49 Tynewydd Road Barry CF62 8AZ Mr Mark Drayford Health Minister, National Assembly of Wales Cardiff Bay Cardiff CF99 Tel 07907937953 17th September 2013 Mr Andrew R T Davies Conservative Party National Assembly of Wales Cardiff Bay Cardiff CF99 Dear Mr Drayford and Mr Davies, Re: ABM Complaints Dept meltdown – will not tell me whether I have ‘Significant irreversible brain damage’ or not? Could you please ask? I note the discussion in the media and that the Health Minister says the Complaints Department is busy helping police investigate the three members of staff who have been arrested for making up medical records in the Bridgend NHS. You may wish to be aware of my dilemma in that no one at ABM complaints Dept will answer that it may appear as if staff at the ABM Complaints Dept collude with the doctor to completely make up that I have ‘significant irreversible brain damage’ with cancer. The simple way to address this is, may be, if you were willing to get a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer from the ABM Complaints Dept. So, may be, you can help? Please could you answer as to do I have ‘significant irreversible brain damage’ or not? Do you think I should be told so I can manage both my health and my family affairs? You may also wish to ask as to why, at a time when NHS money is to be saved and spent wisely, why the ABM NHS, since June 2012, doctors have been indefinitely suspended from NHS duties at a cost which seems to be substantial to NHS and tax payer. Is this behaviour of being paid huge salaries, to do no real work but “make things up’, the NHS you wish? Yours Maurice J Kirk BVSc maurice@kirkflyingvet.com