Stepping Stones (K and U of W)

Stepping Stones (K and U of W)
Explore objects
Talk about what is seen and what is happening
Show awareness of change
Describe simple features of objects & events
Examine objects & living things to find out more about them
Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses as
Find out about and identify some features of living things, objects
and events they observe
Look closely at similarities, differences patterns and change
Lancashire Foundation Stage Scheme of Work:
Provide a variety of mirrors, let the children look at and talk about
themselves - different sizes, shapes including full length,
concave, convex
Let the children order themselves according to size – take photos
or draw round the children
Go on a touch, sound and smell walk around the school.
Provide a range of materials, substances, objects for the children
to explore using their senses Make a feely bag using a variety of
sensory objects
Read Funny Bones – make skeleton/ bone like pictures – look at xrays to talk about the different bones in their bodies
Visit from school nurse /mid wife or new parent to talk about
babies – talk about what babies, eat, drink and do and make
comparisons with themselves
Discuss what we need as human beings to keep us alive e.g. food,
water, shelter, care etc.
Do animals need the same sort of things to stay alive? Explore
During PE times and when going out to play discuss the
importance of exercise and diet to help us keep fit
Objectives: Year 1 / 2
Scientific Enquiry
1. to collect evidence by making observations and measurements when
trying to answer a question
2a. ask questions and decide how they might find the answers to them.
2b. use first hand experience and simple information sources to answer
2g. communicate what happened in a variety of ways including ICT
2h. make simple comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations
2i. compare what happened with what they expected to happen and try to
explain it drawing on their knowledge and understanding
Life and Living Processes
2a. to recognise and compare the main external parts of humans and other
2b. that humans and other animals need food and water to stay alive
2c. that taking exercise and eating the right types and amounts of food help
humans to keep healthy
2g. about the senses that enable humans and other animals to be aware of
the world around them
Variation and Classification
4a. recognise similarities and differences between themselves and others
and to treat others with sensitivity
Link to Small Schools Scheme of Work
Small Schools Science Scheme Year A Ourselves
Identify all body parts external / internal e.g. play Simon Says, draw label,
use body part mats or model torso etc.
Investigation – e.g. do people with the largest feet have the largest
handspan? Are older children taller? Can children with the largest hands
pick up more sweets?
Feely bag- identify objects blind fold games for tasting and smelling (check
children for allergies + hygiene)
Find out about senses, where are the sensory organs located in the body.
Provide a range of activities for the children to explore the five senses. e.g.
Listening sound bingo, identify sounds from different directions,
investigating using digital microscope and lenses(round lenses very good
for young children)
Look at other mammals and the characteristics that we share
Think about the different conditions and needs for survival mammals have
Discuss what is meant meant by the term ‘alive’. Comparison with teddy
explaining living conditions for life. Look at dead spiders, wood lice etc
under microscope. Using pictures sort into living, not living, never lived
After moving in P.E. talk about the effect movement has on our body
How does the food we eat affect our health, explore concepts of healthy
Be able to label and name external parts and some internal parts of the body.
Identify 5 senses and locate sense organs, Interpret simple charts about class characteristics.
Group things according to simple characteristics. Identify features of living things.
Cross Curricular Links:
PSHE – caring for ourselves, other people and animals e.g.
bullying, friendships, feelings, sharing, taking turns…
PE – move using different body parts with and without
Music – songs & rhymes about the body, listening games using
different musical instruments
Maths – measuring e.g. height, hand span, feet and weight
using standard and non standard units
History – time line using baby photographs
Art – draw or paint pictures of themselves
Fiction / Non Fiction Books:
Funny Bones - J & A Ahlberg
Bur Martin
Children to take digital photographs of each other – make a
class power point presentation
Intel microscope to look closely at fingers, hair, skin
CD Rom My Amazing Body D.K.
Counting pictures – bar graph e.g. eye colour
Any simple graphing package
Teacher Resources:
Featherstone Publications:
Little book of Investigations
Little book of messy play
Little book of sand and water