Validation of PRECIS regional climate model in Bangladesh by Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam (Team leader, PRECIS Working Group in Bangladesh) Department of Physics, BUET and Md. Abdul Mannan, BMD Lochan P. Devkota, SMRC Mrs. Mehrun Nessa, SPARRSO September 2005 1 Table of Contents Contents List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgements Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Validation of Rainfall 3.1. Monthly Rainfall 3.2. Seasonal Rainfall 3.3. Annual Rainfall 3.4. Decadal Rainfall 3.5. Long-term Rainfall 3.6. All categories Rainfall 3.7. Rainfall bias and model performance 4. Validation of Temperature 4.1. Monthly Temperature 4.2. Seasonal Temperature 4.3. Annual Temperature 4.4. Decadal Temperature 4.5. Long-term Temperature 4.6. Temperature Bias 5. Conclusions References Page No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 16 18 18 22 23 28 31 31 31 34 35 35 40 46 46 2 List of Tables Table No. Title Seasonal rainfall in different regions calculated by PRECIS and 1 rain-gauge (obs) and averages from 1961-1990. The CRF values for Rainfall in different months at 10 selected 2a sites throughout Bangladesh. The same as Table 2a except for seasonal and annual. 2b Seasonal maximum temperature in different regions calculated 3 by PRECIS and observation and averages from 1961-1990. The same as Table 3 except for minimum temperature. 4 The CMaxT value for maximum temperature in different 5a months at 10 selected sites throughout Bangladesh. The same as Table 5a except for seasonal and annual. 5b The CMinT value for minimum temperature in different months 6a at 10 selected sites throughout Bangladesh. The same as Table 6a except for seasonal and annual. 6b Page No. 16 23 23 34 34 44 44 45 45 3 List of Figures Figure No. 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Title Page No. Position of 26 observational sites throughout Bangladesh. The grid mesh with 0.5º by 0.5º resolution showing missing observation site in some grid boxes. July 1982 rainfall obtained from PRECIS and observation. Comparison of July 1982 rainfall obtained from PRECIS and observation at 10 selected sites over Bangladesh. Monthly rainfall obtained from PRECIS and observation. The same as Fig. 4 except for seasonal rainfall. Rainfall of 1982 obtained from PRECIS and observation. Time sequence of annual rainfall obtained from PRECIS and observation The same as Fig. 7 except for decadal rainfall. Variation of decadal rainfall in different seasons. Spatial distribution of rainfall over Bangladesh obtained from PRECIS and observation. Comparison of regional rainfall amount obtained from PRECIS and observation. Comparison of bla, blb and blc rainfall with observational value. Rainfall biases for era15, blsula and blnosula. PRECIS performance for era15, blsula and blnosula rainfall. Comparison of monthly averaged maximum and minimum temperature. The same as Fig. 15 except for seasonal. Time sequence of maximum and minimum temperature. Decadal variation of maximum and minimum temperature. Spatial distribution of maximum temperature over Bangladesh. Comparison of maximum temperature at 10 selected sites. The same as Fig. 19 except for minimum temperature. The same as Fig. 20 except for minimum temperature. Temperature biases at different sites in different months. 10 11 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 29 30 32 33 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 4 Acknowledgements The PRECIS working group in Bangladesh express their gratitude to the Department for International Development (DFID) of UK, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Department of Environment (DoE) of Bangladesh for financial and management supports during this study. We are very much grateful to the Hadley Centre of UK for providing PC based PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies) model with LBC (Lateral Boundary Condition) data. Thanks are extended to Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, India for providing PRECIS outputs in DVD-ROM and Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) for providing surface observational data. 5 Abstract The validation of PRECIS regional climate model in Bangladesh is performed with the surface observational data of rainfall and temperature (maximum and minimum) collected by the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) at 26 observational sites throughout the country from 1961-1990. It is found that regional analysis provides overestimation of PRECIS values in Bangladesh whereas data extracted at some particular locations provide better performance of PRECIS. Overall, PRECIS can calculate about 92% of surface rainfall in case of blsula. It overestimated rainfall for blsulb and blsulc. Performance of era15 is found much better than other baseline categories. For all baseline categories (bla, blb and blc), the performance of PRECIS is about 90% for rainfall. PRECIS can detect about 96% and 100.3% of maximum and minimum temperature respectively. The merits of PRECIS can be used in predicting rainfall and temperature in Bangladesh using the look-up table proposed in this analysis. Finally, PRECIS is adoptable in impact studies of future climate change in Bangladesh. 