Review Guide - Cathy Wilkins` Biology Pages

APES Review Support For Formal Test #3 on Chapters 4,5,7 & 8
1. Review all italicized vocabulary.. You can download from my website Go
to the textbook cite and select the correct chapter and glossary.
2. Considering Chapter 4 Biodiversity & Evolution: Pay attention to the title.
What is biodiversity and why is it important? Exlain how speciation occurs. Understand
Natural Selection- How do climate change and geological processes influence
3. What is species diversity and how do we differentiate between species richness and
4. What roles do species play in maintaining ecosystems? KNOW the stories of
Aligators, Golden toad, Gray and Arctic Fox, Sea Otter,Ch4….
Endangered Species- White Rhino, Mt Gorrilla…
Cockroaches, monarch butterfly, clownfish, Ch4
Re-visited in Chapter 9- Extinct species-6th Mass Extinction…
Passenger Pigeon, Golden Toad, Dodo Bird…HIPPCO
5. What do endangered and threatened species have in common Ch9 check out animals…
Why should we care? Why is biodiversity impt.
6. Invasives.. Why are they a problem, Case studies chp 9 page 199
-know brown tree snake, Zebra muscle, Gypsy moth.. many with similar stories.
7. Chapter 5 K species vs r species. Species reduce competition page 107 symbiosis,
commensalism, mutualism, commensalism, resource partitioning,
8. Ch 5 Population dynamics, intrinsic rate of increase, biotic potential, environmental
resistance, Carrying Capacity,
9. Succession; Primary and secondary- life is dynamic. Climax communites are
continually challenged. Pioneer species, inertia, persistence & resilience.(pg 119)
10. Chapter 7-Climate and Terrestrial Diversity Terrestrial Biomes..
Know difference between weather and climate
Wind and water move by convection- driven by changes in temperature
currents driven by prevailing winds. Pg (143)
Note handout Biomes determined by climate
Vegetation determined by climate and precipitation. Know Climate Zones and Biomes by
climate, dominate vegetation, soils, fauna.
Estuaries, characteristics, nurseries for life! Characteristics of intertidal zone pg 169
11. Chapter 8- Water Planet- Zones of Ocean- Zones of freshwater ecosystems. Vocab
Photic zone, littoral zone, plankton zooplankton, abyssal zone( deepest)- how do
organisms get their energy.
Open Response… Biodiversity with a focus on A species
Understand and be able to analyze Characteristics of Endangered(threatened species)
and/or Invasive Species. What are the biological requirements, niche, ways to
manage…… each and every…. One will be selected!