REGULATORY COMMITTEE 27 JUNE 2014 REGULATORY COMMITTEE A meeting of the Regulatory Committee was held on 27 June 2014. PRESENT Councillor Hogg (Chair), Councillors Bunn, Carling, Dunlop, Fitzpatrick, Mrs Forster, Halton, J Hannon (substituting for Councillor Lanigan) , Jackson, H McLuckie, Moses, Smith and Spencer OFFICIALS A Conti, E Dale, E Garbutt, L Holt and A Miller, APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE was submitted on behalf of Councillors Carling, Fitzpatrick, Halton, Jackson, Lanigan and H McLuckie. 15. DRAFT SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE SPD. The Director of Regeneration sought approval of the draft Sustainable Drainage Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the purpose of public consultation. RESOLVED that the draft Sustainable Drainage SPD be approved for public consultation. 16. LOCAL PLAN PUBLICATION The Director of Regeneration sought approval of the Local Plan for publication and its submission to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public. He circulated a summary of the key issues and changes to the Local Plan. RESOLVED that Regulatory Committee agrees the recommendation that Cabinet recommends the Borough Council approves the publication, and subsequent submission to the Secretary of State, of the Local Plan. 17. 5 YEAR HOUSING SUPPLY – UPDATE. The Director of Regeneration reported that the Cabinet Member for Highways, Planning and Transport announced at the last meeting of the Borough Council that we can now demonstrate that we have a 5 year supply of housing land, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework. This was based on up to date evidence and the strategy set N/DemServs/Minutes/ 12/02/2016 15:18 REGULATORY COMMITTEE 27 JUNE 2014 out in the Local Plan Publication. :-NOTED. N/DemServs/Minutes/ 12/02/2016 15:18