6 1. Introduction There is a growing demand from many countries for regional-scale climate predictions. The Global Climate Models (GCMs) make predictions at a relatively coarse scale of a few hundred kilometres, but to study the impacts of climate change we need to predict changes on much smaller scales. Regional climate models (RCMs) have a much higher resolution than global climate models and as a result provide climate information with useful local detail including realistic extreme events. Predictions using RCMs will thus lead to substantially improved assessments of a country’s vulnerability to climate change and how it can adapt. The Hadley Centre of UK has developed a regional climate model named PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies) that can be run on a PC and can be applied easily to any area of the globe to generate detailed climate change predictions. Details of PRECIS can be found at their website: PRECIS has a horizontal resolution of 50 km with 19 levels in the atmosphere (from the surface to 30 km in the stratosphere) and four levels in the soil. The present version of PRECIS has the option to downscale to 25 km horizontal resolution. In addition to a comprehensive representation of the physical processes in the atmosphere and land-surface, it also includes the sulphur cycle. The intention is to make PRECIS freely available for use by developing country scientists involved in vulnerability and adaptation studies conducted by their governments. It is assumed that scientists in a group of neighbouring countries can work together so that they can configure the model over their own region and run their own regional climate change predictions. PRECIS developers advised to work based on groups of countries, as in many cases they have similar vulnerabilities and face similar impacts from climate change. The Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, India runs PRECIS with 50 km horizontal resolution for present climate (1961-1990) using different base line local boundary condition (LBC) and for future scenarios (2070-2100) using IPCC (Intergovernmental Plan on Climate Change) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). PRECIS is installed in Bangladesh and a test run has been done for a short period (one and half a year). The model output is compared with that of IITM runs. Results are the same. Then we take the advantage to use IITM PRECIS output to validate PRECIS in Bangladesh for 1961-1990 to save computing time. Once the obtained validation result give the confidence level of simulated outputs, future scenarios will be generated and climate change will be explained based on the present validation information. Otherwise, downscaling run has to be considered. 7 2. Methodology Intensity of rain falls in Bangladesh depends on period and location. About 2%, 20%, 62% and 16% of the annual rainfall (2200 mm) in Bangladesh occurs during winter (DJF), pre-monsoon (MAM), monsoon (JJAS) and post-monsoon (ON) periods respectively (Islam and Uyeda, 2005). North-eastern and south-eastern parts of the country are heavy rainfall regions compared to western parts of the country (Islam et al., 2005). The Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) has 26 surface observation sites throughout Bangladesh as shown in Fig. 1a. The data collected and archived by BMD are not continuous for all years and all locations. There are many data missing in a month or sometimes many months in a year. Also the observation network density is not well enough, somewhere observation sites are located at about 25 km apart whereas somewhere these are at about 145 km. When the coverage of Bangladesh is gridded say 0.5º by 0.5º as shown in Fig. 1b, there are many grids which do not contain any observation site. For proper analysis procedure it is important to find out the exact validation of PRECIS in Bangladesh. Taking this in mind, analysis has been done on grid-to-grid basis and point-to-point basis, which are explained below. (i) Grid-to-grid basis: In this method, observation data collected at 26 locations are gridded using Kriging average technique. The missing data are excluded in the average. Then the regional value is obtained for both observation and model data at four regions named north-west (NW: 88.8-90.4ºE; 23.5-25.2ºN), north-east (NE: 90.4-92.0ºE; 23.525.2ºN), south-east (SE: 90.4-92.0ºE; 21.8-23.5ºN) and south-west (SW: 88.8-90.4ºE; 21.8-23.5ºN). The average from all four regions is considered for Bangladesh (BD: 88.892.0ºE; 21.8-25.2ºN). Monthly, seasonal, annual, decadal and long-term analysis is performed using data from 1961-1990. Analysis is performed on monthly rainfall data for blsula, blnosula, monthly maximum and minimum temperature for blsula and blnosula. (ii) Point-to-point basis: In this procedure data at a particular observation point is considered as the representative of that location. Grid value of the model data is compared with the observed data collected at that grid. Daily