ISEE-Young 2015 2nd ISEE Europe’s Young Researchers Conference on Environmental Epidemiology Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2-3 Nov., 2015 Abstract form Send a Word file(s) to You will receive a confirmation email within a few working days after submission. Name the file: surname_initials_<number of abstract> In the example below, it would be: snow_j_1.docx If you submit multiple abstracts: snow_j_1.docx, snow_j_2.docx, … Title: maximum 20 words Authors: example Snow, John (1); Whitehead, Henry (2) Underline the presenting author. Affiliations: (1) Westminster Hospital, London, UK; (2) St. Luke, London, UK Text: maximum 300 words Background and aims: Methods: Results: Conclusions: Topics: Please select 2-3 from the list below, separated by commas Presentation: Indicate your preference for a presentation: [ ] Oral [ ] Poster Topics: Select 2-3 topic areas per abstract. Air pollution, noise Biomakers, genetic susceptibility, epigenetics and other -omics Climate change Environmental contaminants, other Environmental equity, socio-economic position Exposure assessment EMF, mobile phones, UV and ionizing radiation Greenspace, built environment Health impact assessment Indoor air quality Livestock-related exposures Methods, including statistical Mobility, physical activity, and health Occupational exposures Pesticides Spatial epidemiology and GIS Water quality, disinfection by-products Cardio-metabolic diseases Neurobehavioral effects Neurodegenerative outcomes Reproductive outcomes Respiratory outcomes Cancer