Distance Education Online Teaching Checklist In order to stay in

Distance Education Online Teaching Checklist
In order to stay in compliance with ACCJC Distance Education guidelines and regulations, it is essential that online instructors follow
certain procedures before, after, and during the teaching term. This information is subject to being updated periodically. (10-14)
Week Posted
Items to Do
Prep prior to term A) Post Syllabus/Incorporate
information on DE Sample
B) When creating syllabus
upload, set it at “accept the
Sample syllabus attached
also give them a quiz for credit ---------------by putting together a short
Refer to DE Webpage
quiz on the syllabus to
---------------encourage them to read it.
Sample syllabus quiz
Prep prior to term Post Welcome
Add photos, text, and videos
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A) Consider adding either text or video.
Add photos too
B) Sample Welcome Announcement in
(Cut and paste)
Welcome Students,
I look forward to working with you over the
next ____ weeks. In _____(course name),
you will learn about _____,_____, and
_____. Remember to began participating
in the discussion forums the first day of
Class participation is essential throughout
the course to be successful in the class.
Posting your introduction early will allow
us to know more about you.
---------C) For Etudes’ Instructional Videos go to
Distance Education Online Teaching Checklist
Week Posted
Items to Do
Prep prior to term Set up for upcoming weeks.
Give clear instructions on what
is expected of the students for
weekly discussions that allow
students to demonstrate their
knowledge of the reading
material and to interact within
the forums with other students
to share their knowledge.
Prep prior to term Instructors read the following 1. DE Plan
documents to ensure that you 2. DE Manual
are in compliance with ACCJC 3. DE vs Correspondence
DE regulations.
Course information
4. Online Add Policy
Prep prior to term All instructors should create a Fill out the SLO form in the
SLOs for each class and
access the SLOs at the end of
the course.
Set up times in
“Chat” forum to
communicate with
A) Set up LIVE Office Hours - ACCJC requires faculty to
B) Include by appointment
initiate interaction with ALL
meeting/calling/conference call students. This is a good
with individual students who method for faculty to meet
request to meet with you in
ACCJC’s requirement.
syllabus and send out email.
C) At the start of your office
hour, make the first post
stating that you are in the chat
room LIVE to answer any
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Located on LASC DE webpage
See attachment
Distance Education Online Teaching Checklist
Week Posted
Items to Do
First Day of Class Encourage students to review SUGGESTION: You can also
the LASC Etudes orientation give them credit by putting
videos located under the home together a short quiz on the
page navigation bar.
videos to encourage them to
look at them. Be sure to view it
Second Day of
Send email to nonparticipating students.
ACCJC requires faculty to
initiate interaction with ALL
students. This is a good
method for faculty to meet
ACCJC’s requirement.
A) Create an Etudes Orientation Video
Cut and paste:
Hi _____,
Yesterday was the first day of class and
we have not had the pleasure of meeting
you. Please introduce yourself in this
week’s discussion forum so that we can
get to know you.
Remember, weekly participation is
required. I look forward to reading your
Required to read
and check
Prepare/upload Modules
Suggestions: Lectures, videos, Remember, that you are teaching a
chapter overviews, chapter
Distance Education course, not a
outlines, etc.
Correspondence course, therefore, you
must upload, at the minimum, class
lectures, chapter overviews, AND chapter
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Distance Education Online Teaching Checklist
Week Posted
Items to Do
The “activity meter” in the
navigation bar will help you
keep track of those who
dropped the class and those
who do not participate the first
week of class. You will need to
keep track of this on the
census and prepare to
exclude non-participant
students from the class.
Retention/Mandat Post first week’s assignment This helps for the following:
Read DE guidelines on DE webpage.
ory exclusions
discussion or you may use this A) ACCJC requires faculty to
first week to have students
initiate interaction with ALL Read information on DE Course vs
introduce themselves before
students. This is a good
Correspondence Course on DE webpage.
getting into the reading
method for faculty to meet
material required...
ACCJC’s requirement.
ACCJC requires faculty interaction. this is
B) To record mandatory
a good method for being in compliance.
exclusions and census
roster .
C) Keep track of participation
D) Allows your course to be
classified as a Distance
Education course, not a
Correspondence course.
Instructors: For assistance
with Etudes go to
1. Required to
read and check
2. First day of
1. Print Roster
2. Use the activity meter in
Etudes to keep track of
student activity/participation
each week, particularly during
the first two weeks when the
“census roster” is to be
accurately recorded.
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Distance Education Online Teaching Checklist
Week Posted
Items to Do
Student evaluations survey
With this in mind, please be
instruction weeks will be posted between the 6th sure to keep all information
SIX and Eight for a and 8th week of the semester. current, engaging, and in
16 week course, Instructors will be notified if the compliance with ACCJC DE
department chair will evaluate regulations for evaluation
evaluations will be your class prior to the 6th
purposes as well.
-----------------------------------8 week semester Short term evaluations will
courses - student take place between weeks 3
evaluations will be and 4.
posted between
the 3rd and 4th
Student evaluation for online instructors is
in compliance per AFT Article 19.
Required to read
and check
Located on the DE webpage
Understand the online add
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