rain-gauge rainfall and temperature (maximum and minimum) collected by BMD are processed to obtain monthly rainfall and temperatures for 1961-1990. Then monthly values are converted to 8 obtain seasonal, annual, decadal as well as long-term values. Any amount of rainfall within 3-hour has been selected as rainy day whereas a zero amount of rainfall within 24hour has been selected as rain free day. The model data of rainfall and temperature (maximum and minimum) are extracted at the same 26 sites and then converted to monthly, seasonal, annual, decadal and long-term values. Out of analyzed 30 years, 4 years (1982, 1986, 1988 and 1989) datasets were found complete for both observation and model at all 26 sites, 26 stations’ data are analyzed with omitting the missing years, 19 stations’ data are analyzed for all 30 years with excluding missing data. Comparison of rainfall and temperature determined by both observation and model are performed month-to-month, season-to-season, year-to-year, decade-to-decade and 30year-to-30-year. Regression expression has been developed for different months, seasons and at different sites to find the amount, which is to be added or subtracted to the model value to predict real value from the future scenarios. Country average is obtained by taking average from all 26 sites data. In this technique, analysis is performed on monthly rainfall data for blsula, blnosula, blsulb, blnosulb, blsulc, blnosulc, monthly maximum and minimum temperatures for blsula and blnosula. 3. Validation of Rainfall Rainfalls are simulated by IITM using PRECIS for different ensembles (a, b and c) and different lateral boundary conditions (LBCs) data, which are i) blsula (baseline with sulphur cycle and ensembles category a) ii) blnosula (baseline with nosulphur cycle and ensembles category a) iii) blsulb (baseline with sulphur cycle and ensembles category b) iv) blnosulb (baseline with nosulphur cycle and ensembles category b) v) blsulc (baseline with sulpher cycle and ensembles category c) vi) blnosulc (baseline with nosulphur cycle and ensembles category c) vii) era15 All above mentioned PRECIS outputs are available from 1961-1990 whereas era15 is available from 1980-1993. 9 10 11 3.1. Monthly Rainfall: Simulated monthly rainfall of July 1982 using blsula for Bangladesh and its surroundings is shown in Fig. 2a. Rainfall is high in the northern border and southern coastal sites whereas it is low in the western parts of the country and very low at the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. The amounts are very high in the north-east part, centering the shillong hill of India and over the ocean (north of the Bay of Bengal including onshore). The observed rainfall at 26 stations is gridded and plotted as shown in Fig. 2b. The patterns of rainfall in the northern parts are similar to simulated rainfall (Fig. 2a) whereas patterns are different in the south-west and south-east parts. The simulated rainfall is extracted at 26 observation sites and again gridded for the coverage of Bangladesh in the same procedure of observed data and shown in Fig. 2c. The pattern of rainfall in the extracted data (Fig. 2c) is similar to original simulated data (Fig 2a) but here relatively high rainfall in the north-west part of the country is absent. The era15 rainfall (Fig. 2d) also shows the similar pattern of blsula except relatively high rainfall in the middle of the western border site. This pattern is much similar to observed rainfall. Hence it is clear that when data are gridded from some locations and gridded data used for the country average, the exact amounts are reduced as well as increased at some locations. The July 1982 observed (blnosula) rainfall obtained at NW, NE, SE, SW and BD are 9.8 (6.2), 14.4 (7.3), 17.71 (8.5), 8.5 (8.5), and 12.6 (7.3) mm/day respectively. Substantial difference is found among the regional rainfall obtained from observation and simulation. To obtain the exact validation at a particular location, rainfall of July 1982 obtained by simulation and observation are compared on point-topoint basis and shown in Fig. 3. The model underestimated rainfall at many locations except at a few locations it overestimated. At some points observed values are about more than the double of the simulated value, which are not clarified from Figs. 2a, 2c & 2d. Rainfall in Bangladesh is a very localized phenomena and point-to-point analysis gives opportunity to obtain the exact amount which is to be added or subtracted to the simulated value to obtain the predicted amount at a particular location. To obtain the overall monthly validation, rainfall determined by observation and simulation is averaged from 10 selected locations for 1961-1990 as shown in Fig. 4. During winter (DJF) to pre-monsoon (MAM) the model overestimated. In the beginning of monsoon month June the amounts determined by both observation and simulation are closer: model overestimated slightly. During the rest of monsoon period (JAS) model underestimated. In the post-monsoon (ON) 12 13 14 15 period both amounts are almost similar. These results are consistent to the TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) as reported by Islam and Uyeda (2005). The fact is that the characteristics of precipitation systems in this region are different in different seasons whereas the model uses the same cloud parameterization for the entire year. 3.2. Seasonal Rainfall: Seasonal rainfall averaged for NW, NE, SE, SW and BD regions are obtained as tabulated in Table 1. Table 1. Rainfall (mm/day) averages from 1961-90 DJF MAM JJAS ON obs blsula blnosula obs blsula blnosula obs blsula blnosula obs blsula blnosula NW NE SE SW BD 0.31 0.71 0.73 3.51 6.43 6.33 9.40 7.90 7.86 3.51 3.32 3.12 0.37 0.76 0.84 5.86 9.10 9.39 11.97 8.72 8.39 5.86 3.19 3.17 0.26 0.60 0.71 3.63 6.32 6.55 12.09 11.34 10.78 3.63 3.72 3.78 0.32 0.55 0.63 2.48 4.88 5.09 7.97 10.83 10.39 2.48 3.52 3.56 0.32 0.65 0.73 3.87 6.68 6.83 10.36 9.70 9.36 3.87 3.44 3.41 BD-Bias -----0.33 0.41 -----2.81 2.96 ------0.65 -0.99 ------0.43 -0.46 It can be seen that the model overestimated rainfall in winter (DJF) and pre-monsoon (MAM) periods whereas it underestimated in monsoon (JJAS) and post-monsoon (ON) periods. One can find large differences at a particular region such as during monsoon period at NE; the model underestimated about 3.2 mm/day whereas the model overestimated about 2.1 mm/day at SW. Overall, for BD, the model underestimated rainfall during monsoon period which indicates that averages for a large area can not represent the exact amount of rainfall at a particular region. Figure 5 shows the comparison of seasonal rainfall obtained from observation and model simulation for blsula and blnosula from 1961-1990. The result is the same as explained in Fig. 4 and Table 1: during winter and pre-monsoon periods, model overestimated whereas during monsoon model underestimated. During post-monsoon both techniques measure almost the same. 16 17 3.3. Annual Rainfall: Figure 6 shows the comparison of annual rainfall measured by PRECIS blsula, era15 and raingauge (obs) for the year 1982. In Fig. 6a model simulated blsula shows that less rainfall strip passed along east-west of the country while northern and southern regions show higher amounts. Very strong rainfall is localized in the Shillong-hill area of India. When simulated rainfall is extracted at 26 locations and gridded as in Fig. 6b, it is clear that distribution pattern changed slightly especially at the middle of the country. This is one of the disadvantages in data gridding from some points which are located over irregular distances. We did this because for gridding observational data we have to do it. So for comparison same analysis procedure may provide reduction of random error. Fig. 6c and Fig. 6d provide the rainfall from era15 and observational data. Hence it is clear that some high rainfall pockets of observational values are not caught by model simulation. It may be due to the 50km horizontal resolution of the simulation. High horizontal resolution, as in a 25km PRECIS run, may provide the better result for spatial distribution of rainfall in this heavy rainfall region. Time sequence of annual rainfall calculated by rain-gauge (obs) and PRECIS (blsula and blnosula) from 1961-1990 is shown in Fig. 7a. The era15 data is available to compare from 1980 to 1990 and is shown in Fig. 7b. In some years such as 1966, 1969, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1980 and 1982, the model underestimated and in other years the model overestimated. Here it is clear that the amount of annual rainfall is year-dependent and the simulation is not always in the same nature i.e., the bias is not systematic. So, average for long-term data may provide the reasonable validation. It is difficult to decide which category of simulation is better because blsula, blnosula and era15, all are not following the same trend. In some years one category is better but in other years another category is better. Again, long-term average can provide the suggested category, which will be discussed later. 3.4. Decadal Rainfall: Figure 8 shows the decadal average of rainfall determined by PRECIS and observation (obs). It is seen from observation that rainfall in Bangladesh (averages from 10St) decreased slightly from 1971-1980 but increased again from 1981-1990. This trend can not be detected well by blnosula and blsula. So, the increase trend of rainfall in Bangladesh can not be detected by PRECIS. 18 19 20 21 The decadal rainfall averaged for different seasons is shown in Fig. 9. It is seen that observational rainfall has increased trend with decade in winter and pre-monsoon seasons. For simulation, this increased trend is not found significant in DJF and in MAM simulation shows decreased trend. In monsoon period observation shows that rainfall decreased from 1971-80 but it increased again from 1981-90. In this season, simulation for blsula shows the same trend of observation whereas blnosula shows the clear increased trend. The observed rainfall amounts in post-monsoon are almost similar for all decades. In this season the model underestimated from 1981-90 whereas model overestimate in other 2 decades. 