Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program POLICY AND PROCEDURES TITLE: Emergency Evacuation PURPOSE Ensure the safe and orderly evacuation of the Centers by infants and toddlers, preschoolers, children with disabilities and other children and staff. POLICY The OLC HS/EHS staff will ensure any emergency evacuation of the Center is conducted in a calm, safe and efficient manner to avoid any injury or adverse effect to the children and staff. PROCEDURE Fire Safety a. Emergency Evacuation: In the event that emergency evacuation of the Center is required the staff will implement the following emergency evacuation procedures: (1) The Bus Driver/Maintenance or other staff will sound the fire alarm indicating that evacuation of the Center is necessary. (2) When the fire alarm is sounded, the Bus Driver or other staff will call 911. Information to be related to the emergency services personnel should include: The name of the OLC HS/EHS Centers That the Center is being evacuated The physical location of the Head Start and Early Head Start Centers, including directions how to get to the Center if necessary. The nature and extent of the emergency (i.e. fire, chemical spill, violent visitor, etc.) How many people are at the Head Start and Early Head Start Centers. Caller name and the telephone number the caller is calling from. Any specific information requested to assist with the response. When the fire alarm is sounded, the Teacher will make sure all of their children are accounted for and will verify this using the daily attendance sheet. The Teacher’s Aid will place any special needs children in evacuation wheel chairs or strollers. (4) The Teacher will lead the children from the classroom and the Center to the designated safe assembly location. The safe assembly location is located on the evacuation plan and listed specify on fire/emergency plan and facility map. The Teachers Aide will, if necessary take charge of any wheel chairs or evacuation strollers and push the wheelchair/stroller in front of the group. (5) If any children are not accounted for, the Teacher will immediately notify the Bus Driver before evacuating the other children. The children will then be evacuated from the Center. The Bus Driver will inspect each room of the Center to locate the missing children. Once located, the Bus Driver will lead the children from the Center. (6) The Cook will follow the students out of the Center. If necessary, the Cook will assist with the evacuation of additional special needs children and push their wheelchair/stroller behind the group. Adapted from Model Tribal Head Start Health and Safety Code-Indian Health Service/Office of Environmental Health Revised: 03/16/12 PC Approval: 10/23/06 BOT Approval: 11/21/06 Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program POLICY AND PROCEDURES (7) The Early-Head Start Teacher will place infants and toddlers in evacuation strollers (or cribs) provided and will evacuate all of the infants and toddlers at once. In no circumstances will any infants or toddlers be left unattended during an evacuation. (8) The Bus Driver will be the last person out of the building and will ensure that all children and staff have safely evacuated the Center. Once outside, the Teacher will verify, based on the daily attendance sheets, that all of the children have been evacuated. (9) The Teacher will decide if the children and staff should be moved to a refuge building, if available, especially in bad weather. The refuge building will be determined by the Teacher and the Bus Driver and be listed on the Fire plan. (10) The Bus Driver will wait for emergency assistance to arrive. The Teacher will make the decision to initiate the Emergency Contact Procedures to have children picked up by their parent/guardian. (11) The Center will not be re-entered unless cleared by the emergency response personnel and approved by the Teacher. (12) The Teacher will prepare a Evacuation Letter to Parents to the parent’s/guardian’s of children explain the date and time of the evacuation, the reason for the evacuation, what steps have been taken to prevent the emergency in the future and any information that parent/guardian may want to explain to their children. (13) The Teacher will prepare an Emergency and Evacuation Report to the Head Start Director, with a copy to the Health Advisor on any emergency evacuation (excluding regularly planned drills) required at the Center. The report will include the date and time of the evacuation, the reason for the evacuation, the number of children and staff involved, any injuries involved, if Emergency Contact procedures were implemented and any long term effects of the emergency. Tornado Safety (a) Tornado Watch: A tornado watch means that weather conditions are favorable for the development of a tornado. Staff should keep a watchful eye on the sky for threatening weather, and keep turn to a weather radio for the latest weather information. A weather radio is located in each center. (b) Tornado Warning: A tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Persons in the path of a storm should seek shelter immediately. Nothing can be done to prevent a tornado from occurring, but knowing the safety rules and practicing the drills will better prepare staff and children for such an occurrence. (1) Admin staff will determine where the shelter is going to be. Most centers the shelter should be located on the ground floor in