ATTACHMENT 1 CL…….City Leadership & Management MEETING NOTES OF PROGRAM PANELS 1. Regulatory 2 2. City Development 3 3. Environment 4 4. Roads, Footpaths, Access and Flood Mitigation 5. Culture and Leisure 7 6. Community Care 8 7. City Leadership and Management 9 ATTACHMENT 1 CL…….City Leadership & Management Meeting Notes of Regulatory Program Panel 20 June 2005 Members: Councillor Chiang Lim Councillor Pierre Esber Sue Stewart, Senior Project Officer - Land Use and Transport Planning Stephen Kerr, Manager - Development Services Rodney Sutcliffe, Program Manager - Ranger Services Wayne O’Connor, Manager - Health and Environment Les Green, Program Manager - Environmental Protection Rachel Trigg, Place Manager Woodville - Outcomes and Place Attendance: Clrs Lim & Esber, Steve Kerr, Les Green, Sue Stewart 1. Main Outcome from the Meeting: The main outcome from the meeting was feedback on the performance of the program panel after its first 12 months and discussion of the performance of the program at the March quarterly review. 2. Notes of Discussion or Agreements: For the March Quarterly review, the main points noted for the Development Control subprogram were the 25% reduction in DA numbers and consequent downturn in income. However, staff vacancies of 3 building surveyors and 2 town planners have meant some savings in salary costs. DA processing times are reducing. Approximately 80% (up from 65%) of DAs are ‘Mums & Dads’ DAs, rather than more complex DAs for apartments & townhouses etc. There was some discussion about the Dept of Local Government comparative figures for DA processing times for 2003/04 that were recently released and showed Parramatta Council having the highest mean processing time. Steve Kerr explained that this was partly due to a group of DAs with exceptionally long processing times that skewed the figures. He also explained that good progress is being made to clear out these DAs and improvements to processing systems to reducing processing times. The main item of interest from the Enforcement sub-program was the parking meters project. Tenders have closed for a provider of meters for the Parramatta CBD and North Parramatta areas. Other areas are performing ongoing services. A new Supervisor of Tree Management is currently being recruited. The status of the Management Plan was briefly discussed, with 12 submissions having been received and a report to Council 27 July recommending that no changes be made as a result of these submissions. There was some brief discussion about the performance of the program panel after its first 12 months in operation with both Councillors expressing some satisfaction with coming to understand more about the regulatory program. The written survey was filled out by both Councillors who expressed the desire to keep the panel format as it is and to remain on the same panel to be able to consolidate the knowledge that they have been acquiring. Councillor Esber expressed a desire to revisit the staff teams in the two sub-programs and it was agreed that both Councillors will be invited to the August meetings of the Managers/Team leaders in both areas. Steve Kerr & Les Green will advise of the meeting dates so that an invitation can be sent out. ATTACHMENT 1 CL…….City Leadership & Management On the subject of statistics collection and reporting, an update was given by Steve Kerr. Masterview, which enables the on-line tracking of DAs commences 1 July, as does Discoverer, which enables the electronic generation of reports relating to DAs etc. Les Green provided Clr Lim with some updated statistics for the Rangers and Parking enforcement areas. It was decided the time for future meeting will be the third Tuesday of the month at 8am. 3. Cross Over Issues from Other Panels: There were no issues raised for other panels to consider. 4. Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 19 July 2005 at 8.00am. CL…….City Leadership & Management City Development Program Panel Meeting Notes Monday 20 June 2005 5.30pm to 7.00pm ATTACHMENT 1 Attendance: Ann Martin, Amanda Kearney, Councillor Julia Finn, Councillor John Chedid Meeting commenced: 5.30pm 1. Reviewed the March quarterly review. 2. Ann discussed the Management Plan. 3. Economic Wellbeing Strategy – this item was requested to be carried over to the next meeting . Ann handed out a show bag to both Councillors with all three strategies included and have asked both Councillors not to look at these items until they have seen the presentation which will take place at the next meeting. 4. Future Meetings. It was discussed that future meeting would be much more practical if the time could be changed so the meeting can commence at 6.oopm. This gives both Councillors the opportunity to travel to Parramatta and arrive on time. 5. Date and agenda for next meeting is set for 18th July 2005. 6. Other items discussed: Councillor John Chedid mentioned that his Council pass card does not allow him access in the lift above level three. He was advised to speak to HR to correct this problem. Councillor John Chedid requested a copy of the CBD Shuttle Bus project brief. Review sheets were handed out to both Councillors to fill out their comments and feedback with regards to their thought on how the program panels are working for them. Both Councillors filled the sheets out and handed them back to Ann Martin. ATTACHMENT 1 CL…….City Leadership & Management Environmental Program Panel Notes of Meeting No. 10 Monday 20 June 2005 12.00pm – 1.30pm Granville Town Hall Present: Maureen Walsh, Councillor Tony Issa, Councillor James Carey, Environmental Outcomes Manager Les Green, Service Manager Environment Wayne O’Conner, Manager Environment and Health Marcello Occhiuzzi, Manager Land Use and