lesson Plan week 11 sexualityand Sexual Decision

Lesson Plan Unit 3: Called to Healthy Relationships (week 9) 1


/ 2



What are we doing?



Sexuality package


Start with discussion guidelines


Definition of sexuality and reading of additional terms


Explanation of sexuality spectrum with emphasis on sexual diversity and respect


Reading and explanation of what it means to respect a person’s sexuality


Fill in the blanks: the ABCD of chastity and highlight the key words related to abstinence


Chaste or not chaste activity


Sexual decision making fill in the blanks

Why are we doing it?

Learning Goals:

I will…

* be able to define in at least three sentences/ phrases the meaning of sexuality

* connect sexual decision making to moral reasoning / a respect based ethic

* be able to explain the sexuality spectrum

* explain how to respect a person’s sexuality

* make connections between sexual decision making and quality of life

* define chastity and understand it as a virtue that a person develops

* define abstinence and explain the benefits

* identify what is chaste and what is not chaste behavior

*understand the consequences of healthy and unhealthy sexual decision making

How will I know I’ve worked toward the learning goal? Success Criteria:

I can…

* complete the definition of sexuality by adding it to my notes

* complete the visual and written information in the sexuality spectrum section

* read and highlight respecting a person’s sexuality

* complete the ABCD of chastity and highlight the key words in the abstinence section

* write out some of the ideas generated when discussing the abstinence questions

* fill in the blanks independently

* complete the case study independently


Sexual decision making case study

Unit 4 - Justice and Relationships

This unit is about developing respect in all relationships. Concepts covered include: sexuality, sexual decision-making, orientation, impacts of extra marital sex and chaste relationships. Some of the issues and information may be at times uncomfortable but if we have respectful dialogue about the content, many of us will become more comfortable with the material.

Conversation guidelines:

* Be sensitive in the way that you word your questions and comments

* No sharing of personal information; your own or anyone else’s EVER.

* No sexist or homophobic language

* Attempt to use correct terminology

* If you want to ask a question but don’t feel comfortable asking in front of the class, use the question box

* If for any reason you want to opt out of a class discussion or a group discussion, you have that right

What is Sexuality?

Sexuality is __________________________________________________________

Sexuality is __________________________________________________________

Sexuality is __________________________________________________________

Sexuality is __________________________________________________________

Sexuality is __________________________________________________________

Sexuality is __________________________________________________________

Sexuality is __________________________________________________________

Sexuality is __________________________________________________________

Additional Terms

Sexual Orientation - the gender or genders that a person is attracted to physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually

Heterosexual orientation - Means being attracted to the opposite gender. Heterosexuality is considered to be the norm of human sexuality, as it fosters reproduction and male and female bodies compliment each other. The vast majority of the world's population is heterosexual, therefore it dominates culture.

Homosexual orientation (often called gay) - Means being attracted to the same gender. The majority of people do not have a homosexual orientation, however it is widely estimated that 1 in 10 or 10% of people have a homosexual orientation.

Bisexual orientation - Means being attracted to both genders.

Asexual orientation - Means not experiencing romantic attraction.

Sexuality Spectrum - Humans fall along a continuum or spectrum when it comes to their sexual orientation, their

gender expression, their gender identity, and their biological gender . There are diverse ways in which humans experience their sexuality.

Gender identity and expression – Humans identify with and express themselves as male or female. One’s biological sex does not always align with one’s gender identity and expression. This means a biological male might act more “female”

Following a RESPECT-BASED Sexuality

We are called to understand that sexuality is a gift from God, that it is sacred, that is meant to bring about good (intimate / committed relationships as well as new life). Thus we are called to use our sexuality in a way that protects our own life and dignity and the life and dignity of others. We are called to be a model of responsible sexuality for others.

No matter how a person experiences and expresses their sexuality, we are called to treat that person with respect. This is part of following a consistent life ethic. If a person’s expression of their sexuality conflicts with your own values, you may choose to disagree with their behavior, but you should not condemn them or treat them poorly. For example, if you do not agree with same gendered sex, you might explain your reasoning to the person involved in same gendered sex but you should not spread rumors and or ridicule the person.

