9th September 2013 To the parents of children in Key stage 2

Saint John the Baptist Church of England Primary School
Hawthorn Bank, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 1JQ
Headteacher : Mr P Reid
Telephone (01775) 722644
Fax : (01775) 766196
9th September 2013
To the parents of children in Key stage 2
Dear Parents
We are really fortunate to be able to offer a large number of varied clubs this term. As
always we have some free clubs run by staff and others by outside companies for which
a charge is made.
Please remember the school uses part of the Pupil Premium (which is an amount of
money we are given for each child who applies and is granted free school meals –
whether they are taken or not) to support families who may not be able to afford for their
children to attend paid for after school clubs. If you believe that you might be entitled
to free school meals then you can find out further information either from the
school office or by:
Website www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/FSMapply
or e-mail Free_School_Meals@lincolnshire.gov.uk or phone 01522 782030
All clubs will begin week commencing Monday 16th September 2013. The last week
for all clubs will be week commencing Monday 14th October 2013.
All booking forms must be received in the school office by 9am Wednesday 11 th
September 2013. Children’s names will be picked from a hat for those clubs with limited
places. We hope that this will give all children a fair chance of gaining a place. Your
child will receive a note by the end of Friday 13th September advising if they have a
Yours sincerely
Paul Reid
A caring Christian community achieving full potential for all
Club Timetable
Circuit Training
This club will be run by Mrs Crampton and Mrs
White. Enjoy a whole range of activities to
keep you fit!
Years 5 and 6
3.30 – 4.30pm
Change in Mrs White’s classroom
This club will be held in the Main Hall
Learn the skills of the game and take part in
matches during these sessions. Loads of fun
and very energetic!!
School Contact – Mrs Llewellyn and Mrs
Year 6 only
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Change in Year 6 classrooms
This club will be held outside so please
have appropriate clothing and footwear!
(Please see Wednesday for years 4 and 5 netball)
A caring Christian community achieving full potential for all
Junk Band
We are excited to be able to offer a Junk Band
Club this term! Run by staff from Act 11.
The Junk Band teaches children how to feel
the beat and make music with all sorts of
“drums” made from various “junk” containers.
Move over “Stomp” – here comes the St John’s
Junk Band!
School contact – Mrs Evans
Year 3 only
3.30 – 4.30pm
This club will be held in the small hall
Please send payment for £12.50 - cheques
payable to “St John the Baptist Primary
School” with your form to the school office
This club is run by Arsenal Soccer School.
School contact – Mrs Evans
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
3.30p.m. – 4.30p.m.
Boys change in Mrs Crampton and Mrs Bird’s
classroom and girls in Mrs Duffill’s classroom
This club will be outside so please have
appropriate clothing and footwear!
Please send payment for £12.50 - cheques
payable to “Arsenal Soccer School” with
your form to the school office.
A caring Christian community achieving full potential for all
Chess Club
This club is open to complete beginners as well
as those of you who know how to play.
This club will be run by volunteer Mr McCarthy.
School contact – Mrs Brown
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
3.30pm – 4.30pm
This club will be held in Year 2 classrooms
Please mark on your form whether you are
a complete beginner or have some
knowledge of the game so that we can
arrange players into teams.
Our very popular school choir are, as always,
open to new members joining this term. They
are also looking for adults to join! So, if there
are any parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles
etc. who would like to come and join our choir
please complete the form with the children’s
and adult’s names and return to school.
School contact – Mrs Hare
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
3.30pm – 4.15pm
This club will be held in the Main Hall.
A caring Christian community achieving full potential for all
Wednesday continued
Dance Club
This club is run by Dance Days.
A mixture of dance styles, lots of movement to
music and lots of fun!!!
School contact – Mrs Smith
Year 3 only
3.30pm – 4.15pm
This club will be held in the small hall.
Please send payment of £12.50 - cheques
payable to “St John the Baptist School” with
your form to the school office.
Learn the skills of the game and take part in
matches during these sessions. Loads of fun
and very energetic!!
School Contact – Mrs Blom and Mrs
Years 4 and 5
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Change in Year 4 classrooms
This club will be held outside so please
have appropriate clothing and footwear!
Run by the staff of Spalding Gym Club
School contact – Mrs Smith
For years 3, 4, 5 and 6
3.30pm – 4.30pm
This club will be held in the Main Hall.
Girls change in Mrs Llewellyn’s classroom;
Boys change in Mr Crick’s classroom and meet
in the hall
Please send payment of £12.50 – cheques
payable to “St John the Baptist School” with
your form to the school office.
A caring Christian community achieving full potential for all
Tag Rugby
This club is being run by an outside
organisation. Learn the skills of rugby by
without any contact. Chase your opponents
and pull their tags from their belt to score
School contact – Mrs Smith
Years 4, 5 and 6
3.30 – 4.30pm
Change in Mrs Blackbourn’s class
This club will be held outside so please
have appropriate clothing and footwear!
Please send payment of £12.50 – cheques
payable to “St John the Baptist School” with
your form to the school office.
This club is being run by an outside agency
and will give children an insight into dodgeball!!
School contact – Mrs Smith
Years 4,5 and 6
3.30 – 4.30pm
Change in Mr Crick (boys) and Mrs Llewellyn’s
(girls) classrooms
This club will be held in the Main Hall
Please send payment for £10.00 - cheques
payable to “St John the Baptist Primary
School” with your form to the school office
Please would you indicate on the forms attached which club(s) your child would
like to attend and sign the form giving permission for them to attend. Additional
forms can be collected from outside the school office.
Please use one form per club and where possible send separate
cheques or cash for each club.
A caring Christian community achieving full potential for all
School taught clubs for Term 1 (2013-14) – KS2
F.A.O. Club organiser………………………………………………………
I give permission for my child ………………………Year ……….. Class ……….…
to attend.…………………………………………………………………………….
I understand that if my child is in school on a particular day but unable to attend
the club, I will notify the teacher responsible, either in person or in writing.
My child will be collected / allowed to walk home after the club (Please delete)
NB : Please return to club organiser
School taught clubs for Term 1 (2013-14) – KS2
F.A.O. Club organiser………………………………………………………
I give permission for my child ………………………Year ……….. Class ……….…
to attend.…………………………………………………………………………….
I understand that if my child is in school on a particular day but unable to attend
the club, I will notify the teacher responsible, either in person or in writing.
My child will be collected / allowed to walk home after the club (Please delete)
NB : Please return to club organiser
A caring Christian community achieving full potential for all
Paid for Clubs – Term 1 (2013 – 14) - KS2
NAME OF CLUB………………………………………………………
Name of child :
Class :
I would like my child to take part in the above club. I enclose £…………..
I would like my child to take part in the above club. My child is in receipt of free
school meals. Please tick……………
Please delete :
My child will be collected from school.
I give permission for my child to walk home by themselves.
Signed …………………………………………………. Parent / Guardian
Please return to the school office.
Paid for Clubs – Term 1 (2013 – 14) - KS2
NAME OF CLUB………………………………………………………
Name of child :
Class :
I would like my child to take part in the above club. I enclose £…………..
I would like my child to take part in the above club. My child is in receipt of free
school meals. Please tick……………
Please delete :
My child will be collected from school.
I give permission for my child to walk home by themselves.
Signed …………………………………………………. Parent / Guardian
Please return to the school office.
A caring Christian community achieving full potential for all