Chapter 13 Review Questions

Unit 6 Biomes and Biodiversity
Chapters 8 & 14 Biodiversity Review Questions- These are test review questions for this
chapter. Your test is on Tuesday 2/19. These are from biodiversity notes (powerpoint) we took in
1. Watch Planet in Peril (Part1)- good refresher for you. See website for additional info
2. What is biodiversity?
3. Differentiate between genetic, species, and ecological diversity.
4. How many species have been identified? How many do scientists predict are actually on
the planet?
5. How does the biodiversity of the U.S. compare to other parts of the world?
6. How do we benefit from biodiversity? Be able to discuss each. (#1-4 on ppt)
7. What is biopiracy?
8. What are natural threats to biodiversity?
9. What is meant by the “6th extinction”?
10. What are several human caused threats to biodiversity? Be able to discuss each. (A-F on
11. What’s the biggest reason for current extinctions?
12. How does habitat fragmentation affect biodiversity? Remember picture on PPT about
habitat fragmentation.
13. Who is the biggest exporter of endangered animals?
14. Who is biggest importer of endangered animals?
15. Be able to discuss stories of why animals are endangered, why they are so sought after,
how are they being protected, why some of these methods don’t work.
16. What is the “conundrum” with ivory trade, elephants, villagers, and preservationists?
17. How have pollutants like DDT and Lead caused problems in ecosystems?
18. How does genetic assimilation affect biodiversity?
19. Hunting and fishing laws are designed to mainly protect what type of animals?
20. When was Endangered Species Act (ESA) established?
21. Differentiate between endangered, threatened, vulnerable
22. What are the provisions of the ESA? (there are 3) How could ESA work to protect
marine species?
23. What are the problems with the ESA?
24. What are recovery plans? What are some problems with recovery plans? What are some
success stories?
25. Why don’t private land owners like the ESA? What is meant by the phrase “shoot,
shovel, and shut up”?
26. What is the theory of island biogeography? According to Wilson’s theory where would
the largest species diversity by found in relation to the islands location to the mainland
and its size? How does this relate to species diversity and health?
27. What is the debate between individual species protection and habitat protection?
28. What is CITES? How would CITES work to protect aquatic biodiversity?
29. What are the economic impacts of the ESA?
30. How are zoos important to species survival?
31. How can zoos help in habitat preservation overseas?
32. What is the species survival plan?
33. What are germ plasm banks? What are botanical gardens? Where is one locally?
34. Make sure you have read Chapter 14. Pay close attention to section 14.3 Stories told by
the Grizzly Bear and Bison. Also read A Closer Look 14.1 page 264 and A Closer Look
14.2 page 273. Read Case Study Threats to Major World Fisheries from chapter 14.
35. Biomes Chapter 8 and projects- know general characteristics, threats, conservation
efforts of each. Coral Reef, Temp. Deciduous Forest (p.153), Tropical Rainforest,
Deserts, Temperate Grassland (p.154), Savanna (tropical grassland), Tundra (p. 152),
Temperate Rain Forest (p. 153).
36. Why are wetlands important?
37. Why is preservation of estuaries so important? What are the major characteristics of
38. How are aquatic ecosystems altered by people? Make sure you know & understand
39. What are the major threats to coral reefs ( See the handout on Coral Reef Fishes including
the calculations )
40. Review the Ecological Impacts of Fishing packet & fishing stations for the following
info: Advantages/disadvantages of fish farming, stock status, maximum sustainable
yield, pros & cons of various fishing methods.