the innermost part of the building away from any windows or doorways. Avoid auditoriums or gymnasiums as a designated area. (2) Staff should practice tornado drills twice a year (once in the fall and once in the spring). Staff should post the Disaster and Evacuation Log and fill it out at the time of the tornado drill. (3) Posting exit plans/ maps which include primary and secondary evacuation routes to safe areas. Adapted from Model Tribal Head Start Health and Safety Code-Indian Health Service/Office of Environmental Health Revised: 03/16/12 PC Approval: 10/23/06 BOT Approval: 11/21/06 Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program POLICY AND PROCEDURES Procedures for drill/ real thing: (a) AS SOON AS A WARNING IS DECLARED OR STAFF SEES A TORNADO, the bus driver(s) will sound the alarm. (b) Do not go outside to see the tornado. Staff member(s) will lead the children to line up in their designated area facing the inner walls, crouched down away from windows and covering their heads. If possible cover each child with a blanket to protect them from any flying debris. (c) Once the children are in the appropriate crouched down position the teacher will need to do a head check to account for all children. (d) Staff members(s) will go around the building making sure all classrooms are empty once checked they will close the classrooms doors and turning off the lights. (e) Staff who have easy access to flashlights and/or cell phones and if available the child emergencies contact list should be taken with them on their way to the designated area. Never use candles or lighters. (f) Once the tornado has passed the bus driver(s) will carefully inspect the building for downed power lines, other hazards, and injuries. (g) Once the inspection is completed they will give the “all clear” for the teachers to move the children to their classrooms or a safe area. (h) When the danger has passed, await instructions from the Director/ Site Supervisor to either continue class or to call parents/ emergency contact persons for child pick-up. Flood Safety Before a flood (a) Listen to the Weather Radio for information. (b) Be aware of streams, drainage channels, canyons, and other areas known to flood suddenly. Prepare to evacuate (a) Turn off utilities at the main switch or valves if instructed to do so. Disconnect electric appliances. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water. (b) Be aware that flash flooding can occur. If there is any possibility of a flash flood, move immediately to higher ground. Do not wait for instructions to move. (c) If you have to evacuate do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can make you fall. If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you. (d) Do not drive into flooded areas. If floodwaters rise around your vehicle, abandon it and move to higher ground if you can do so safely. You and the vehicle can be quickly swept away. Adapted from Model Tribal Head Start Health and Safety Code-Indian Health Service/Office of Environmental Health Revised: 03/16/12 PC Approval: 10/23/06 BOT Approval: 11/21/06 Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program POLICY AND PROCEDURES Drill Before the drill begins the center staff should pick a pre-designated safe area where they would lead the children to safety in the event of a flash flood Once the drill begins (a)The classroom staff will pick up the attendance roaster and cell phone as they lead the children to line up in the classroom (b) The bus driver(s) will check the restroom(s), classroom and hallway (if possible) for any children or staff left behind. (c) The bus driver(s) will turn off the lights. (d) The teacher will ensure that all children are present using the attendance roster. (e) For drill purposes the staff will not lead the children to your pre-designated safe area, once all procedures above are completed the drill will be done the staff and children can return to their routine. In the event of a flash flood all center staff will help assist all children and infants to the pre-designated safe area. (f) All staff should be familiar with the procedures for a flash flood and know what extra steps will be taken in the event of a flash flood. (g) Staff should practice the flood drill procedures once a year. Staff should post the Disaster and Evacuation Log and fill it out at the time of the flood drill. Severe Weather Safety Severe weather can come in a variety of forms, usually blizzards and possible flooding. The National Weather Service issues severe weather storms broadcast when there is a threat, monitor radio for bulletins. (a) When serve weather is a threat, notify the Director/ Site supervisor to determine the action to be taken. (b) Consider appropriate responses: (1) Early dismissal (2) Cancellation (3) Provide emergency shelter a. If evacuation is indicated, follow evacuation procedures b. In the event that evacuation is not a possibility, follow lock down procedures. c. Notify parents/emergency contact persons and bus drivers of action plan. DOCUMENTATION Emergency and Evacuation Report Evacuation Letter to parents Disaster and Evacuation Log REGULATORY REFERENCE(S): Head Start Performance Standards Environmental Health Standards 1304.22(a); 1304.53(a) 4-116.20 – 4-116.23 Adapted from Model Tribal Head Start Health and Safety Code-Indian Health Service/Office of Environmental Health Revised: 03/16/12 PC Approval: 10/23/06 BOT Approval: 11/21/06