sex plo

 Choose their personal values in light of the love revealed by Jesus.
 Relate the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle to their ability to maximize
personal potential
 Understand the human body as sacred, regardless of appearance.
 Respect physical, bodily change as integral to God’s creation of us.
 Respect the sacred gift of human fertility.
 Evaluate healthy and unhealthy attitudes to the human body and physical
 Define and discuss the importance of sexuality and sexual attraction as gifts
from God;
 Consider chastity in view of the relational meaning of God’s gift of sexuality.
 Develop decision-making and assertiveness skills which protect and promote
 Explore the issues of sexual attraction and sexual decision-making in the
light of chastity and the consequences of pre-marital sexual activity;
 Describe how sexual decision-making is guided by the virtue of chastity, with
a particular focus on identifying the physical, emotional, social and spiritual
consequences of pre-marital sexual activity
 Describe effective and appropriate responses to bullying, discrimination,
harassment, and intimidation (e.g., recognizing discrimination when it occurs,
encouraging communication and empathy, promoting responsibility and
accountability, speaking up on behalf of others, identifying support services)
 Describe skills for avoiding or responding to unhealthy, abusive, or
exploitative relationships (e.g.,assertiveness skills, refusal skills,
communication skills, accessing help and support)
 Value the basic dignity of every person within relationships.
 Be open to forgiveness and reconciliation in healing relationships.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the skills needed to resolve conflict in a
Gospel-centred manner;
 Articulate the qualities which are essential to the building of healthy
relationships, with a particular focus on the positive impact of intimacy and
 Propose strategies for building and maintaining healthy interpersonal
relationships (e.g., effective communication skills, effective expression of
emotions, setting and communicating personal boundaries)
 Respond with awareness and Christian compassion to the HIV/AIDS crisis.
 Describe practices that promote healthy sexual decision making assess the
short-term and long-term consequences of unsafe sexual behaviour (e.g.,
unplanned pregnancy,sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS,
negative impact on future goals)
 Explore the effects of HIV and its potential stages of infection;
 Explore aspects of the family life cycle (including marriage, birth, raising
children, children leaving home, old age, death), as well as the impact on
families of premature death, separation or divorce, and the situation of
blended families;
 Explore the meaning of respect for life from conception until natural death