If a person is causing harm to his/herself or another through risky or exploitative sexual practices, then you are called to protect the dignity of people in this situation. That might involve having a conversation with the person to help them identify the harm they are creating or the potential for harm. Or if the sexual behavior is very dangerous this might involve reporting it to guidance or if the sexual behavior is criminal it should be reported to the police.

If a friend is questioning his /her sexual decision-making, help him/her make responsible choices that would protect the dignity of all involved.

Following a consistent life ethic with regards to sexuality means practicing the virtue of chastity. The Church asks us to develop a virtue called CHASTITY to keep us from harm, to show respect to our self and others, and to show how much value we place on the gift of sexuality.

What is Chastity: The ABCD of Chastity

Chastity is an ______________________ of respect for the God-given gift of sexuality, respect for one’s self, and respect for another.

Chastity is ______________________ that seeks covenant relationships and seeks to do no harm. This means following the beatitudes in your sexual behavior.

Chastity is a _______________________ in which a person practices control over sexual desire. This means avoiding situations in which you might be tempted to get involved in sexual activity. This also means asking God to help you make the right sexual choices.

Chastity is a ________________________ to abstain (not have) sex until marriage.

Chastity is not only for virgins, married people are called to be chaste as well. Chastity upholds the life and dignity of the person.

WORD BANK: behavior, attitude, choice, discipline

Chaste or Nor Chaste Activity

Chaste (C) or Not Chaste Activity (N C) - Explain why

1. Lindsay spreads sexual rumors about a girl she dislikes. _____

2. Marnie, a former prostitute, has stopped prostitution and is now abstinent. Now she works to get street prostitutes off the streets and into a new lifestyle. ____

3. Luka is a virgin but he has decided to have sex when the opportunity arises. ___

4. Sherri and Jamal are engaged and have decided that because they will get married that they can have sex.


5. Lucinda, a teen mother, discusses the consequences of pre-marital sex at school assemblies so that other teens can avoid the difficulties she now faces. She has decided that she will wait until marriage to have sex.


6. A group of boys tease another boy and call him gay. ____

7. Jada finds it difficult to handle the pressure that her boyfriend puts on her to have sex. He says “if you love me, you will do it.” Jada has decided that she will give in to his demands on their one year anniversary. ____

What is Abstinence?

Abstinence is choosing to abstain from (not have) sex until marriage. Sex can be defined as vaginal, anal, and oral.

Abstinence is the only _________________ safe way to prevent pregnancy and STIs/STDs.

Abstinence is a way to reduce or prevent being _________________ or feeling disrespected.

Abstinence is a way to prevent feeling a lack of ___________________ for your own sexuality.

Abstinence is a way to prevent a lack of respect for the ________________ of sex.

WORD BANK: 100%, used, act, respect

Questions about abstinence

 What about all that other stuff that isn’t sex but close (“fooling around”)?

 How do I explain to my boyfriend / girlfriend my choice to be abstinent?

 How do I avoid those things which create a sexual urge?

 How do I find messages that encourage me to remain abstinent? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlJFvxad1_A (sexual healing)

Sexual Decision Making

What is Sexual Decision Making

Sexual decision-making is making choices that relate to one’s sexuality such as determining one’s orientation, determining what gender role one wants to express, choosing a boyfriend/girlfriend, whether or not to date, whether or not to engage in sexual intercourse and _________________________________________________________________.

Sexual decisions are some of the more difficult and important decisions because such decisions have potentially life

altering consequences such as ___________________________________. We must always keep in mind that sexuality is a God-given gift meant to bring us _____________________ to others and sex is a sacred act meant to be reserved for the person we have chosen to spend the rest of our life with. Though the media messages we see tell us otherwise, our

sexuality is not something we should exploit to get something in return and sex is not simply a form of entertainment.

Sexual Decision Making Is An Issue of Life and Dignity

God intended for us to experience the goodness of sex in a loving relationship. Sex in the context of a loving marriage is good because it has the potential to be create a new life, gives a committed couple a pleasurable way to enhance their

love for each other as the couple share their bodies with each other and give to each other. Sex in the context of a

committed and loving marriage enhances one’s _____________________ of life.