Planning Apologies: Tony Walker, Senior Project Officer - Place Manager East Standing Items in future agendas Review Meeting Notes Priority Topic Discussion Environmental Well Being Strategy update NO. ITEM Welcome 1 Review Meeting Notes (Meeting 9) 2 Quarterly Review 3 RDS and the Environment 4 Environmental Wellbeing update 5 Program Panel Improvement 6 Next topic Discussion Future Priority Topics - Community Gardens - Greenhouse Gas Reduction - Improved processes for obtaining funding, including S94 Plan - Cycleways DISCUSSION ACTION None Actions identified in Meeting Notes None undertaken – Management Plan comments incorporated – Community garden added to future agenda – RDS discussion in this agenda - Discussion on the results of the None Quarterly Review. An update on the Waste contract provided by Manager E&H. - Marcello Occhiuzzi provided a none summary of the RDS and how environmental factors such as transport, flooding and open space are to be addressed - James gave update on Wellbeing strategy – workshop to be held with Councillors in July to update Councillors discussed the key priorities of the Panels, what they liked and explored areas for improvement. See summary below none Comments to be compiled from other Panels for future discussion. Community Garden as next topic for Meet at Town Hall but discussion go for a walk and look at potential site for garden ATTACHMENT 1 Overlaps Date and Agenda for next meeting. 7 8 No discussion Next Environmental Program Panel to be held on 18 July 2005 in Granville Town Hall from 12:00pm to 1:30pm. CL…….City Leadership & Management None None Key points from Discussion on Program Panels - good way of sharing information assisted in developing and prioritising budget initiatives assisted in developing trust between staff and Councillors has resulted in not knowing as much about what is going on in other Panels Improvements: - Have joint meetings of 2 or more Panels - Determine topics that are common across Program Panels - Explore joint topics where other Programs impact on the environment (eg stormwater, roads) - Bringing people together should allow more ideas and greater learning CL…….City Leadership & Management ROADS, PATHS, ACCESS AND FLOOD MITIGATION PROGRAM PANEL Meeting Notes – Monday 20 June 2005 ATTACHMENT 1 Present: Councillor C Worthington, Councillor O Jamal, Sue Stewart, Mike Messner, Rod Cook Item 1. Notes from previous meeting Comments None available 2. Standing Reports – Committees Reports to 27 June Council Meeting: - PTC - Rawson Street carpark time restrictions Discussed program highlights -Clr Worthington Question: Charles Street Extension o Status of funding o Status of design o Request to finalise design Clr Jamal Question: Urgent Works Account o Requested details Operating budget – breakdown of: o Employee costs o Material costs o Contracts o Other Councillors Worthington and Jamal completed questionnaire Next meeting RCook to present: o 05/06 Projects list o Works by Ward o Works coming up 18 July 2005 11.15am to 12.30pm Councillor Jamal: Urgent Works Details o Carried forward 2005/2006 PAMP Program o by Ward Councillor Worthington: Binalong/Bulli Roundabout under construction o Telstra pit asbestos Bungaree/Bulli Intersection o Status as a blackspot Traffic Signals Fitzwilliam/ Binalong o Relocation/modifications (Reynolds) Rebecca Parade Winston Hills o Existing development – rubbish cleanup Community News – Current projects on a Ward Basis 3. March 2005 Quarterly Review 4. Program Panel – improvements 5. Future Agenda Items 6. Date and Agenda Next Meeting 7. General Business Items Action Clr Worthington requested minutes be provided in a timely fashion Received and noted RTA – Nil funding 05/06 R Cook to advise R Cook to advise R Cook to provide information R Cook to provide information Complete R Cook to provide information R Cook to provide information R Cook to provide information R Cook to provide information R Cook to provide information M Messner to investigate R Cook to advise R Cook to advise R Cook to advise W O’Connor R Cook to investigate ATTACHMENT 1 CL…….City Leadership & Management Culture and Leisure Program Panel Notes of Meeting Monday 20 June 2005 5.00pm – 7.00pm L7 Darcy Street Present: Cr Anita Brown Su Cram, Senior Project Officer – Place Manager Arthur Phillip Robert Love, Director Riverside Theatres Tom O’Hanlon, Manager Open Space and Recreation Roger Henshaw, Manager Information and Libraries Apologies: Cr Lorraine Wearne NO. ITEM Welcome 1 2 3 4 DISCUSSION Program Manager Financial Management attended for item 1 March Quarterly Managers provided an update on key Review projects. It was suggested that a summary of income as well as expenditure be included in the Quarterly Review. In relation to the Management Plan – questions were raised about the projects that were not successful in being included this time. It was suggested that the full project listing that was developed through the program panels be saved and the information used to assist with the process in future years. Management A brief update was provided on Plan update questions, feedback and submissions to the draft Management Plan relating to the Culture and Leisure Program. Opportunities to The meeting reflected on the key improve Program priorities established for program panels Panels and a questionnaire was circulated to Crs. An annual meeting of all panels was suggested as an opportunity to present the work of the panels. For the Culture and Leisure Panel it was decided that the July panel meeting would be held at the upgraded Granville Pool and at Emma Crescent Library in September. Ideas for future agenda items included opportunities to discuss topics in more detail such as policies and