
Snow-17 Model (Developed by Anderson for operational use, still used by most River
Forecasting Centers in the West. Considers that any type of measurements in the
mountains are generally hard to come by.)
Thermal Quality and Cold Content
Utah Energy Balance Model (Designed by Tarboten and Luce to be physically based but
distributed across the landscape. Used more by researchers than for operations.)
Emmisivity of snow
Specific Heat
Latent Heat
Density of snow
Liquid Holding Capacity
Snow Saturated hydraulic conductivity
Thermal Conductivity
DHSVM (Designed for research use in small basins, for hydrologic applications =
primarily interested in water budget at the basin outlet.)
Snow reflection Coefficient
Snow Water Equivalent
Specific Heat of the ice
Density of snow
Latent heat of ice
Variable Velocity Model of water propagation through a snowpack (Designed for
research use to understand diurnal cycle timing of melt through a snowpack.)
Snow porosity
Snow density
Intrinsic Permeability
Model snowmelt at an hourly basis above a lysimeter
Snow temperature
Volume of lysimeter
Temperature data
Precipitation data
Specific Heat
Latent Heat
Model hourly snowmelt in a small (1 km ) alpine watershed
DEM of the basin
Precipitation, T max and T min
Snow temperature
Snow density
Model daily snowmelt across a large area:
Elevation data at different points. Using GIS this information can be created for each grid
Fraction of the grid where precipitation occurs.
Forcing data (Precipitation, Tmax, Tmin, Wind Speed)
Snow Albedo
Latitude and Longitude
Land use data (Type of vegetation and canopy cover)
Latent heat, Specific heat