God did not intend sex without committed love. Sex outside of marriage has great potential for physical harm including

unwanted pregnancy and contracting an STI. Selfish or irresponsible sexual encounters also have negative psychological/emotional effects including loss of respect for oneself, shame, betrayal, loss of respect for the other, going

against your own values and ______________________.

Part of sexuality is dating and our faith does not discourage dating. However, it is important to recognize that a dating

relationship can be intimate without sex and that sex can actually prevent intimacy (closeness) from developing as the couple focuses too much on sex to the detriment of developing a greater friendship. Dating with an attitude of

_______________________ is not harmful and in fact helps a young person fulfill love and belonging needs because they are able to experience a healthy and caring romantic relationship. Dating with an attitude of chastity also helps a person develop the behaviors/virtues/values that will help them find a life partner and maintain a loving marriage

(covenant relationship).

It is more difficult for people with a minority sexual orientation to discern how to live out their sexuality. The Church believes that same gender sex is not what God intended since it is not procreative. The Church calls people with a

minority sexual orientation to seek intimacy through friendship (philia) and community service (agape). They are called to the single life and religious life vocation.

Premarital/ Extra marital Sex and Morality - What the Church Says

The Catholic Church calls each person to adopt an attitude of chastity. That is to adopt a view and behavior that sexuality is a gift and sex is sacred when enjoyed in the context of committed love.

* The Catholic Church recognizes the act of sexual intercourse between two people as good and sacred when the couple

is in a committed relationship (marriage).

* Sexual union is an expression of ______________ and faithfulness between two people.

* Sexual union belongs within the sacred bond of a permanent and loving covenant commitment - marriage.

* Sexual union allows a couple to give of and share of each other (unitive)and to create new ________________ together


* For people with a homosexual orientation they are called to the single life or religious life vocation as the sacrament of marriage is meant for a man and a woman.

Covenant Relationships

Covenant relationships are a promise between God and a person, between God and a group or between God and a

_______________________. The promise is to be faithful and forever committed to love. Marriage is a covenant relationship. God is part of a marriage because God is the source of love.

Some of the qualities of covenant relationships are…

*working on developing shared values and ________________________ behavior

*____________________________________ love; a kind of love that accepts the person in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, through all kinds of suffering (except abuse).

*appreciation, respect, honest and open ________________________________________

*spending _____________________________ time together.

Irresponsible Sexual Behavior

* Irresponsible sexual behavior is behavior that is harmful or _________________________ harmful to oneself or others.

* Irresponsible sexual behavior is that which is based on force/violence, a lack of information, pressure, pleasure seeking, status seeking, _________________________________, ____________________________________________________,


* Irresponsible sexual behavior is likely to have serious physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual


How do you decide?

* Make sexual decisions according to your conscience, faith and respect based values, and goals for the future.

* Do not make sexual decisions based on guesswork or sexual feelings alone. Sexual decisions should never be made


* Fully inform your conscience – get all the information.

* Understand the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects and risks of sexual activity.

* Decide the meaning you wish sexuality and sex to have for you personally.

* Reflect on and determine what is wrong or immoral sexual behavior (that which hurts or risks hurting yourself or others unnecessarily /both physical and psychological harm).

* Set clear ____________________for yourself around your sexual behavior before you get into potentially “risky” situations (i.e. serious dating, party).

* Adopt an attitude of chastity – respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for the act of sex as a sacred bond between two committed married people. Part of chastity is the decision to remain abstinent until


WORD BANK: life, love, mutually using each other, potentially, curiosity, consequences, while drunk, gaining a reputation, conformity, limits, disappointing one’s parents, marriage, couple, beatitude, communication, quality, unconditional, choosing friends, contracting HIV, closer, quality, chastity


How does the media present sexuality?

In your small groups: discuss the question above and name 3 specific examples of how sexuality is presented in the media (e.g. on {insert movie title, TV show} sexuality is shown to be…).

In your Journal:

What is the consumer culture view of sexuality? How is this different from the

Catholic view?

We don’t have to accept the messages that we get from the media. Explain this.