MoUs, innovation and ideas. A list of potential topics was started for inclusion as potential future agenda items. Next meeting Granville Pool Monday 18 July 2005 5:00pm to 7:00pm ACTION None None Forward suggestions None Forward suggestions July meeting to be held at Granville Pool Collate list of future topic ideas ATTACHMENT 1 CL…….City Leadership & Management Meeting Notes of Community Care Program Panel 20 June 2005 Present: Councillor Paul Barber Councillor Brian Prudames Susan Gibbeson, Senior Project Officer – Social Outcomes Rod Cook, Manager Technical Services Mike Messner, Manager Civil Operations Vikki King, Manager Community Services & Development Neile Robinson, Place Manager - Outcomes and Place 1. Main Outcome from the Meeting: The main outcome from the meeting was feedback on the performance of the program panel after its first 12 months and an overview of the proposed restructure of the Community Development Unit. The March quarterly review for the program was also discussed. 2. Notes of Discussion or Agreements: Overview of Community Development. Vikki King outlined the proposed changes to Community Development that will be put before the Consultative Committee. There was clarification of some points, particularly regarding access to services. It is noted that this review only relates to Community Development and not Home Support or Children’s Services. It is also noted that the Aboriginal Worker position will be retained. All other positions that are currently attached to a community target group will now become positions focussed upon increasing the capacity within the community. Management Plan A brief update was provided on questions, feedback and submissions to the draft Management Plan relating to the Culture and Leisure Program. Quarterly Review There were no budget variations in the quarterly review. There were no matters of concern. Review of Program Panels It was felt that there may be some need to discuss service delivery needs; however, this could be a different mechanism. Discussion regarding the loss of the Service Committee of Council as this was the forum for consideration of service provision in this field. Issues raised The issue of being able to follow up decisions of Council related to this program was discussed. Councillors make decisions but do not always know what has occurred or progress of the implementation. In particular, the following issues were raised for follow up. (a) Ranger at Lake Parramatta – current status of this project. (b) Childcare centres – is it possible to specify the number of places for each age group? Can we specify what zoning they can go into? Can we specify how large the centres are as the applications for the 80 place centres cause considerable community concern due to impact on residential areas. 3. Cross Over Issues from Other Panels: There were no issues raised for other panels to consider. 4. Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 18 July 2005 at 3:30pm. ATTACHMENT 1 CL…….City Leadership & Management City Leadership & Management Program Panel Meeting Notes - Monday 20 June 2005 at 5pm Attendance: Clr Paul Garrard, Clr Andrew Wilson, John Neish, Ross Coggan, David Dekel, Richard Nankivell, Andrew Woodley, and Simon Watts Apologies: Gayle Sloan Notes from previous meeting: 18 April 2005, accepted as accurate. Quarterly Review March 2004/05 1. Discussion of the $1.18 million overspends in the CL&M Program area. RN explained that the major issues included: workers compensation claims from previous financial years ($353K), allowance for redundancies ($250K), implementation of the salary system ($300K), and the tsunami donation of Council ($90K). There was an additional major works variation ($405K) for the acquisition of a property in a flood affected area. 2. Discussions on a variation of revote policy for the 2005/06 financial year. The GM outlined his preferred position that revotes be much smaller in 2005/06 than in previous years. Panel members agreed with this in principle and Councillors Garrard and Wilson expressed concern about this area and asked for improvement. 3. Economic Development projects funded under the special rate were discussed. Interest was expressed in understanding the PEDP annual program of works and a request was made to identify any opportunity for joint PCC/PEDB projects. 4. S94 reserves were discussed – particular interest was expressed in the old reserves which amounted to $3 million and were raised for parking and traffic related matters. The question was posed as to whether or not any of this may be utilised for Civic Place. The GM expressed the need for the use of these reserves for upgrades of Council’s multi story car parks, and associated directional street signage. The GM further advised that Council is currently seeking legal advice on the use of these funds for the proposed park and ride facility. Management Plan Submissions 1. Six submissions were received and seven verbal submissions were made at the public meeting. This is up from one submission in the previous year. The bulk of the public meeting submissions do not focus on or request alterations to the Management Plan. Results of the resident panel survey indicate 55% support for the rate increase among respondents. Recommendation: that the Lord Mayor write to State MPs seeking their support for Council’s rate increase submission (actioned 21/6/05). Next Meeting: 5pm, 18 July 2005. Draft Agenda: the new Unit Plan Tool (SW), the Ideas to Action Framework, Office of the GM issues including: 04/05 Internal Communications Plan, Councillors Support Arrangements, and the Internal Auditor’s Paper on ‘Performance Review’ and the new Quarterly Review Template. Simon Watts, Program Coordinator