3.5. Long-term Rainfall: Figure 10 shows the rainfall averaged for 1961-1990 obtained from observation (Fig. 10a), blsula (Fig. 10b) and blnosula (Fig. 10c). For blsula and blnosula rainfalls are extracted at 26 observation sites and then gridded in the same procedure of observational data. The patterns are almost similar with a few exceptions in the western parts of the country. Figure 11 shows the comparison of rainfall obtained by observation and model simulation at NW, NE, SE, SW and BD regions averaged for 1961-90. Here model rainfalls are areal-average from original model grid meshes and observational values are processed as in Fig. 10. It is seen that model overestimated rainfall in all regions except in NE. In NE region number of observation sites is a few. Therefore, higher density of the observation network is also an important issue to obtain better validation over a region. Rainfall bias is low in NE and high in SW regions. Overall, bias is 0.7 mm/day for BD. Regression equation is derived for monthly, seasonal and annual averaging rainfall from 19611990 at 10 selected locations as tabulated in Table 2a and Table 2b. The proposed regression equation for rainfall is below ObsRF = ModelRF + CRF (1) where CRF is the constant amount of rainfall at a certain location. The value of rainfall (mm/day) at a particular location as mentioned in Table 2a and Table 2b are to be added or subtracted with the model simulated value to obtain the real amount. One can generate the future scenarios of climate change using PRECIS. Then the look-up table, Table2a and Table 2b, can be used in 22 obtaining predicted rainfall at a particular location of the country. Such type of look-up table may be helps us for future plan in agriculture as well as water resources sectors of the country. Table 2a. CRF for Rainfall_1961-1990 (blsula) in mm/day Jan Feb Mar Apr May Ju Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Barisal Bogra Chittgo Coxb Dhak -0.42 0.21 0.51 1.51 -5.03 -2.79 4.23 4.62 2.81 1.13 0.64 0.25 -0.46 -0.50 -1.46 -4.41 -6.95 -0.91 7.63 2.96 1.82 -1.89 -0.65 -0.19 -0.39 -0.49 -0.40 1.16 -7.12 -0.66 18.70 11.16 4.52 1.89 0.14 -0.20 -0.38 -0.30 -0.49 1.16 -9.08 0.57 18.96 13.68 4.20 1.39 0.15 -0.29 -0.54 -0.17 0.43 1.84 -1.74 -0.13 6.03 4.48 3.94 1.04 0.25 -0.04 Jess -0.42 0.15 0.29 0.37 -5.88 -3.72 2.74 3.33 0.75 -1.38 -0.11 -0.08 Rang -0.11 -0.11 -1.12 -4.39 -4.84 1.20 8.08 3.70 3.24 -2.19 -0.41 -0.11 Satk -0.44 0.34 0.11 0.66 -6.13 -4.87 3.10 2.65 2.35 -0.51 -0.18 0.04 Sylhe -0.61 -1.29 -6.65 -12.12 -13.63 4.49 10.84 6.45 5.49 -2.13 -1.04 -0.30 Srim -0.31 0.01 0.26 2.91 -12.05 -11.87 5.29 3.78 2.34 0.31 -0.01 -0.16 10StAv -0.41 -0.22 -0.85 -1.13 -7.25 -1.87 8.56 5.68 3.15 -0.23 -0.12 -0.11 Table 2b. CRF for Rainfall_1961-1990 (blsula) in mm/day Coxb Dhak DJF MAM JJAS ON Baris 0.01 -1.00 2.22 0.89 Bogr -0.38 -4.27 2.87 -1.27 Chitta -0.36 -2.12 8.43 1.02 -0.32 -2.80 9.35 0.77 -0.25 0.18 3.58 0.65 Jess -0.12 -1.74 0.77 -0.74 Rang -0.11 -3.45 4.05 -1.30 Satk -0.02 -1.79 0.81 -0.35 Sylhet -0.74 -10.80 6.82 -1.59 Ann 0.64 -0.42 2.36 2.46 1.28 -0.33 0.24 -0.24 -0.87 Srimo -0.15 -2.96 -0.12 0.15 -0.79 10StAv -0.24 -3.08 3.88 -0.18 0.43 3.6. All categories Rainfall: Comparison of rainfalls obtained from blsula, blsulb, blsulc, and observation and averages from 26 locations are shown in Fig. 12. In different years different ensembles either underestimated or overestimated rainfall. However, for 30 year average, blsula underestimated rainfall whereas blsulb and blsulc overestimated. In regional average (Fig. 11), both blsula and blnosula were overestimated except in one region (NE). Here it is again emphasized that gridded data from some irregular points decreased the actual value. Averages of all ensembles can provide good agreement with observation data. 23 24 25 26 27 3.7. Rainfall bias and model performance: Rainfall biases are defined as bias = model value – observational value. Figure 13a shows seasonal and annual biases for era15, blsula and blnosula from 1981-90. It is seen that the simulation overestimated during DJF and MAM and underestimated during JJAS and ON, only era15 overestimated in ON. Annual biases from 1981-90 are calculated –0.36, -0.93 and –0.69 for era15, blnosula and blsula respectively. Therefore, it may be concluded that era15 can be calculated rainfall much closer to the observational amounts. Figure 13b shows the same of Fig. 13a except for blsula and blnosula averages from 1961-90. Here, again the model underestimated during monsoon period (JJAS). Hence, the model overestimated in ON. Annual average of rainfall for longtime (1961-1990), rainfall bias for blnosula and blsula are –0.17 and –0.1 respectively. So, long-term average shows blsula is better in calculating rainfall compared to blnosula. The biases are much lower than that obtained for regional analysis as explained in Fig. 11. Therefore, the model performance is obtained from data averages for all 26 locations throughout Bangladesh as discussed in Fig. 14. One can calculate PRECIS performance for BD, which is 13% and 14% overestimated for blnosula and blsula respectively. Figure 14 shows the PRECIS performance in