Sexual Decision-Making Case Study

Dating Case Study Directions:

Read and answer

a) What aspects of the dating relationship were healthy (showed chastity)?

b) What aspects of the dating relationship were unhealthy?

c) How could the couple have included beatitude behavior and other virtues to improve the relationship?

d) How could establishing “limits” in their relationship have helped avoid the problems?

e) How is Ethan’s decision-making influencing his identity? As well what vices is he developing?

Case Study 2: Ethan and Joanie

Ethan and Joanie are dating exclusively. Ethan is 18 and in grade 12 and Joanie is in grade 11. Ethan and Joanie enjoy playing sports together, going to movies, and hanging out at one of their houses. In the first year they developed a strong friendship.

They have some friends in common so they often go out as a group. They have chosen to be abstinent based on their values and their goals for the future.

Recently, Ethan has started to get into heavy drinking and partying with his new friends on the lacrosse team. Joanie goes to these parties too but doesn’t like to drink very much. Joanie doesn’t like the influence of Ethan’s team mates. She asks him to stop partying so much with them. Ethan refuses to stop and tells Joanie that she’s being boring and doesn’t know how to chill out.

Ethan doesn’t think his drinking is such a big deal. He tries to get Joanie into drinking and also pressures her into smoking pot. Joanie gives in once in a while because she thinks she might be seen as the boring girl. Ethan gets more heavily involved in drug and alcohol use. Joanie doesn’t say much and when she does he just ignores her. Joanie notices that some of the other team mates are into using girls and talking quite rudely about their sexual exploits. This behavior really bothers her and makes her feel uncomfortable but she doesn’t say anything. She feels like an outsider and she’s also younger.

Joanie starts to partake more often in the alcohol and drug use too. Joanie’s friends stop partying with Ethan’s and Joanie’s new crowd because they are getting way too into the drug scene. Ethan starts to pressure Joanie to have sex especially when he is drunk and high at a party. She says no but he gets upset and gives her the silent treatment and then ignores her for the rest of the evening.

Ethan’s grades start to slip and Joanie notices. Ethan is 18 and is hiding this from his parents. Joanie thinks she should tell his parents; they are close and deserve to know. However, she doesn’t because she doesn’t want to make Ethan mad at her.

Instead, Joanie tries to help Ethan with some of his homework. She even completes a few assignments for him. Despite this,

Ethan continues to go downhill. Joanie starts to see this more clearly. Joanie’s own friends start to call Ethan a druggie and a loser. Joanie begins to distance herself from Ethan and eventually breaks up with him.

Ethan is very upset. He uses drugs and alcohol even more. Joanie completely ignores him despite their once strong friendship.

Ticket out the Door

How can developing the virtue of chastity (think ABCD) and the practice of abstinence before marriage contribute to a healthy identity. Provide at least two connections between chastity and healthy identity.

A -

B -

C -

D -

Lesson Plan Unit 4 Called to Healthy Relationships (week 16) 3


and 4



What are we doing?



Physical consequences of premarital and extra marital sex formative quiz


Mark the quiz using the answer sheet


Physical consequences of premarital and extra marital sex fill in the blanks using the ppt

Why are we doing it?

Learning Goals:

I will…

* be able to explain two of the physical consequences of premarital/extra marital sex

* connect sexual decision making to health

* be able to explain the effects of the most common STIs

How will I know I’ve worked toward the learning goal? Success Criteria:

I can…

* complete the STI formative quiz and self-mark it

* complete the fill in the blanks using the PPT


– Test your knowledge of the Physical Consequences of PM / EM sex


1. Females are more likely to get STI /STDs than males. _____

2. If you have tested HIV negative, this means that you absolutely don't have the virus. _____

3. Virgins can't transmit STIs. _____

4. Condoms are 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. _____

5. Most people who have an STI /STD know that they're infected. _____

6. Using a condom eliminates the risk of getting an STD/STI. _____

7. If you have herpes or syphilis, you're more likely to get HIV. _____

8. Using a spermicide can increase your risk of getting an STI/STD. _____

9. You can get pregnant if there is ejaculate around the genital area. _____

10. You can develop liver disease from having sex with someone who has an

STD/STI. _____

11. It is legal for condom companies to distribute millions of defective condoms each year. _____

12. The HIV virus is so small that it can easily pass through the pores of a condom, causing the other person to be infected. _____

13. Having an STI can put you at greater risk of being infertile. _____

14. Pre-ejaculate has enough of the STI bacteria and or virus to infect a person.


15. STDs/STIs are on the rise in people between the age of 15-24. _____

Physical Consequences of Pre-marital/ Extra-Marital Sex name: _____________________________ date: ____________________________

One reason the Church warns against intercourse without commitment and love is because there is a high likelihood for physical harm.

