CLARMEMONT LONG TERM PLANNING – Year 3 Spectacular Start Fantastic Finish Additional events Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Yabadabadoo! Revolting Romans I’m a celebrity…get me out of here! Scrumdiddlyumptious Monster Madness Outlaws! Adults – dress up as cavemen Adults – dress up as Romans Children – discover an archaeological site and have to dig up a puzzle of bones then piece together to find out what creatures were alive in the stone age. Set up a cave in the TA classroom with fossils, and cave paintings to ‘discover’ Children make their own versions of cave paintings Children – take part in a Roman day with soldier training, weapon/armour making and food tasting etc. Children dress up as cave men Children dress up as Romans and watch a Gladiator Fight Art and work exhibition – invite parents in Visitors – Stone age day in school Adults dress up rainforest and jungle animals Rainforest café – linked to enterprise work Science PE Adults – Dress up as monsters Adults – Dress up as Robin Hood characters Children – find a golden ticket for entrance into a magical world of a chocolate factory (decorate classrooms and have different activities for children to do) Children – Make Picasso’s monsters Children – forest survival skills day Children dress up as chocolate/Charlie and the chocolate factory characters Monster mash! Robin Hood play Film news reports, interviews Visitors – Roman day Chocolate tasting Visit – Cadbury World Charlie and the chocolate factory English Maths Adults - Dress up as chocolate bars Visit – Sherwood Forest Monsters Inc See separate long term plan Rocks: physical properties; fossils; soils [link to stone, bronze, iron] See separate long term plan Animals inc humans: nutrition; skeleton; muscles [link to health of soldiers] Plants: 4 parts; MRS NERG; plant life cycle[link to rainforests] Forces and magnets: friction; magnetism [link to monster machines] Light: light/dark; reflections; safety; shadows [link to deep in forests] Word/ PowerPoint E-safety Kodu Create a world with a varying terrain Create and program a bot which can be driven around the world Changes in Britain from the stone age to the iron age Stone age – hunter gatherers Bronze age – Stonehenge Iron age – hill forts/tribal kingdoms Roman Empire Build up a brief timeline of events in Roman history: Julius Caesar Invasion by Claudius and Hadrian’s wall ‘Romanisation of Britain’ United Kingdom Settlements Map of the world Time zones Where are our families from? Italy day Map of Italy – using satellite images Similarities and differences between Italy and Britain Make travel brochures Make and taste Italian food Use data loggers to log temperature Cave painting ‘Cave Baby – Julia Donaldson and Emily Gravett’ Art and culture for stone age, bronze age and iron age Flintstones car Stone age jewellery ICT History Geography Art D&T Music RE PSHE/ British Values/Citiz enship See separate long term plan Photostory E-safety Kodu Create and program another bot which shoots at the driven bot Monitoring E-safety Kodu Create and program another bot which chases the driven bot when they see it Create a positive scoring aspect to the game Robin Hood Dick Turpin Aztecs and the History of chocolate Mythical monsters Map skills – rainforest map Journey of the cocoa bean Map Skills - coordinates Local Geography – Nottingham Traffic Survey Clay sculptures pots Mosaics Rainforest art Andy Warhol Pop art – printing on wrappers Picasso’s monsters Photography – Photo book of monster Lowry – Robin Hood art Collage – giant outlaws Textiles – print on fabrics Roman Purses Food – rainforest smoothies Information book with moving parts Chocolate products Moving monsters Catapults