262 Key to Exercises

262 Key to Exercises
etymological information than previous editions. Four
general kinds of etymology are recognised: native words,
old and well-established borrowings, more recent
borrowings, and borrowings from non Indo-European
languages. Compare the answer ro 2(c) tor GhO. ' he
label 'ISV is introduced, standing for 'International
Scientific Vocabulary', to account for scientific words oi
recent coinage that are often composed from Latin or
Greek roots.
Chapter 9. How to Define a Word
1. Five senses are arguably identifiable from these examples:
(1) 'perceive with the eye' (a, e)
(2) 'inspect' (b)
(3) 'understand' (c)
(4) 'be a spectator at' (d)
(5) 'have a meeting with' (f)
See has many other senses: look it up in your
dictionary2. If the senses are historically ordered, the biblical meaning
of scapegoat will be given first, and then the more general
current meaning, i.e. 'a person made to bear the blame
for others'.
3. here: probably synonyms and rule-based
milk: all senses probably defined analytically
humdrum: probably by synonyms
hundred: probably synthetic
hypermarket: probably analytic
4. Any of these lexemes may have encyclopaedic definitions, if your dictionary tends to use them for words that
have been classified scientifically.
Chapter 10. More than Meaning
1. There may not be a definition as such at all for these
words, as in LCED, which merely notes that they are
the 'objective case' of we and they respectively. LCED
notes a second sense of us, as a substitute for me, but
labels this 'non-standard'. Them is given a homonym,