Activity: Use the PPT to fill in the blanks

Physical Risks of P.M Sex

Sexually Transmitted Infections or Diseases (STI, STD) are one of the greatest risks to male and female health. STIs are considered to be widespread or___________________________________ (rare, epidemic, unusual). This means that they are extremely prevalent and easy to contract through sexual activity. In 2003, 854,817 people aged

15-49 reported having an STI. T he most common STIs include ___________________________,

________________________________, ________________________________,


(see the rest of the note for answers)

One in __________ (20 , 15, 8) people aged 15-29 has an STI.

STIs may present symptoms of pain and infection (pus). Sometimes there are no visible symptoms.

> Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

• HPV is the world’s most common sexually transmitted infection.

• It is estimated that __________ (50%, 10%, 75%) of Canadians will have at least one HPV infection in their lifetime.

• It is often referred to as a ‘silent’ infection as most cases are asymptomatic meaning without

_____________________ (problems, symptoms, cure). When there are noticeable symptoms,

HPV appears as warts or bumps on the genital area. They must be burned off with a laser.

• HPV is transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sex as well as skin-to-skin contact.

• HPV can cause skin warts, genital warts, pre-cancerous lesions and lead to certain types of cancers such as ________________ (breast, lung, cervical) cancer in females. And _______ and

___________ cancer in both males and females (liver, mouth/throat, anal, stomach).

Note: the HPV vaccine does not protect against many strains of HPV.

> Chlamydia

• Chlamydia is the most _________________ (rare, common, deadly) reported STI in Canada.

• Close to 63,000 cases of Chlamydia were reported in 2004.

• __________________ (10%, 25%, 60+%) of Chlamydia cases present no symptoms. People may carry the infection for many years without knowing and pass it on.

• From 1997 to 2004, rates in males more than doubled, while female rates increased by 57%.

• Females account for over two-thirds of all reported cases. Two-thirds of all reported cases are

in the _________________ (young teen age, late teen to college age, adult age) age group.

• Serious long-term health consequences are attributed to Chlamydia including infertility, chronic pelvic pain and ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy can be a life-threatening medical emergency.

NOTE - The high incidence of STIs, especially Chlamydia, has become a national public health concern. Studies have shown that having an STI such as Chlamydia increases the transmission and acquisition of HIV infection if having sex with an HIV infected individual.

> Herpes

• Herpes is a _______________________ (viral, bacterial, parasitic) infection that causes recurring painful sores on the genitals. It cannot be __________________ (cured, treated, prevented) because it is a virus.

• Herpes is passed by skin to skin contact. This means that ________________ (chastity, condoms, abstinence) are not highly effective at preventing the transmission of Herpes.

• Common to have 6 or more outbreaks per year for the first 2 years.

> Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

• A total of

2,300 and 4,500 new HIV infections occur in Canada each year, though many of these are not reported right away. From the start of testing in November 1985 until the end of December

2007, there have been 64,800 positive HIV tests reported to CIDPC (Centre for Infectious Disease

Prevention and Control).

• In Canada in 2005, approximately __________ (30%, 10%, 5%) of individuals with HIV were unaware of their infection.

• The average time between HIV infection and AIDS is ____________________ (10, 5, 20) years.

HIV becomes AIDS and leads to immune system failure and eventually death. Since HIV is a virus it cannot be cured only managed with very expensive drugs.

CURRENT HIV/AIDS STATS for Toronto – compiled and researched by Dr. Robert Remis, Dept. of Public Health sciences U of


* Prior to 1996, females comprised 14% of HIV diagnoses in the age group 15-29, whereas in

2007 this proportion was 36%.

* The average age of infection has dropped from 32 years in 1982-1983 to 23 years in 1986-2007.