calculating rainfall from 26 locations over Bangladesh. Fig. 14a shows that PRECIS can calculate 85.65%, 89.14% and 90.09% of observed rainfall for blnosula, blsula and era15 respectively from 1980-1990. The performance of PRECIS increased when averages from 1961-1990 as shown in Fig. 14b. Hence, PRECIS can calculate 91.93% and 92.68% of observed rainfall for blnosula and blsula respectively. The performance became overrated for gridded regional analysis as shown in Fig. 14c. In SW PRECIS overrated about 49% and in overall BD it overrated about 14%. So, point-to-point analysis and averages for all observation sites throughout the country gives the better performance of précis in estimating rainfall in Bangladesh. Therefore, PRECIS can be used to generate future climate scenarios and those scenarios can be used in rainfall forecasting with some tolerance of biases at different locations of Bangladesh as explained in Table 2 and Fig. 14. 28 29 30 4. Validation of Temperature At present we have the monthly maximum and minimum temperature PRECIS output data for blsula and blnosula. These data are compared with observational data and discussed in this section. 4.1. Monthly Temperature: Figure 15 shows the monthly averaged temperature (C) obtained from 10 selected observation sites. It is seen that maximum temperature is under-calculated by PRECIS from December to February and then it calculate almost the same to the observational value till September (Fig. 15a). After that it under-calculates again. Minimum temperature (Fig. 15b) is under-calculated by PRECIS from December to February, then is over-calculated until September, calculates the same in October and under-calculates in November. From figures 15, it is seen that blsula and blnosula temperatures are similar, which are not expected. They should differ from one another. There may be a mistake in data copying. 4.2. Seasonal Temperature: Seasonal temperature determined by PRECIS is compared with observational value as shown in Fig 16. As explained in Fig. 15, maximum temperature (Fig. 16a) is under calculated by PRECIS in winter (DJF) and post-monsoon (ON) periods. It calculated the same in pre-monsoon (MAM) and monsoon (JJAS) periods. In case of minimum temperature (Fig. 16b), PRECIS under calculated in winter and post-monsoon periods but it over calculated in pre-monsoon and monsoon periods. As previously mentioned, the values from blsula and blnosula are unexpectedly similar, therefore, only one category is analyzed from now and the data verification is claimed to IITM, Pune, India. Once the data correction is available, different categories may be incorporated. The maximum and minimum temperature in different seasons and at different regions is tabulated in Table 3 and Table 4 respectively. It is seen that maximum temperature (Table 3) under calculated by PRECIS in the northern parts (NW and NE) whereas over calculated in the southern parts (SE and SW) of the country. Overall for BD, it is over calculated. The magnitude of over calculation is higher during pre-monsoon (5.68C for BD) and monsoon (4.69C for BD) periods. 31 32 33 Table 3. Maximum temperature (C) averages from 1961-90 DJF MAM JJAS ON obs blnosula obs blnosula obs blnosula obs blnosula NW 24.02 22.34 30.73 35.05 29.97 32.20 29.97 26.61 NE 23.31 22.55 28.52 32.09 28.33 31.70 28.33 27.12 SE 20.47 23.90 24.83 31.40 24.13 30.43 24.13 27.77 SW 20.63 23.56 26.21 34.45 24.03 30.86 24.03 27.28 BD 22.10 23.09 27.56 33.25 26.60 31.29 26.60 27.20 BD-Bias -------0.99 -------5.68 -------4.69 -------0.60 Here is the difference between the result of point-to-point and regional average analyses. Regional analysis shows over calculation of maximum temperature in all regions for BD where as point-to-point analysis shows under calculation of maximum temperature during DJF and ON and almost similar values of observation in MAM and JJAS. The fact is that when observational data gridded, the exact values reduced to make spatial distribution. In case of minimum temperature (Table 4), it is under calculated by PRECIS in winter and over calculated in other periods. The over calculation is high in pre-monsoon (5.3C for BD) and monsoon (3.54C for BD) periods. Table 4. Minimum temperature (C) averages from 1961-90 DJF MAM JJAS ON obs blnosula obs blnosula obs blnosula obs blnosula NW 11.82 9.42 20.23 24.10 24.34 25.54 19.57 18.13 NE 11.58 9.46 19.62 22.97 23.65 24.96 18.99 18.18 SE 11.44 13.75 17.83 24.89 19.97 26.08 17.36 20.99 SW 11.05 11.70 18.19 25.07 20.28 25.74 16.84 19.38 BD 11.47 11.09 18.96 24.26 22.05 25.58 18.18 19.18 BD-Bias --------0.38 -------5.30 -------3.54 -------0.99 4.3. Annual Temperature: Annual temperature determined by PRECIS is compared with that obtained from observation, averages from 1961-1990 and from 10 selected sites as shown in Fig 17. The time sequence of both datasets is similar in trend: temperature increased with time. The model under calculated maximum temperature in all years except in 1979. On average under calculation of maximum temperature is –1.36C (from –0.25 to –2.23 C). For minimum temperature, similar status of 34 under calculation or over calculation is not found. Both statuses are prevailing. On average, PRECIS over calculate minimum temperature is 0.09C (from –0.67C 0.7C). From regional analysis of annual temperature for BD averages for 1961-1990, it is found that maximum and minimum temperatures over calculated by model are 3.5C and 2.58C respectively. The data obtained at 10 selected stations show that maximum and minimum temperature under calculated by PRECIS is 1.69C and 0.08C respectively. Hence the result of regional analysis differs from the point-to-point analysis as previously explained. Point-to-point analysis provides better result to the observation compared to regional analysis. 