Grade 8- Study Guide

Grade 8- Study Guide
Scientific Method terms
Skill vocabulary words:
1. classify: grouping together based on specific characteristics
2. compare: to examine the different and or similar characteristics of
3. critical thinking: thinking that uses specific sets of skills to carefully
analyze problems step-by step
4. inference: a logical explanation based on observation and or facts
5. measure: to compare the characteristics of something with a
6. methods: an ordered series of steps followed to help answer a
questions or solve a problem
7. observation: noticing objects using the five senses. Data collected
by using the five senses is qualitative data
8. prediction: a statement made about the future outcome of an
experiment based on past experience or observations that have
been made
9. variation: slight differences among objects that are all of the same
basic type
Scientific method vocabulary terms
10. control: the group or subject used as a standard for comparison in
an experiment
11. data: information, measurements and materials gathered from
observations used to help answer questions
12. experimental error: incorrect data taken during an experiment that
may result from a variety of causes
13. experiment: a test using observations and controlled variables to
discover answers to questions and or to validate a hypothesis or
solve a problem
14. procedure: an ordered series of steps one follows to answer a
question or solve a problem
15. qualitative data: data based observable characteristics that can
be collected using the fives senses
16. quantitative data: data based on measurable characteristics such
as mass, volume, length, and quantity
17. repeated trials: experimental tests done more than once
18. replication: repeated trials on more than one subject in
experimental tests
19. variable: something that can affect as system being examined, a
factor that may change in an experiment
20. independent variable: a factor that can be changed in an
experiment ; “you change it”
21. dependent variable: a factor that responds to changes in an
experiment; “it changed”
Basic vocabulary terms
22. nature: the entire physical universe, earth, and beyond
23. science: the study of nature and the physical world using the
24. scientist: a person who “does” something
25. scientific law: a pattern in nature known as a rule
26. scientific methods; a process of critical thinking that uses
observations and experiments to testable predictions about the
physical universe
27. scientific theory: a explanation for generalized patterns in nature
supported by much scientific evidence
28. –logy: the study of