* Sexually Transmitted Infections increase the chance of contracting HIV. When a person with an

STI is sexually active with an HIV infected partner, they are more likely to contract HIV because of the inflammation caused by STI.

Could It Be an STI/STD?

Bacterial STIs/STDs



Infects 4 million per year in the U.S.


Infects 718,000 per year in the U.S.


Infects 31,000 per year in the U.S.


Women : Most women (75%) show no signs. Some may have slight vaginal discharge, pain during urination and sex, and/or frequent urination, low abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, fever, bleeding between menstrual periods

Men : 50% of men do not show symptoms. Some may experience discharge, itchy feeling in penis, mild urination pain, or infection of anus or throat

Women : Most women show no signs, some may have thick, cloudy, or bloody vaginal discharge, urination pain, frequent urination

Men : thick yellow-green discharge from the penis, penis pain, pain on urinating

Men and women : rectum may become infected - pain, bleeding, and discharge. Throat may be sore

Stage 1 : painless sores that can last 3-6 weeks and disappear, swollen glands, and skin rashes

Stage 2 : rashes, new sores, flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, muscle pain

Stage 3 : severe and irreversible damage to body


Women: infertility, infected cervix, pelvic pain, PID, ectopic pregnancy, arthritis

Men: infertility, arthritis, eye infections, urinary infections


Curable with antibiotics

Surgery may be needed if PID has developed.


Body Fluid

Women : sterility, PID

Men : sterility, swollen testes

Men and Women: heart, brain, and liver infections, arthritis

Curable with antibiotics, though some strains are resistant

Surgery may be needed if PID developed

Skin, bone, heart, brain disease

Dementia, blindness, paralysis

Lung and liver tumors, death

Curable with antibiotics

Body Fluid


: a new strain, dubbed H041, has proven resistance to the last remaining treatment option available, cephalosporins, a fourth generation class of antibiotics.

Skin-to-skin contact

Viral STIs/STDs


Human Papilloma

Virus (HPV, genital warts)

Infects 6.2 million per year in the U.S.

Genital Herpes (HSV)

Infects 1.6 million per year in the U.S.


Nearly 98% of HPV strains are asymptomatic. A few strains cause visible warts that occur on the vagina, penis, urethra, cervix, throat, or anus

Women : stinging, itching blisters and sores in genitals, fever, headache, painful urination, vaginal discharge

Men : Stinging, itching blisters or sores on penis, fever, headaches, painful urination


Cancer of the cervix, vulva, penis, vagina, throat, or anus. Warts may reappear throughout life

Treatment Transmission

No cure

Most infections are cleared by the body after 1-2 years

Skin-to-skin contact

Skin-to-skin Can spread even without apparent sores

Outbreaks occur throughout life, especially when under stress

50% unaware they are infected

No cure


Infects 40,000 per year in the U.S.

Maybe symptom-less for 10 years, some may feel sick two to six weeks after infection

HIV destroys the immune system and leads to AIDS. The result is death.

No cure Bodily fluids

REVIEW THE QUIZ – Test your knowledge of the Physical Consequences of PM / EM sex

Explain the answer

1. Explain why females are more likely to get STI STDs than guys.


2. If you have tested HIV negative, this always means that you don't have the virus.

Explain why this statement is not always true.

8. Using a spermicide can increase your risk of getting an STI/STD.

Explain why this is true.


9. You can get pregnant if there is ejaculate around the genital area.

Explain why this is true.____________________________________________

10. Having an STI can put you at greater risk of being infertile.


3. How can virgins (P and V) transmit STIs. _________________________________________

11. Why is the withdrawal method a risky method of preventing pregnancy

5. Most people who have an STI /STD know that they're infected.

Explain why this statement is false.

12. What does this statement mean “STDs/STIs are epidemic especially in the 15-24 years age group.” _______________________________________________________________________


13. Explain why HPV is a serious health concern for both males and females.

6. Explain how using a condom does not 100% eliminate the risk of getting an ______________________________________________________________________________

STD/STI. ______________________________________________________________________________

7. If you have herpes or syphilis, you're more likely to get HIV.

14. Explain why HPV, Herpes, and HIV are not curable.


Explain why this is true.