4.4. Decadal Temperature: Figure 18 shows the decadal values of maximum and minimum temperatures. The variation of maximum temperature in decade to decade is not much significant whereas minimum temperature increased from 1971-1880, remain same from 1981-1990. Overall from 1961-1990, PRECIS under calculate maximum temperature and over calculate minimum temperature. 4.5. Long-term Temperature: Figure 19a shows the spatial distribution of monthly averaged blnosula maximum temperature (C) obtained by PRECIS. Temperature is low in and around Shillong-hill of India and east to Bangladesh, in the border of India-Myanmar. A high temperature zone is observed in west Bengal of India that extends up-to west border of Bangladesh. The simulated temperature is extracted at 26 sites and displayed in Fig. 19 b. The spatial distribution is almost similar to Fig. 19a but the high temperature zone extended more east. This is due to the high resolution of color shade. The observed temperature obtained at same 26 selected locations is displayed in Fig. 19c. The spatial distribution is not much similar, the strip of symmetric temperature associated almost north-south whereas for model these are almost aligned east-west. Figure 20 shows the comparison of maximum temperature (C) obtained from observation, blnosula and blsula at 10 different observation sites throughout Bangladesh and averages from 1961-1990. The values for blnosula and blsul are similar that was reported in previous section. However, for all sites, model under calculate maximum temperature that differs from regional analysis as explained in section 4.3. The fact is that when observational data gridded for a region then the exact value changed and due to low density of observational sites throughout 35 36 37 38 39 Bangladesh the regional value provides the lower grade of the actual value. Therefore, to obtain the local situation and local effect, point-to-point analysis can provide the better validation of temperature at that location which can be applied in many purposes, especially in the agriculture sector of the country. Figure 21a shows the spatial distribution of minimum temperature calculated by PRECIS. As same as maximum temperature, Fig. 21b and Fig. 21c show the distribution of minimum temperature obtained from 26 selected points. Model data extracted and re-gridded provides the similar distribution. The observational data (Fig. 21c) shows some pockets of high or low temperature, which are not clearly seen in model data. The point-to-point validation at 10 selected sites is shown in Fig. 22. Hence minimum temperature under calculated at all sites except 2 sites in the SE parts of the country. This is because model simulates high minimum temperature over ocean including onshore coastal regions. This local effect can not be obtained from regional analysis for a large coverage. 4.6. Temperature Bias: Figure 23 shows temperature biases at different locations and in different months averages from 10 sites and from 1961-1990. It is seen that maximum temperature (Fig. 23a) under calculated by PRECIS in most of the months except a few months in pre-monsoon and monsoon. Importantly, all months under calculate mamixmum temperature at Chittagong, Cox,s Bazar, and Sylhet. These are the high rainfall regions of the country. Situations are almost opposite for minimum temperature (Fig. 23b). Over all, for annual calculation and averages for 10 sites and from 1961-1990, maximum temperature under calculated 1.5C whereas minimum temperature over calculated 0.06C. If the analysis is performed using data from 26 sites where missing data re a lots, maximum and minimum temperature over calculated 4.23C and 3.0C respectively. Hence it is clear that increase the number of data collection site with many missing data changed the result. One can find slightly different result for regional average. For BD, PRECIS determined maximum and minimum temperature (blnosula) over calculated 3.5C and 2.58C respectively. These are closer to 26 sites average values because here the same missing data are included. Therefore, good quality of observational data is also an important factor in model validation. 