IAS 23 - BORROWING COSTS What? When? CAPITALISE 1. Interest on borrowings 2. Other costs - (a) Finance charges with respect to leases (b) exchange difference on foreign currency borrowings where they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs . Incurred DIRECTLY in connection with borrowings of funds . For acquisition, construction and production of . QUALIFYING asset - (An asset which takes SUBSTANTIAL period to get ready for Its intended use or sale, usually more than 1 year) ALL OTHER BORROWING COSTS ARE EXPENSED TO PROFIT & LOSS EXCLUSIONS 1. Assets initially measured at FAIR VALUE are excluded from IAS 23 2. Purchased building IMMEDIATELY PUT TO USE as they do not require a substantial customisation or time to get ready for its intended use or sale ' 3 Inventories produced in LARGE QUANTITIES on repetitive basis is excluded 4. If inventories take a LONG TIME to get ready for its intended use or sale e.g wine, cheese, whiskey, aircrafts, ships etc. then the choice lies with the company to capitalise or not. - THE CHOICE LIES WITH INVENTORIES AND NOT WITH PPE How? MEASUREMENT in case of SPECIFIC Borrowings i.e borrowings taken specifically for acquisition, construction and purchase of a qualifying asset Borrowing cost = (Amount borrowed x Rate of Interest on specific borrowing x Time) - (Interest earned on Idle funds) GENERAL Borrowings i.e borrowings taken for usual course of business Borrowing cost = (Amount borrowed x Capitalisation rate x Time) Capitalisation Rate = Weighted average rate of general borrowings