. ** Any student that requires extra time due to an IEP/504 must make arrangements to finish the test (quiz) within the allotted extra time period that is stated on your 504/IEP, and do so within 1 day of taking the test (quiz). Tests that are given in a co-taught class do not require students to go to a resource room as a special education teacher is already available. Students in non co-taught classes that request to take the test in another room are required to go to the special education study hall class for the test, not any resource room. Report card comment will also read “Grade reflects IEP accommodations.” IV. 2. NOTEBOOKS AND FOLDERS Students should keep a notebook containing completed notes. All students must have a folder to keep worksheets, project, and activities, as well as any old quizzes and tests. 3. HOMEWORK AND PARTICIPATION GRADE Homework will be checked each day after it is assigned and is worth 3 points. If you do not have your homework on the day it is due, you will have one additional day to submit that homework for ½ credit. Any additional day late will go in as a zero. If you are late to class and it is unexcused, you will receive a 0 for your homework grade that day. Participation is expected from all students in the class and can only help you in the long run. 4. LATE OR INCOMPLETE WORK A student’s grade is incomplete until all graded class work has been adequately completed and submitted for grading. If the work is not turned in within the proper time frame, the grade will be a 0. 5. UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS REPORTS A progress report will be completed for each student who has a grade of 70% or less for the grading period, is in danger of failing the course, or has incomplete work. 6. BONUS/EXTRA CREDIT Students must complete and submit bonus and extras credit work assigned in class to receive credit. If you are absent the day of the bonus assignment, you may not make it up. It will be given as a class once a marking period. Bonus points are recorded in the HW category. 7. MAKE-UP WORK Make-up work must be made up the first day back to school if the assignment had been announced in advance. If absence extends over a long period of time, an agreed upon deadline will be set for all missed work. Students are responsible for all work missed due to school related activities. 8. CHEATING Cheating will not be tolerated. You will receive a zero for the assignment/assessment that you cheat on, and a call home to your parent/guardian notifying them that you cheated. If you are caught cheating a second time you will fail for that marking period. 9. MY TEACHER PAGES WEBSITE (on – Methacton High School) Students will be notified of any upcoming tests/quizzes on my teacher pages website, and it will be posted on the board in their classroom as well. All homework assignments, projects, classwork, bonus assignments, as well as some videos and notes, will also be posted on my teacher pages website. This is a very important tool for parents and students to utilize. My teacher pages website will assist in effective planning and preparation, which gives the students an overall improved opportunity at being successful in this course. REMEDIAL HELP Tutoring will be offered from 2:30-3:00pm after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room A103. Please remind me of the days you will be coming in for help so there are no scheduling conflicts. I will call parents/guardians any time I feel they should be made aware of a student’s activities or progress in class. Parents/guardians please feel free to call me at (610)489-5000 ext. 23103 or email me at