40 41 42 43 Figure 23 also represents the local variation of maximum and minimum temperature at 10 selected locations. Using figure 23 one can prepare a look-up table for maximum and minimum temperature validation in different months, seasons and annual value at different sites of the country (Table 5 and Table 6). The proposed regression equation for maximum temperature is below ObsMaxT = ModelMaxT + CMaxT (2) The value for CMaxT in different months and seasons at 10 selected sites is tabulated in Table 5a and Table 5b respectively. Table 5a. CMaxT for MaxT_1961-1990 (blnosula) in C Jan Feb Mar Apr May Ju Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Barisal 2.85 0.94 -1.30 -1.58 -0.36 1.34 -0.38 0.31 0.71 1.82 4.25 4.93 Bogra 4.66 1.35 -1.87 -1.94 -0.58 0.83 -2.02 -0.64 -0.26 2.51 6.82 7.40 Chittg 2.19 1.70 1.30 0.74 1.30 1.38 0.10 0.94 0.79 1.63 3.21 3.56 Coxb 3.38 3.66 4.05 3.47 3.14 1.20 0.98 1.50 1.90 2.66 3.81 4.14 Dhak 3.79 1.54 -1.69 -2.85 -1.13 1.24 -1.22 -0.20 0.06 1.74 5.10 6.01 Jess 3.49 0.91 -3.05 -3.61 -1.36 1.97 -0.05 0.45 1.33 2.38 5.69 6.40 Rang 3.21 0.19 -2.64 -1.26 -0.36 0.04 -1.92 -0.78 -0.85 2.16 5.07 5.62 Satk 3.53 1.09 -2.52 -3.07 -0.40 2.47 0.46 0.96 1.46 2.66 5.68 6.45 Sylhe 5.49 4.24 2.54 1.99 1.55 1.92 0.30 1.34 0.95 3.73 5.18 5.27 Srim 3.41 2.20 -0.71 -0.05 -0.51 0.17 -1.52 -0.59 -0.78 1.39 3.02 4.59 10StAv 3.60 1.78 -0.59 -0.82 0.13 1.26 -0.53 0.33 0.53 2.27 4.78 5.44 Srim 3.40 -0.43 -0.68 2.20 10StAv 3.61 -0.43 0.40 3.53 0.9 1.5 Table 5b. CMaxT for MaxT_1961-1990 (blnosula) in C DJF MAM JJAS ON Baris 2.91 -1.08 0.50 3.04 Bogr 4.47 -1.46 -0.52 4.66 Chitta 2.48 1.11 0.80 2.42 Coxb 3.73 3.55 1.39 3.24 Dhak 3.78 -1.89 -0.03 3.42 Jess 3.60 -2.67 0.92 4.04 Rang 3.01 -1.42 -0.88 3.61 Satk 3.69 -1.99 1.34 4.17 Ann 1.1 1.4 1.6 2.8 1.0 1.2 0.7 1.6 Sylhe 5.00 2.03 1.13 4.45 2.9 Similarly, the proposed regression equation for minimum temperature is below ObsMinT = ModelMinT + CMinT (3) 44 The value for CMinT in different months and seasons at 10 selected sites is tabulated in Table 6a and Table 6b respectively. Table 6a. CMinT for MinT_1961-1990 (blnosula) in C Jan Feb Mar Apr May Ju Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Barisal 2.71 1.32 -1.04 -2.37 -1.72 -0.13 0.01 0.37 0.79 0.78 3.38 4.06 Bogra 4.19 1.77 -1.87 -2.48 -2.16 -0.16 -0.06 0.31 0.30 0.85 4.13 5.42 Chittg -0.92 -1.90 -2.76 -2.73 -2.66 -1.92 -1.78 -1.65 -1.44 -1.32 -0.15 0.02 Coxb -6.31 -6.45 -5.09 -3.69 -3.69 -3.37 -3.20 -3.16 -3.23 -3.62 -3.86 -5.47 Dhak 3.91 2.32 -1.12 -1.93 -1.90 0.16 0.44 0.72 0.98 1.08 4.02 5.34 Jess 2.92 0.74 -2.27 -2.49 -2.08 -0.13 0.11 0.34 0.62 0.64 3.77 4.57 Rang 3.71 1.25 -2.92 -3.19 -2.55 -1.12 -0.61 0.25 -0.07 0.50 4.13 5.37 Satk 3.30 1.39 -1.52 -1.84 -1.93 0.16 0.28 0.67 0.90 0.97 4.10 4.87 Sylhe 4.28 2.55 -0.77 -1.69 -1.35 -0.00 0.32 0.49 0.45 0.86 3.76 5.21 Srim 1.25 -0.08 -2.86 -2.97 -2.58 -0.91 -0.68 -0.40 -0.34 -0.51 1.67 2.75 10StAv 1.90 0.29 -2.22 -2.54 -2.26 -0.74 -0.52 -0.21 -0.10 0.02 2.50 3.21 Srim 1.31 -2.80 -0.58 0.58 10StAv 1.80 -2.34 -0.39 1.26 Table 6b. CMinT for MinT_1961-1990 (blnosula) in C DJF MAM JJAS ON Baris 2.70 -1.71 0.26 2.08 Bogr 3.79 -2.17 0.10 2.49 Chitta -0.93 -2.72 -1.70 -0.74 Coxb -6.08 -4.16 -3.24 -3.74 Dhak 3.86 -1.65 0.57 2.55 Jess 2.74 -2.28 0.24 2.20 Rang 3.44 -2.89 -0.39 2.31 Satk 3.19 -1.76 0.50 2.53 Ann 0.68 0.85 -1.60 -4.26 1.17 0.56 0.39 0.95 Sylhe 4.01 -1.27 0.32 2.31 1.18 -0.47 -0.06 Using equations (2) and (3) and look-up Table 5 and Table 6 one can find the predicted maximum and minimum temperature from PRECIS scenarios at different locations of the country and that values can be used in Agriculture production sector especially winter crop production plan in Bangladesh. 45 5. Conclusions Analyzing PRECIS model outputs produced by IITM from 1961-1990 for monthly rainfall and temperature (maximum and minimum), we can draw the following conclusions: i) Regional analysis with gridded observational data makes PRECIS overestimation in calculating rainfall and temperature at different regions of the country. ii) Data averages from all observational sites provide reasonable validation of PRECIS in Bangladesh. iii) bla provides better performance with about 10% of underestimation for rainfall. The model over-calculated about 17% and 16% for maximum and minimum temperature. However, the over-calculation may be reduced when missing data sites are excluded. Hence for 10 sites, the model undercalculated 4.48% for maximum temperature and over-calculated 0.27% for minimum temperature. iv) blb and blc overestimated in calculating rainfall in Bangladesh. Finally, PRECIS can calculate about 90% of surface rainfall, 95.52% of maximum temperature and 100.27% of minimum temperature. Using the look-up table put up in this report for different months, seasons and years at different locations, PRECIS can be used for the key messages for stakeholders, policy and decision makers from PRECIS generated future climate scenarios. References: Islam, M. N. and H. Uyeda, 2005. Comparison of TRMM 3B42 Products with Surface Rainfall over Bangladesh, Preprints in the proceedings of International. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2005, Seoul, South Korea, July 25-29, 4 pages, 4TH127A_05. Islam, M. N., T. Terao, H. Uyeda, T. Hayashi and K. Kikuchi, 2005. Spatial and temporal variations of precipitation in and around Bangladesh,” J. Meteor. Soc. of Japan, vol. 83(1), 23-41. 46